Anybody else running into UI troubles?

Hey guys, for the last few weeks or so I've been running into an issue that happens fairly regularly but more or less cripples the game. It acts as though there's an arrow key (or multiple arrow keys) that are being held down when in reality there is no input. I've pored through the settings to no avail. Is this an isolated thing or have others had this problem?

While I'm here, some tracks (at least when combined with the Formula Ultimate) don't seem to want to lead a ghost in the Time Trial leaderboards; going through the process and clicking on the user/lap has no effect. I haven't done much investigation, though.
Your wheel is also capable of scrolling the menu, so make sure it is dead-centre before entering any menu screens. If you're on control pad, adjust the deadzone of the sticks.

I appreciate the input, I haven't noticed any real consistency when it comes to this but I will definitely try to find any patterns I can with regards to wheel position and the "glitch"
I get the "flashing" menus and cannot input on many occasions. I usually have to restart the game. I'll see if my wheel is causing any problem there. Thanks. It's been like that since early access, so it may be me.