Error code:
Failed operation: `device->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &texture)`, error: 0x887a0005, device removed: 0x887a0006
File: source\dx\dx_step_tex.cpp
Function: dx_step_tex
Line: 39
Last lines before crash:
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Texture involved: dumping description…
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Size: 128×128, 1 mips, 1 in array
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Format: 61, no multi-sampling
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Usage: 0
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Bind flags: <num D3D11_BIND_FLAG: 101000>
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | CPU access flags: <num D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG: 0>
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Misc flags: <num D3D11_USAGE: 0>
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | ERROR | Failed operation: `device->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &texture)`, error: 0x887a0005, device removed: 0x887a0006
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | ERROR | Unexpected error: Failed operation: `device->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &texture)`, error: 0x887a0005, device removed: 0x887a0006
File: source\dx\dx_step_tex.cpp
Function: dx_step_tex
Line: 39
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | ERROR | Crash! Trying to generate nice dump: 000000211051DBC0
2021-12-23T23:53:42:994 [01256] | INFO | Create dump at: C:\Users\maijj\AppData\Local\Temp\u1jo.0
Gigabyte 980 ti (runs 40-50c)
i7-6700k stock
512GB sata ssd
No problems in other games
Symptoms: Game crashes between 5second-4 minutes in game. It rarely leaves any error codes. The window goes "invisible" but the steering and ffb stays normal and audio too. You can hear and feel when you crash like normally but you only see black or invisible window. it does this with EVERY map EVERY CAR
What have i tried?
-Latest Nvidia drivers, and 3 older ones. Removed with DDU
- No afterburner or Rivatuner. Nothing overclocked
- Vsync, different resolution, low-max graphical settings
- No PPfilter, doesnt affect
- CSP has no effect, still crashes if you have it or not the same way
- Used Nvidia control panel to force AC to use 980ti.
- No fps issues otherwise
- Clean install of AC
- Remove SOL
- No artifacts etc
- Different control settings
- Fullscreen or windowed
-Fresh Dx install
- Different versions of CSP
Everything i have mentioned, wont have any effect to the crashing. Above is only error code i got to log when playing SRP. Crashes on every map on every car, even the vanilla ones. I dont have any problems in other games with this setup, and i have all required dX and all that stuff installed. Im not running any X.M.P on my memorysticks. Im sorry about my bad grammar, since im not native speaker and currently writing this after 6 hours of troubleshooting at 3 o'clock night.
Failed operation: `device->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &texture)`, error: 0x887a0005, device removed: 0x887a0006
File: source\dx\dx_step_tex.cpp
Function: dx_step_tex
Line: 39
Last lines before crash:
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Texture involved: dumping description…
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Size: 128×128, 1 mips, 1 in array
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Format: 61, no multi-sampling
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Usage: 0
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Bind flags: <num D3D11_BIND_FLAG: 101000>
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | CPU access flags: <num D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG: 0>
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | WARN | Misc flags: <num D3D11_USAGE: 0>
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | ERROR | Failed operation: `device->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &texture)`, error: 0x887a0005, device removed: 0x887a0006
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | ERROR | Unexpected error: Failed operation: `device->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &texture)`, error: 0x887a0005, device removed: 0x887a0006
File: source\dx\dx_step_tex.cpp
Function: dx_step_tex
Line: 39
2021-12-23T23:53:42:993 [01256] | ERROR | Crash! Trying to generate nice dump: 000000211051DBC0
2021-12-23T23:53:42:994 [01256] | INFO | Create dump at: C:\Users\maijj\AppData\Local\Temp\u1jo.0
Gigabyte 980 ti (runs 40-50c)
i7-6700k stock
512GB sata ssd
No problems in other games
Symptoms: Game crashes between 5second-4 minutes in game. It rarely leaves any error codes. The window goes "invisible" but the steering and ffb stays normal and audio too. You can hear and feel when you crash like normally but you only see black or invisible window. it does this with EVERY map EVERY CAR
What have i tried?
-Latest Nvidia drivers, and 3 older ones. Removed with DDU
- No afterburner or Rivatuner. Nothing overclocked
- Vsync, different resolution, low-max graphical settings
- No PPfilter, doesnt affect
- CSP has no effect, still crashes if you have it or not the same way
- Used Nvidia control panel to force AC to use 980ti.
- No fps issues otherwise
- Clean install of AC
- Remove SOL
- No artifacts etc
- Different control settings
- Fullscreen or windowed
-Fresh Dx install
- Different versions of CSP
Everything i have mentioned, wont have any effect to the crashing. Above is only error code i got to log when playing SRP. Crashes on every map on every car, even the vanilla ones. I dont have any problems in other games with this setup, and i have all required dX and all that stuff installed. Im not running any X.M.P on my memorysticks. Im sorry about my bad grammar, since im not native speaker and currently writing this after 6 hours of troubleshooting at 3 o'clock night.
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