Poor Graphics

I am new to AC and I am struggling with the graphics on PC. Honestly it almost looks like Playstation one quality. I have all the settings on high in the CM video settings and I get around 80fps. When you look at fences and wires that hang across the track they are all jagged for example.
My PC details are:
i7 2600k
16gb ram
Gtx 960 2gb
Samsung 55in full hd TV
The tv is just passed the end of my pedals. Is the TV maybe the issue? Or is there some settings I am missing somewhere. Have optimized all of the Nvidia settings I think. Is there skme particular setting that affects this issue that I am overlooking?
Jaggy textures tend to be due to AF settings, but in some cases AA method can also come into play.

Also, this is what Crash Team Racing looked like on PS1, if your game looks like that you have bigger problems.
i7 2600k
16gb ram
Gtx 960 2gb
Samsung 55in full hd TV
The tv is just passed the end of my pedals. Is the TV maybe the issue?

Your 1080p TV will have a resolution of 40 pixels per inch (PPI). It might be that you are sat too close to it. You could max out the game's anti-alialising & post processing options but I don't think your graphics card could handle it - especially the 2gb vram - without the fps taking a big hit.

If you have a look at the fences and the wires hanging you will see what I mean.
Also while we are at it I noticed this looks bazaar as well - see below is what I get when the tack is loading and you can only faintly see the track.

Ok so now I realise its my AA settings and prob my TV thanks to the responses. Thanks also to let me know the loading screen is fine!
So I need to get the Nvidia settings correct in the driver as the Assetto ones seem straight forward.