Unusual problem

When I put the car in gear, the audio disappears. When I give it gas, it is extremely sluggish until I get up to speed and everything starts working fine, including audio. This is ruining my racing and I don't know how to fix it. Can anybody help?
When I put the car in gear, the audio disappears. When I give it gas, it is extremely sluggish until I get up to speed and everything starts working fine, including audio. This is ruining my racing and I don't know how to fix it. Can anybody help?
Sounds like you either need to use your clutch pedal or activate auto clutch in the options.
Sounds like you either need to use your clutch pedal or activate auto clutch in the options.
Yes. The clue will be that the revs drop to basically zero, hence no engine noise (or power! :)).
The other solution is to floor the throttle before shifting into 1st gear (which will work as long as the car is powerful enough and 1st gear isn't too tall).
Through no conscious effort on my part, it's now not allowing me to put it into gear before race start. But one it starts, I can bang it into gear and it works properly, that's a big improvement. I noticed before that automatic clutch icon in the menu was never illuminated even though it was functioning. Now it's illuminated and acting differently by not allowing me to put it into gear sitting on the line. Not sure why it changed. I have verified the files in Steam. At the risk of sounding like a dumb ass, which I probably am, where do I find the drive through option? I've looked everywhere I can think of to no avail. Think it might relate to my problem. Thanks to everyone for your responses!
where do I find the drive through option
I don't understand the option you mean.
If you don't have a clutch pedal, then I think the normal solution would be to sit on the line with the accelerator pedal to the floor and engage 1st gear when the lights go out. I normally do this even though I do have a clutch pedal (and I can't even remember how the automatic clutch setting affects anything :)).
The drive through option makes it where you can jump the light and not get sent to the penalty box and have to wait 20 seconds. I've seen it before and can't find it now. Before I could just sit on the line in gear and just floor it when the lights turned, now it's different. While I can live with it now and have fun, I don't know why things have changed.
where do I find the drive through option?
You mean the jump start penalties setting, which you should set to drive-through to you can engage 1st gear before the lights go green. It should be somewhere in the race session options where you select race length and such. I've been using Content Manager for so long that I have no recollection of the option in the Stock UI.

In Content manager it's on the DRIVE page but only visible when you select a single race or race weekend.