PC2 Missing Nissan Skyline GT-R R32 Group A Skins?

Hi, I have Project CARS 2 updated to the latest update and I have noticed that some of my R32 skins are missing the Unisia Jecs one and the Castrol one has gone.

Does anyone else have this issue as well?

Forget it. It's alright now. I realized I had a older version of the game i.e before the two skins were removed. So I have two installs of the game now. I have no idea why those two skins were removed from the game though. Strange.
Forget it. It's alright now. I realized I had a older version of the game i.e before the two skins were removed. So I have two installs of the game now. I have no idea why those two skins were removed from the game though. Strange.
Probably licencing stuff. Reiza had a similar problem with AMS a year back. Just guessing tho.