The skip barber, this is a great car! It is a training car that can not only be fun at all levels but I believe can still be a great tool to help even the fastest drivers. Now to answer your question about whether or not the real car drives likes this: Well ultimately I can't say for sure as I have never driven a skippy in real life. But I have driven a fairly similar car and it could definitely be a little tail happy but the car and setup I was on was not as tail happy as the rf2 skippy is. From what I have read the real one does do everything the rf2 does. Perhaps not quite as aggressively or as easily though. I would imagine it is fairly close though. I wouldn't be surprised if the rf2 one is a little more prone to oversteer but I would expect the same general behavior.
Now this is like the porsche but greatly amplified. Lift off oversteer will get you if you do not control the weight transfer well. You will find that the release of the brakes plays an important role in adjusting the rotation of the car. You can control the direction and rotation of the car with both the brakes and the throttle. You will also find that as you come off the brakes and especially as you turn in you will want to already have at least a little throttle applied to help stabilize the car. Otherwise that back end could easily come around on you.
If there is ever a server up with these and the timing works I would be happy to hop on and drive together again. Just let me know and have fun with the car! Also I have enjoyed watching skip barbers going faster and then later driving this car at Lime Rock.