coming from my SimuCube2Pro I tested by brothers Fanatec Podium DD1 setup and tried to set it up to replicate the same feeling I get from the SimuCube2. He seems to be overdriving the car a lot.
I drove a few laps, fiddled with the settings, but ... what I was struggling with is
Secondly the wheel feels very heavy in a wrong way, where it feels like... stirring dough really. Hard to describe. But it feels less responsive / too meaty with less fidelity somehow. The overall amount of FFB strength feels okay though.
Could you please do me a favor and share your setting in the DD1 / DD 2?
Especially interesting if you managed to dial those things out / in.
Much appreciated.
P.S.: I could post my SC2 settings if that helps!
coming from my SimuCube2Pro I tested by brothers Fanatec Podium DD1 setup and tried to set it up to replicate the same feeling I get from the SimuCube2. He seems to be overdriving the car a lot.
I drove a few laps, fiddled with the settings, but ... what I was struggling with is
- getting a good indication for front end grip loss (strength FFB high -> low)
- loosing that overall "dough stirring" feeling
Secondly the wheel feels very heavy in a wrong way, where it feels like... stirring dough really. Hard to describe. But it feels less responsive / too meaty with less fidelity somehow. The overall amount of FFB strength feels okay though.
Could you please do me a favor and share your setting in the DD1 / DD 2?
Especially interesting if you managed to dial those things out / in.
Much appreciated.
P.S.: I could post my SC2 settings if that helps!