Mouse Steering Bug

Hello, by the way, now I have adjusted my "steering speed" and everything works great, except that sometimes when I get into the car, it seems that the sensitivity increases by itself and the steering wheel starts to work strangely, you have 2 videos below so watch it, it seems to increase without any reason, after that I reset the session and everything works normally? How to solve it?

i have the same issue. Im normaly driving and some times the sensitivity increase for no reason, it last like 2 seconds and then the sensitivity goes normal but at that time 50% of the times i crash and it makes me soo mad. thank god im not the only one with this issue.
Hello, by the way, now I have adjusted my "steering speed" and everything works great, except that sometimes when I get into the car, it seems that the sensitivity increases by itself and the steering wheel starts to work strangely, you have 2 videos below so watch it, it seems to increase without any reason, after that I reset the session and everything works normally? How to solve it?

i found the fix. Go to your mouse software and put your mouse on 500hz, It works perfectly for me. if you arlead have 500hz and still have the problem try with 250hz