New here, premium tutoring session?

Hello, I'm new here and read that the premium subscription comes with a 90 minute tutoring session. I'd like to know more about that and hope someone can share some insight.
Much thanks.
It's called the Premium Driver Academy, and it is regularly run in various sims. It's primarily aimed at those new to sim racing, but can also provide useful tips and tricks for mid-level racers too. A session generally lasts around 90 minutes and involves a small group of drivers (6) and the tutor. Covered in the session are:
  • How to brake
  • How to shift
  • How to accelerate
  • How to corner
  • How to understand the behaviour of your car
  • How to prepare yourself
Well worth taking part even if you think you know what you're doing... after years of sim racing I attended a session myself, and it helped identify my main flaw.
Thanks Ross. Yes I have been into SIM racing/or at least against AI cars for a long time (I still have the same Logitech Momo as when I started years ago...I really need to upgrade.)
I'm certain it will help me a great deal as simple suggestions from fellow online drivers have helped me along the way.
Thanks again!
I am down to attend the EU academy session this evening, and am sorting out the Teamspeak, but when it comes to actually join the academy server, do I look for it in the list of servers within AC game? Thanks.
I am down to attend the EU academy session this evening, and am sorting out the Teamspeak, but when it comes to actually join the academy server, do I look for it in the list of servers within AC game? Thanks.
You'll just join in at teamspeak and then you'll all further instructions :)
Yes, you will see the sever in the list but you'll get the password via teamspeak.