//FeelerRight=(-1.039,0.384,-0.247) // right side
//FeelerLeft=(1.039,0.384,-0.247) // left side
//FeelerTopFrontLeft=(-0.478,1.540,-0.298) // top front-left
//FeelerTopFrontRight=(0.478,1.540,-0.298) // top front-right
//FeelerTopRearLeft=(-0.652,1.511,2.323) // top rear-left
//FeelerTopRearRight=(0.652,1.511,2.323) // top rear-right
If we activated the "Feelers" with 15 for example, was this the best ?
There a the old ISI-Engine Bug FeelersRight and left to correct the position:
FeelerLeft=(1.039,0.384,-0.247) // left side
FeelerRight=(-1.039,0.384,-0.247) // right side
Was the AI behavior better ?
In GSCE for Example i think, that they use Feelers = 0
and have a good AI-behavior.