Hi. The force feedback on this game was perfect until last night. Started the game and now there is none even after reconfiguring it. Any help would be great. Thanks.
You may have already done this, but delete the various config files in your Automobilista 2 folder within Windows' Documents folder. These settings are used by both the Beta and EA version of the game. Also, for whatever reason, you may have to recailibrate your controller twice within AMS2 to get it to save. I've done this after each Beta and/or EA update posts and controllers and FFB have worked without issue.
If you are on the beta branch (not the public early access version), they apparently introduced some kind of bug to FFB yesterday and will be rolling it back (possibly already done so - I don't have access to beta, so I only go by what I see mentioned by others).
(And if that is the case, then you really should be reading the beta forums, as it has apparently been discussed there.)