I'm trying to race on black cat county, launching it from the content manager. I am receiving this error
Error might have something to do with:
AC\pitcrew.cpp (60): PitCrew:itCrew
AC\pitstop.cpp (380): PitStop:itStop
AC\sim.cpp (667): Sim::Sim
AC\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen:ostRender
AC\game.cpp (181): Game::onIdle
AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
Error might have something to do with:
AC\pitcrew.cpp (60): PitCrew:itCrew
AC\pitstop.cpp (380): PitStop:itStop
AC\sim.cpp (667): Sim::Sim
AC\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen:ostRender
AC\game.cpp (181): Game::onIdle
AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup