rF2 Newbie - Demo adding track + setup

Tobbe Bergman

I managed to get it going for the first time and wonder if there is a quick way to get the settings right for my CSW + CSP V2 ?

How do I set it to default manual shift ? I get the auto all the time ?

Also wonder if it's possible to install Mount Panorama with the demo !

I really appreciate any help

Thanks in advance
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I managed to get it going for the first time and wonder if there is a quick way to get the settings right for my CSW + CWP V2 ?

Assign all the control buttons, pedals, left right steering, shifter and you are done.

Ingame you have:
- FFB multiplier (strength) : I use the "For" setting on my CSW
- Smoothing (dampening for gear driven wheels.) Set it on 0 for your CSW
- min force: I leave it default: 5%

On your wheel:

Sensitivity (SEn): OFF (Is game controlled)
Force feedback strength (FF): 100
Vibration strength (Sho): 100
Drift mode (dri): 0
ABS: 70-90 (Personal)
Linearity (Lin): 0
Deadzone (dEA): 0
Spring (SPr): 0
Damper (dPr): 0
Force: (For): 100-200 (personal)

How do I set it to default manual shift ? I get the auto all the time ?

The demo's default difficulty settings are set for easy controle with gamepad, keyboard, etc,..
With a FFB wheel you can turn off some aids immediately. :)

Options ==> Difficulty level ==> Turn everything off !! except if you want ABS, auto clutch and TC.

Also wonder if it's possible to install Mount Panorama with the demo !

Nope, It's a demo... :whistling:

Very useful hotkey "ctrl-F" : Display your frame rate. (keep it above 60 at all time)
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