Fast path help needed

I understand when setting a fast path on the AIW that it has to be fast to a certain extent but if anything smooth.

I've read from some posts that it can be slow & fast as you like as the AI adjust it themselves. I have a couple of questions.

Can I ask what cars people use to set the fast path?

Is that correct that a lap can been extremely slow?

I can't seem to drive the Skipbarber & have been using an LMP1 which I'm questioning whether it's the car I should be using.

Any advice appreciated.

I used to drive slowly for all the paths using the Skippy in swingman. The only issue you would sometimes have (haven't done .aiw for a number of years so may be changed now) is if you redid the fast path it had to be quicker than the one already recorded or it wouldn't register. The fix was to manually delete the time from the .aiw.