Bunch of questions...

Feel free to answer any of the following. Didn't want to make separate threads for all of these.

1.) Want to clarify something with regards to brake bias. If the brake bias is say 70%, that means that it is 70% biased towards the front wheels, correct? I'm coming from PC2 on the PS4 and they label their bias differently and want to make sure I understand how it is handled in AC.

2.) Is it correct that not all of the GT3 cars have ABS. I noticed the 911 GT3 doesn't and a Vantage GT3 mod I downloaded doesn't have it either and want to make sure the file didn't get corrupted or something. I know the EGT cars I bought from URD don't have ABS, but I researched EGT cars and read that is normal. Real life EGT cars don't use ABS.

3.) Is tyre wear on mod cars dependent on the mod developer or is that all handled by the game? Seems most of the stock Kunos cars have far less tyre wear than a lot of the mod cars I've tried. Got me thinking wear was determined more by some .ini file in the mod car folder.

4.) Trying to understand all the Lighting_FX options in CSP. I'm trying to get the lights to extend out further because I noticed while driving and in replays that cars not very far in front of me are very dark. So i've been looking at the Ranges section but don't get what 'Increases when far, from' and 'Increases when far, to' mean exactly. If I wanted to get my headlights effect to extend further out, which of these two options should I adjust, assuming these have any impact on how lit up the cars ahead of me are? And if it's not handled by the ranges, which option should I adjust to get my lights to extend further?

Thanks for any answers. I may dd to this as I think of more things...
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1) In AC's physics files we specify total brake torque and split %, so in this case "70%" means 70% of the total available braking torque is applied to the front.

2) What are GT3 cars? :p

3) Really depends. It's all defined by ini and LUT files, so it's up to the modder. Many modders use Kunos tires, though.

4) Not my department.

5) Go for it!