Logitech G25 wiring help needed

As company is coming for the holiday my wife cleaned the room where I do my gaming. She moved the pedals and the rug they set on, pulling the wires off of the clutch potentiometer.

I have four wires, black and red both with connectors still attached and a green and another black that look like they have been pulled out of a third connector.

Do both of the loose wires go to the same connector and what is the order for the wires to be connected to the pot?
I only know of 3 wires to each pot , The 4 wire is the ground wire, I used this video when pot cleaning was necessary-maybe it can help you,At 0:25 seconds he removes wires...G27-G25 should be the same at the pedal side..
At the very end of the video you will see the wire diagram for all the wires..
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Thanks Stig, that helped a bunch.
There is a black, ground wire that connects all the pedals together, that was the one causing concern. All good now.

My pedals are out of the case and reversed in the base, personal choices and while I did at one time purchase a set of replacement pots, I've never had to use them or ever clean them. That's amazing considering all the dust and dog hairs that float about and into the pedal area.

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