F1 2018 Cannot move camera in photo mode?

F1 2018 The Game (Codemasters)
Hi i have a strange problem - i cannot move the camera in photo mode. Last year in F1 2017 i could do it on wheel or even on keyboard. But in F1 2018 no matter what controller configuration i choose or make new i cannot move the camera.

When in photo mode, all the icons in the UI have buttons under them so you know what to press. But the camera movement icon doesnt have any buttons under and i cannot move it anyhow.

Keyboard is working for changing stuff in the UI, but i cannot move the camera so i cannot use the photo mode at all and it is very important for me.
Can someone help? thanks a lot
I'm unfortunately suffering the same issue as well. Cannot figure out for the life of me the camera movement key. It must be a key binding selection, but what one? Is it a trigger, bumper? I'm not too sure.

Hopefully someone figures this out.
so i spent hours trying to figure this out and i somehow managed to do it. I tried different combinations of configurations, i tried making new ones, i tried editing existing ones, i tried edit keyboard config and change the driving options to the wheel and nothing helped.
Then i tried editing the "Thrustmaster F1" config (i have thrustmaster t300RS so i was using the Thrustmaster T300 option before and it didnt work) and suddenly it is working and i can use the wheel for racing and keyboard for camera movement in photo mode.
I have the F1 rim on the wheel so i should have tried that option earlier but i was automaticaly going for T300.
I have the same wheel as you and the same problem. The keyboard keys W,A,S,D don't work at all and my wheel allows me to rotate side to side and up or down, but not forward or back. Can you elaborate on how you edited the F1 configuration to work?