Hello everybody, I am posting here because I am experiencing some troubles while modding a car for rFactor. Indeed, I am building a car and I use a mod as a basis (I am adding the car to the mod). And the problem is that when I launch the game in triple screen, it works with every car but mine.
When I say that it doesn't work, I mean that my car only appears on one screen and the two others are black. And I don't understand why. I have looked after every file of this car, and I haven't seen anything talking of triple screens in the .cam, cockpitinfo.ini, .gen and all those files. Maybe it is because I added a folder to those already existing, but if that was a problem the car wouldn't even load I think.
Actually, I am using the car's outside but I am mixing it with a cockpit already existing. Maybe it will work properly once the car will be 100% finished but it's gonna be quite long. So if anyone can give me a solution before this, it would be helpful as we're already using the mod quite a lot. Thanks in advance and see you soon !
When I say that it doesn't work, I mean that my car only appears on one screen and the two others are black. And I don't understand why. I have looked after every file of this car, and I haven't seen anything talking of triple screens in the .cam, cockpitinfo.ini, .gen and all those files. Maybe it is because I added a folder to those already existing, but if that was a problem the car wouldn't even load I think.
Actually, I am using the car's outside but I am mixing it with a cockpit already existing. Maybe it will work properly once the car will be 100% finished but it's gonna be quite long. So if anyone can give me a solution before this, it would be helpful as we're already using the mod quite a lot. Thanks in advance and see you soon !