Misc Formula E VRC data fix

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I don't understand why OP couldn't just upload the data.acd, how does the sound influence the physics? Did you even get this to work? Because I didn't.
data.acd was encrypted, have to create a new folder to bypass. Original data was way to old. I've tweak some down force level, power output and gears. Clearly it's just a data update with some improvements, you still need pay vrc for kn5 model.
Same sound, animations.... Think for data mostly the same. Reported and deleted soon.
Original data was way to old. I've tweak some down force level, power output and gears. Clearly it's just a data update with some improvements, you still need to pay vrc for kn5 model. It's nothing wrong to improve car physics. Don't act like hypocrite. If you like the original physics just suit yourself.
So just because you didn't include the kn5 it's okay to upload the rest of the assets? Are you actually serious?
Clearly it's just a data update with some improvements
Yes "clearly" lol. How come not one but two of your uploads contain the ripped sound bank from the VRC car.
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