AITorqueStab alternative?

Does anyone know what other parameters I could edit so that the AI still can be shunted as easily as my car while not wobbling around the track? Feels like I'm chasing my tail here editing the above, along with track AIWs and car HDCs and the AI cornering grip in the PLR files.
I am using AITorqueStab=(1, 1.25, 2) .HDC files. It is from Race 07. Find it still punish too much bumping but doesn't allow the Ai to bump you of the track while they continue unharmed.

Annoyingly the shunting happens again in Oschersleben, particularly with the GT cars. I know I'm in a Lotus Elise, but this is getting ridiculous. Seems like the Stab values for Race 07 isn't enough in GTR 2.
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With "TextCrawler" you can change the value for all cars in less than a second so easy to play around with values to find a value that suit you.

Tun on multiply cores with "Process Lasso" or similar app.

Also if you have a mid to fast computer special the CPU.
Another thing that might help are to remove the ?? from the following entries in the .hdc files

//FeelerOffset=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) // offset from cg to use
//FeelersAtCGHeight=1 // whether corner and side are automatically adjusted to CG height
//FeelerFrontLeft=(1.003,0.384,-2.554) // front-left corner
//FeelerFrontRight=(-1.003,0.384,-2.554) // front-right corner
//FeelerRearLeft=(1.003,0.384,2.586) // rear-left corner
//FeelerRearRight=(-1.003,0.384,2.586) // rear-right corner
//FeelerFront=(0.064,0.384,-2.639) // front side
//FeelerRear=(0.064,0.384,2.587) // rear side
//FeelerRight=(-1.039,0.384,-0.247) // right side
//FeelerLeft=(1.039,0.384,-0.247) // left side
//FeelerTopFrontLeft=(-0.478,1.540,-0.298) // top front-left
//FeelerTopFrontRight=(0.478,1.540,-0.298) // top front-right
//FeelerTopRearLeft=(-0.652,1.511,2.323) // top rear-left
//FeelerTopRearRight=(0.652,1.511,2.323) // top rear-right
//FeelerBottom=(0.064,0.249,-0.247) // bottom

And increase AIMinPassesPerTick= to 6-8. Some say you can use 0 and it will use as many as the cpu cycles allow?
Haven't really tested that clam fully!
This AIMINPassesperTick = 6 or more helps a lot, was my experience !
Thanks Bjame Hansen for this.

//FeelerRight=(-1.039,0.384,-0.247) // right side
//FeelerLeft=(1.039,0.384,-0.247) // left side
//FeelerTopFrontLeft=(-0.478,1.540,-0.298) // top front-left
//FeelerTopFrontRight=(0.478,1.540,-0.298) // top front-right
//FeelerTopRearLeft=(-0.652,1.511,2.323) // top rear-left
//FeelerTopRearRight=(0.652,1.511,2.323) // top rear-right

If we activated the "Feelers" with 15 for example, was this the best ?
There a the old ISI-Engine Bug FeelersRight and left to correct the position:

FeelerLeft=(1.039,0.384,-0.247) // left side
FeelerRight=(-1.039,0.384,-0.247) // right side

Was the AI behavior better ?

In GSCE for Example i think, that they use Feelers = 0

and have a good AI-behavior.
//FeelerRight=(-1.039,0.384,-0.247) // right side
//FeelerLeft=(1.039,0.384,-0.247) // left side
//FeelerTopFrontLeft=(-0.478,1.540,-0.298) // top front-left
//FeelerTopFrontRight=(0.478,1.540,-0.298) // top front-right
//FeelerTopRearLeft=(-0.652,1.511,2.323) // top rear-left
//FeelerTopRearRight=(0.652,1.511,2.323) // top rear-right

If we activated the "Feelers" with 15 for example, was this the best ?
There a the old ISI-Engine Bug FeelersRight and left to correct the position:

FeelerLeft=(1.039,0.384,-0.247) // left side
FeelerRight=(-1.039,0.384,-0.247) // right side

Was the AI behavior better ?

In GSCE for Example i think, that they use Feelers = 0

and have a good AI-behavior.

Think there was a car or two where the "- " was missing.

I do believe it works recall back in the day some people even add a little width and length to the feeler 0.1-0.2 and claimed it worked even better ?
Tend to lose patience when testing things and changing several things at the same time. Which isn't very smart but :whistling:

Have not seen a Reiza made car in GSCE with an open HDV file?
Thanks for reply Bjarne,
I compare only with my rfactor installations, there also F-Retro for example.
GSCE cant run now, because my Play-Sim-PC has Hardware-Failures.

So - i went back to my older GTR2 and rF Ancient PC .

- Yes, Feelers in correct Following and compare the + or -, this must be "logical".
The width and length to the feeler increase a little help also for any "AI-Problems-Mods" (ISI-Engines).

Changing one Thing and then testing will be the best result, of course.

It will be fine to get the "Reiza-Developement - Secrets and Bug-fixes" to rF, GTR2, GTL and so on.


If the Parameters to high, in my opinion the AI-Cars drive to "straight" without over-understeering.
I experiment with the Suspension-AI-Parameters, to find a Agree-Level ?
Great thread, guys. Good ideas taking hints from subsequent rF1 engine-based games and retrofitting them on older titles that didn't quite have it nailed down yet.

I tried the same thing recently with AMS1 PLR FFB params to GTR2.
Think there was a car or two where the "- " was missing.

I do believe it works recall back in the day some people even add a little width and length to the feeler 0.1-0.2 and claimed it worked even better ?
Tend to lose patience when testing things and changing several things at the same time. Which isn't very smart but :whistling:

Have not seen a Reiza made car in GSCE with an open HDV file?
So, is there a way to find out which feeler values were missing a minus?