Thanks for the input Goffik I appreciate it.
I just wasn't sure if the game was worth it in general over all, compared to what I already have.
Maybe I will take the plunge and buy Automobilista 2 + 2020-2021 Season Pass
I am also considering the value proposition.
For me its 50 to get the rest of the dlcs
This is not me trying to spend your money. Its just any or all advice - so let me go over it with a fine toothed comb for your circumstance.
This could be you. Short version is all up its 250 to buy in terms of steams value bundle. The pass is 120 iirc and 30 or something for the game. Local currency and I go over the conversion soon.
easy. it may be in my best interest to spend 50, they get a chunk of change and I get value, which is better for everyone IF I play it, than just giving them 15 bucks.
This absolutely compares favorably to something like raceroom or ACC - rr can be 150-200 to buy and AMS2 is kind of next-wave or is trying to be.
We don't say plain assetto corsa because its dirt cheap - and people wonder why its got so many players, its been cheap as, it seems, for years. Its also no where near as good, but I do like it.
I picked up A/corsa for 12 dollars - everything, ever (not mods) on sale.
Rfactor2 I got for 10 dollars or 20, and AMS1 i think I paid 10? was that on sale, because I remember spending 30-40 and getting 3 titles.
AMS2 is definitely worth way more than that. And remember in 2020 the stocks improved for these games, and the value went up - I made my purchase early on in all this.
While it may seem like you are paying more, truth is, you are getting more. Company's understand this - they raise the price 10 dollars but try to give you 15 dollars value to make you feel like its worth it (our brains work strange like that)
With your situation in mind I will take a look.
I am by no means their number one salesman I am only going on my reasonable consideration and having spent a lot of money on sims.
No regrets with something like raceroom, here, well over 150, maybe not 200, so take that for what its worth considering their pricing model I think is lousy but I personally do not mind the more human side of it (guys consider it a donation) - and this pricing model is way more authentic and honest.
While I felt like I only got a digital good, I did help the company, which should not be my job to do, but I did. Thats on me and was not in the value-prosposition.
So for AMS2 put it from your mind.
This AMS2 title btw just got as good - all the sims 'got good' this year, but the biggest improvement was raceroom and AMS2 - both literally blindsided the public, no one expected that. Everyone expected ACC to do something and was surprised when Rfactor2 did not so much, but still a good showing.
I was in disbelief at the 125 to start with and I think it came down from 140 - truth is, don't look a gift horse in the mouth now, you would be doing yourself and them a big favor.
Last few months I could confidently say if like Goffik said and you see yourself playing it then its a great risk to take.
They just announced another 12 tracks, extending the season pass into next year, and 24 cars iirc.
So if you buy 2 dlc, look on steam for you just now, its 80 bucks AU to get all the stuff. So for US you take away 30% and there is your dollar value.
For EU, you simply divide by 2.5 iirc I deal in these currencies a bit.
For the english - you buggers literally made the whole trade conversion thing, and you divide by almost 3.
So, for 125 you could get the season pass - and
I bet you Renato made it worthwhile.
So that or his people did. There's tiers as we all know, that above, and then you could do the individual packs and you come out at 60 for example. You could get two of the 4 things on steam for about 30.
But if you do the season pass, because I would say get hockenheim or spa or both, just be aware there is more dlc coming. So maybe not everything next year is in the season pass, but you can see you will probably end up saving money.
Not as egregious as something like a Paradox game. And we all know they do it because more revenue=better. You may never get back to buying one particular thing. And if you look at it from the other way - as in you know you will play it all (the quality seems to be there as of December to justify a thought), then with 10% off [here] at the moment, its well worth it.
If you can abide the outlay of the [converted] 125 to your currency
However, if you want to hold off - the value is retained IF you buy just ONE dlc and see what you think a tiny bit later on. But if they are going to do that 12 tracks and 24+ cars thing, and a lot of the cars (but not all are free), it seems to me to be worth it.
I say this, in this manner not to force a purchase, sit on it for some time - but a lot of other titles, when they get good, recently, on steam have increased their price, and AMS2 just got good. But I would think they would want the uptake in popularity (which may take one year to come to fruition for that, given how slow we are to move on these things) than to short term gain from it.
And you avoided early access like me, but also the next 6 months of finding its feet.
And of course take a look over the dev updates they put on, you can do that on steam of course. And like always thats your money - you worked hard for it, and so be careful at how you spend it. But its your money, I am just saying you can disregard any or all of this as you deem fit.
Finally consider this is a racing game - its not fair if we do not consider it against all other forms of entertainment and outside sources.
Its a racing game, so it may not have the legs of an MMO (you may play it for 1 or 2 days then spend 4 on an MMO) or strategy game, or anything else like a sporting event/sport, whatnot. So its going to be great but you will probably not play it as much as some other things. So consider if you are just real keen now, and definitely take some time to mull it over. You could use the money for anything.
So what do? Talked about 3 tiers.
Well I have all the DLC and I bought them as they came out. IF I bought the premium track pack I would get them all for 50.
If I want all future stuff I would pay 120 to get everything into next year. as per his/their dev diary/update.
Or you could buy one or two of them, probably one only, dlc to retain the value should you purchase the season pass.
As a test: If thats the case then the answer is yes, you should buy it from a
value perspective; but you do not have to hold yourself to that decision either way.
The way it stacks up is they made it good value and if you intend to play it, then its an excellent proposition. You will end up saving some money I bet at this stage compared to myself or anyone like that, as an example. So from my point of view, when you could spend 100 or so on raceroom, it stacks up. Right now its clear the title is going to be excellent in some manner.