Locking the Steering Angle to 160?

Can somebody here tell me how to lock the Steering Angle to 160 in the new setup menu?
Every time I try to set it to the value I NEED to use (160) it is reset to the default value shown(364).
I cannot even get to track before it is reset.
The reason I NEED to use this value is because without using legs(injured) my fully handcontrolled wheel HAS to be set to 160 - otherwise Im unable to steer and thr/br the car.

If this cannot be solved its impossible for me to use this game.:thumbsdown:

I have tried different things.
This value cannot be saved with the setup - just like it was possible before this upd.
You can change the value in the displayed menu - but as soon as you as example goes into another dropdown menu in the setup or go on track with the saved setup the value is reset to the default(364)
And you can see this bug as soon as you check the same menu window out again.
Its NOT possible to save the Steering Angle value!:poop:
I have made a short video where I try twice(2x) to save the 140 value.

Thanks @Ross
At least for your compassion.:thumbsup:
Im trying to see if I in some way can get acquainted to this bug.
But where my wheel control before the upd did feel like some wellknown old pair of gloves - its now a pain in the ass.
Where my Raceroom sessions was fun and challenging before they feels now just plain awkward.

What I really dont understand is why the Raceroom devs have faked the setting of this Steering Angle value - when it in fact is NOT changeable.

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: If this bug gets no solution then its time to start my ACC up instead.:thumbsdown:
Oh man beside this pretty irritating BUG!!! the other changes in the setup menus is just great.
I have just discovered that the S3Studios have more or less completely solved the missing laptime problem.:thumbsup:
Its now possible in the Garage menu to display the previous laptimes and some status stuff about them.
Great job guys - so now its even more irritating that the upd have introduced the Steering Angle BUG.
PLEASE S3Studios - correct this BUG!:ninja::ninja::ninja:

Then I will forgive you that you have deleted all my #1 positions on the LBs:laugh:
OK its not only me who have experienced this BUG!:poop::poop::poop:
But since this other guy gets the value reset to another number my guess is that the Steering Angle is reset to some default Windows value.
But why have the S3Studios devs then displayed this menu setting like its adjustable - when it is NOT?:sneaky:
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Recieved a message from one of the Raceroom devs acknowledging that my reporting must be a bug.
Now I can see that they have "solved" this bug by making this value fixed for among others BrunoBs wheel.
Dont know if I should laugh or cry because in the patch note they explain it as this issue is only related to "controllers without wheel rotation".
Im using a SRW-S1 wheel with a modifiable wheel rotation of between 180-360 degre - so...:mad:
When using a controller that has no wheel rotation (such as a gamepad), the Wheel Angle setting in car setup is now properly static instead of appearing to be changeable and then resetting itself.