MFD pit widget during pitstop => Mouse arrow invisible?

Hi community,

yesterday I noticed that my mouse arrow is invisible during pit stop, when MFD is brought up.
During yesterday's championship race mandatory pitstop I wanted to adjust repairs, but the mouse arrow was invisible. With a bit of fiddling around I could "see" when the mouse pointer hit the tick boxes to tick or untick them.

Unfortunately I accidentally unticked the tyre change option, which invalidated my pit stop and I also unticked the pit limiter box and got a 30s stop & go penalty on top. Some luck.

Do you guys have the same problem or is it just me?
  • No windowed or borderless mode.
  • Maybe interference with the discord overlay?
  • ...
Any pointers welcome.
Cheers, Rob
Seems like I am the only one with this problem? :O_o:

I tried to deactivate Discord-Overlay and looked for ingame settings. Same also for windowed mode vs. fullscreen. Could it be the Nvidia-driver? I am using 450.12.
Will try and check that.

[EDIT: Checked the GeForce driver, installed latest official 445.87, no change]
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