Race - All cars have lights on

Running CM and CSP. If I start a race through AC or CM every opponent car has its headlights on and I cannot find a way to turn them off. I am able to turn my cars' headlights on and off but no one else.

Before you ask "what does it matter", I am trying to take photos of cars on the track, not actually race. Having the lights on is not the desired result.

Added an example photo, in the 458 I can turn my lights off..but AI cannot

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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After thorough testing with CM/CSP/SOL and AC directly I was able to determine the weather conditions are now correctly determining when AI should use headlights

On my side, this was not an issue with a specific car. I was having day races and 25 cars were using their headlights for no reason

Attached are my WeatherFX settings and everything is working correctly. If you run a daytime race all of the cars should not use headlights. If you jump into SOL Planner, switch it to night, restart race, all cars SHOULD now be using headlights.

Force AI headlights also works correctly! I used these three cars and ran a day practice and the Jota AI had lights on. Turned off the checkbox, re-ran the races and the Jota AI correctly did not have it's lights on.

This means that with these settings if a car does not correctly use its headlights there is a model issue with that specific car.

For example, the Lamborghini Diablo SE Jota works correctly whereas the Lamborghini Diablo SV does not. If you drive the SV, all lights work correctly. They work in showroom as well. The AI refuses to turn them on.

It would be great to understand why the Jota AI works but the SV AI does not

I have attached a screenshot showing me in the SV with headlights on but the SV AI refuses to comply, while the Jota performs like a champ...because it's a Jota...

Wondering if there is some setting in some .ini that we can change

I tested a few hundred cars and here are the ones that did not automatically turn their lights on even though lights should work

Ferrari F40 Competitione
Ferrari F80 Concept
Lamborghini Diablo SV


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