Hello i am looking for a rolling starts app/mod that emulates a pace car type system would be useful for immersion purposes even GTR 2 and ACC and project cars 2 has such a thing out of the box.
Ah that makes sense then it's essentially designed to be the ultimate F1/touring car game whilst GTR 2 and ACC/rfactor2 is the game for endurance racing thank you for the explanation Dave this really confused me so many different versions of the FIA ruleset lol.I dont know where it is located and what the name of the app is but there is something I saw on a facebook page that is used for online racing leagues with AC to do rolling starts and control cautions, etc. You may have to do an online search for maybe Online Rolling start app for Aassetto Corsa. I think it is just a light controller app for green Caution yellows, etc.
I have never seen it or tried to use the app.
But there is nothing currently for offline single player mode like RFactor 2 or AMS2.
AC was basically designed for International standing starts for F1 racing, etc.
Sol brings the game really up to modern standardsIn fact, Assetto Corsa seems at the start to have been meant more Hotlap than really pure racing.
At the base and even after different years with regular updates, AC always missed pure racing features:
- rolling starts
- manual pitlimiter
- a real penalty system ( else than keep under 50 km/h on track !? and finally jump start penalty )
- except GT3 cars ... rather difficult to find original KS cars perfectly matching each other
- no night - no rain
etc .... etc....
( ACC on the contrary has them all )
This more "hotlap" meaning seemed rather clear to me since AC beginnings.
NB: many features were created by modders afterwards ... but some cannot be created perfectly as pure rolling starts or safety car for example.
But let's be happy with it as it might be the last game with modding support !!!!
Modders made of AC what it really is nowadays ... but even without all those features, original AC was perfectly made at the start and with its updates to allow all those mods.
That's very rude to call the devs lazy just because their feature list is different from what you wanted.Sol brings the game really up to modern standards
for me i really enjoy it with it they did what the devs were to lazy to and added some very important features that were missing
night racing for example.
@ stereo i apologise and have edited the commentThat's very rude to call the devs lazy just because their feature list is different from what you wanted.