Is motion blur important?

Hi guys.

Motion blur is a camera effect and it is does not occur with human eyes. Right? So from interior view while driving it is not that much important. But how i set ac and csp settings to have motion blur only in replays for more realism?
Motion blur is a camera effect and it is does not occur with human eyes. Right?
Actually, wrong.

When you move your eyes, they move in quick bursts and the brain doesn't "record" while this movement occurs in what is called "saccadic suppression" or "saccadic masking". This removes motion blur from your vision when moving your eyes.

If you move your head while fixing your eyes in place your vision will blur, or if you stare at a fixed point while for example a train goes by or you wave your hand in front of your face, the train or hand will blur.

While driving a car, there may be some blurring in your peripheral vision, probably depending on how fast you go. You vision will also blur over hard bumps (eg curbs) or if the car is bouncing.
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However, since your eyes do the blurring, there's little reason to turn it on in-game.
Yeah, that's my view too. The only exception might be for things like wheels - if you're viewing another car's wheels as you pull up on it, you might see a strobe-type effect where the wheels seem to be rotating slowly (and maybe backwards) which wouldn't happen with real eyeballs viewing a real car.