Racing flags, shift light, explosions on computer system RGB lightning

Anybody here into this kinda thing? I remember years ago when in the iRacing forums, an update was deployed, they updated the sim to exploit some RGB systems including keyboards to show the racing flags, shift lights, etc. flashing colors. I wanted to know if other racing titles have this function and what type of RGB hardware I need to have these effects.

I am planning to build a new PC this coming labor day. So I haven't bought anything yet. I just thought it's nice to have this since I am already at it. Could be nice to have this in other games as well since I saw some videos in the past about playing CSGO and the PC's system RGB flashes lights during an explosion, or shots, etc. Basically, I like it. But I'm not desperate for it. I just want to know since I have this once in 5 years chance of building a PC. I'm never into RGB tbh, but since I can't escape some hardware that already comes with this eye candy, I would like to take advantage of it.

I will make my parts list this weekend once I decided if I need to go down the RGB rabbit hole or not. Thank you for reading and happy racing! Cheers!