So, I really do like how the game feels and do want to say that the devs have done a good job..The only real issue being how forgiving the back end is and that can be fixed by keeping the TC at around 6 or 7..This is sort of a wish list and for all i know it could already be in game but i dont think it is in this or any other game..That being said, would it not be great if certain setting especially Aerodynamics were dynamic..Which is to say, in most sims if you add a click of aeros it gives you more grip at the cost of speed..what if this was on a dynamic scale like the faster you go the more grip you get plus more speed lose..Let me explain, right now 1 click of areo gives you 1 unit of grip, -1 unit of speed..if it was dynamic, you could say at speeds 0-75 you get .5 unit of grip with only a .25 unit of speed 75 to 150 you get .75 unit of grip with like a .5 unit of speed lose..and above 150 it is back to 1 unit of grip for -1 unit of speed..why this would be so great is it would allow for a more realistic setup considerations...on slower tracks it would help to have more aeros because the speed lose would not be as much as on a fast track, which reflects reality...its just an idea i came up with let me know what you think...