Question about the oculus dk2 camera

I'm a total newbie when it comes to VR. I connected everything yesterday and after a lot of sweat and blood it finally worked but of course there is a but. My camera changes position as soon as I leave the track. I tried it in the F2004 and it worked but going back to the main menu throws it right off. Is there a way to lock this ?

Thanks for any help.
You mean that you lose center position probably...

In game you can press CTRL + Space to recenter / reposition. Now what you could do and it would be really handy is mount with JoytoKey a button on your wheel / shifter / button box / controller / whatever to ctrl+space and so you don't have to move in order to recenter. It's really easy that way.
You mean that you lose center position probably...

In game you can press CTRL + Space to recenter / reposition. Now what you could do and it would be really handy is mount with JoytoKey a button on your wheel / shifter / button box / controller / whatever to ctrl+space and so you don't have to move in order to recenter. It's really easy that way.

That's exactly what I mean, all in a sudden I am too close to the steering wheel or too far.
Thanks for the info I will try it out.