GTC65 Lotus Elite @ Ahvenisto / Cadwell Park / Le Mas Du Clos Tue 14th July

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™

Class: GTC65 Lotus Elite Sprints
Track: Ahvenisto / Cadwell Park / Le Mas Du Clos
Conditions: 15.00 In-Game Race Time
Practice: 15 mins
Qualification: 10 mins
Race: 12 laps
Note1: Click here to read the password and golden rules!
Note2: The RD Sprint Pack and the Elite Skinpack will be used for this event. Both must be installed. Click Here for SprintPackClick Here for SkinPack
Open your hosts file with notepad

With Windows Explorer browse to the folder

Right click the file 'hosts' and select Open or Open With
Open it with Notepad

Make sure you delete all lines containing ""
And just add this line once: ""

Save and close the file and (re)start GT Legends. Thats it.
solved. thank you
Time for the race reports.

Three more fun races, these Elites are a ton of fun to drive, not as easy as they look either. Three interesting tracks, although I found the last track more frustrating with the lack of power of the Elite, I couldn't seem to flick it around those tight turns.
Once again, a terrific group of racers today, and yet again, the results were nicely shared. Three different winners. :)

Ahvenisto: What a cracker of a track, lots of elevation changes.
Qualy P2. Dropped to P3 off the line but re-passed Avi after a couple of laps and chased David hard for the lead, even reduced the gap a few times. Mid race, I must have dozed off and missed a gear change (twice) and spun it (twice). That dropped me into the clutches of Matt and Stuart, who took turns at nipping my heels. The three of us had a great race. :laugh2:
Finished P2. Grats to David.

Cadwell: Yet another tricky track but nicely suited to the Elite.
Qualy on pole (after following Matt and unlocking his secret line :smirk: ). Completely cocked up the opening lap and dropped to P6. Got past David and Stuart when they had a coming together at that nasty dipping chicane. I later let David past with another boo boo, but then had a great battle locked to his rear bumper, till I botched the nasty dipper. We all bunched up (Avi, Matt, David, and I) before it was David's turn to mess up the dipper. I lost ground avoiding him, putting Stuart on my tail again. Finished P4 , grats to Amir this time.

Le Mas du Clos: First time at this track for me, but it seemed nice, except I couldn't work out those sharp turns in the middle.
Qualy P3, but got a bolter of a start for once to jump Matt who seemed to be sleepy this time. David and I swapped paint a few times in lap 1, letting Stuart get that vital break. After a few laps, David spun off behind me, leaving me as the only chance to reel in Stuart up front. However, Stu had the bit between his teeth and slowly pulled away for the win. Grats Stuey. I finished P2.

Thanks all, good fun as usual, I really enjoy these sprint nights with you guys. :party2:
A troubled evening for me: After the last minute fix I was able to join the server after a few attempts. At first there was David's name who kept loading. I exited & rebooted and when I returned to the server the problem didn't occur anymore when David returned to the server.
Ahvenisto: 2nd time I enter this track. It went a lot better then the first time, that's the least I can say :) 2 seconds slower then the rest, but this improved to 1 sec difference after correcting my gearsetting to low. Still I could only chase those who made some spins (Amir :) ) Finished seconds after all you guys, but I had a great time nevertheless.

Cadwell: This is a lovely track in the Elite! The entire first part of the track in 4th gear :D This had to go wrong eventually (for me at least :) )
£Unfortunately as from the moment Abdul entered his name kept loading. As this happened during qualify I just went for the race and didn't bother the constant flashing. Ran the race with a default setup, crashed out after a few laps :( (Concentration completely gone)

Le Mas Du Clos:
After the Cadwell drama I quickly had to run to the shop for some cigarettes to :sweat:. On return (& restart GTL) I noticed I still had Abdul's name flashing. Redownloaded all skinpacks & tracks & retried: no success. A final reboot didn't help neither. Entered Le Mas with apparently hughe lag (first time this happened to me) I didn't notice too much of it, but I know this can be very frustrating for you guys. After Abdul crippled my Elite (due to me lagging :() I exited the server...

I will definitely need to check this before the league event on Thursday. Or it might be due to the skin-pack (which I reinstalled completely so ??) .

Sorry for making such a mess out of it :embarrassed:
That seems strange Kris. Usually the flashing name means a problem of someone trying to enter when the other person is using a skin you don't have installed. Re-installing the skin pack should have fixed it.
Just a wild one, any chance you have another addon skin for the Elite with the same car number as one in the skinpack? Abdul's skin didn't cause problems for any others.
Well, another great night's racing, made even sweeter by Ramon's lobby fix - much kudos to the Wizard for that.

The Elite is a funny old brute, full of contradictory, bad news / good news elements, but I love it, and we rarely have a bad or boring event in it.
It majors on immense chuckability, so I decided to throw together some venues where handling was absolutely key - 3 absolutely blinding tracks IMO - Ahvenisto, Cadwell Park & Le Mas Du Clos.

Race 1 - Ahvenisto

The beginning of this was all a bit scruffy as people were in and out due to various things - implementing Ramon's fix, in my case, Windows Update forcing a reboot and hugely slow startup as the new items were configured...

Once we got going, all the extraneous issues just faded away, and we were into the glorious hilly madness of Ahvenisto. Almost straight away, the Elite gave you a direct choice between short or medium gears, and how you would drive. Short was perfect through about 60% of the lap, giving good pull uphill, better drive through drifted sweeps. Mediums gave you that extra bit of top end through the final straight, and 2nd wasn't so short that dropping down into it for the hairpins immediately threw the arse around. Personally I went for the Shorter gears.

A great battle was shaping up with myself, Amir, Croucher & Avi. There was an especially close piece of driving with Amir & myself through the tighter stuff, the 4 or 5 corners before you pass under the bridge, where we were absolutely neck and neck, side by side, but room being given to keep lines, no more no less - absolutely superb Amir - all the time with Croucher absolutely filling my mirrors. That, right there, is what Elite races are about - the Elite is controllable enough to push it right to the brink without ever worrying that you will hit someone else through unruly behaviour by the car/chassis/engine/tyres.

That 4 way battle slowly dropped off, Avi getting a DQ - not sure what for - and Amir having a moment on (if I recall correctly) that extremely difficult downhill left hander. That left me & Croucher nose to tail (him in front at first I think - correct me if I'm wrong), and we started piling in some very quick laps and reducing the gap between ourselves and Warren, especially with his charity gearbox shenanigans :D. Croucher & I were so well matched over the entire lap, I suspect he was also on short gears. I managed to get past as he drifted just a touch wide in one of the slower corners, and so I took up the charge against Warren (and Dave who we could now see in the distance). Now - I could well be wrong here, but it felt like Warren was on the medium gears, because the gaps was fluctuating intra-lap in all the same places.

I closed up through the mid speed 2nd & 3rd gear drifty bits, as my powerband was better set up for them (didn't need to lift off and so didn't unsettle the rear as much), but in more traditional 2nd gear corners, Warren was able to brake less before changing down and get better earlier drive out of them (mine was too short to drop into without worrying about locking and throwing the rear around), and had more top end in the straight. Absolutely brilliant stuff. Finished P3.

WD to David, thanks to Warren & Croucher for such a good battle.

Race 2 - Cadwell Park

Had a bit of a stinker in the uphill chicane in the first lap, slightly pushing David wide, so I waited off the racing line for David to recover, not knowing he was already at almost full speed down the escape road, but by the time I saw him I was dead last. :doh: :D

Began the slog back - I say slog because everyone's times were so close that virtually no major progress could get made without the help of the people in front having an incident. Went past Kris as he just put a wheel on the grass going up the hill after T1, started closing in on Abdul, who suddenly disappeared (finding out later that his daughter woke up and needed attending to) and i started the long and difficult task of trying to run Warren down. I closed up a bit but didn't really make an impact, getting it down from 6 or sec to just under 2 sec, but wasn't really ever going to catch him. Which didn't really matter that much as it was so satisfying to hammer the elite round here. Finished P5, didn't see who won the race but I understand grats are in order to Amir.

Race 3 - Le Mas Du Clos

A new track to the GTL-ers, but one which I've run a couple of events on in Evo - notably the Minis & the Radicals - and one that I suspected would scale quite well. I think I was right there, the Elites driftability overcoming it's lack of outright pace. Funnily enough, I drove the same sort of lines as the Radical rather than the Mini, even though the Radical was blisteringly much faster than the Mini, and in a completely different league to the little Lotus. The Elite felt superb and I felt pretty comfortable. I expected a top half quali (as I generally do quali with race fuel in), but was surprised (and pleased of course) to snatch a cheeky pole.

Got a good if not spectacular start, good enough to stay in front, though. I could see Warren & David again havign a superb little scrap, but I tuned out and concentrated on trying to drive as neatly as possible, which worked for a change, and soon I had a little breathing space.
After seeing the gap slowly grow over 5 or 6 laps from 0.5 to 3.5, my head started working out what mistake I was going to make, and whereabouts on the track, to undo all the good work.

I managed to keep it going, keeping it neat through the little complex in front of the farmhouse, and not drifting too wide in T1, which just kills the laptimes, and indeed the car if you go too wide, as there are some pretty hard tyres out there ready to inflict damage on the unwary. Suddenly I realised I was on the last lap with a lead, and so I nursed it home for the win.

I absolutely loved the Elite round all these superb tracks, and one thing they all had in common is that brilliant thing where, even though logically you know the laptimes are 1.35-1.45 or whatever, each lap simply doesn't feel that long, it's like seconds, and you glance up at the lapcounter and find out that you're on the 8th lap out of 12. That happened twice to me last night, looking up and thinking "where have all the laps gone?"

A simply brilliant night, thanks to all who took part, it's always good to see an event in the sprintpack skins, and the Elite is such a blast to drive round the undulating and complex tracks.

Magnificent :good:
Just checking the times on the leaderboards and it's really really close.

Ahvenisto - just 0.4 sec covers 6 of the 7 drivers

Cadwell - 0.7 covers 6 of the 8 drivers

Le Mas - 0.7 covers the top 4 , which, when considering it was a brand new track to most, and that connectivity issues accounted for some of the slower laps on there, is unbelieveable.

Again - all of my best times were set in the races, rather than prac or quali

Brilliant stuff, chaps.
My daughter made the decision to remind me who is the boss at the moment. She will soon be 2 months old and already I am taking orders from her. She wanted none of it, no dummy would have worked, no rocker would have worked. She said "No" to father racing in GTL. Oh well I tried. Thanks for letting me join ya guys. Hope to make the next one.
Mate - as excuses go, it's a pretty good one :good: :D

I remember when my two were that age, I know exactly what the kids do to you. It was good of you to try, and we'll see if we can't do a late club for you and a less early club for the Aussies sometime.
  • Matt Crouch

I'm sure you either didn't install or maybe incorrectly installed the second skinpack Kris, both David and Abdul were using skins from it :). David switched to a default skin while you rebooted which is why it fixed itself

Will post some more about the races later - all classics though ;)
  • Matt Crouch

Jar of bisto - This track could have been built for the elite - good combo and close times. I was on the short gears, but I think warren said he was too :wink2:.
Very close race overall. This is the kind of track where you need to be in the gap before its appeared if you want to get past anyone, and I wasn't fast enough in the right places to do that. The gaps just appeared and then went away, but it got very tense in the last couple of laps while I poked around behind :p

Cadwell - Up there with my most practiced tracks ever so I had a good chance in this one. That Dawes character followed me round quali, about 2 seconds after I set the pole time he beat it by a tenth :rain: :p.
In the race however I quickly moved in to first and led for over half of the race... I had this one in the bag, but threw it away in one tiny mistake. I missed a downshift before the short uphil climb and ended up having to do a 360, losing me about 6 seconds, and leading to both Amir and Avi getting past. For the remaining laps I pestered Avi. I was losing a bit of time in the first sector but gaining in the last half of the lap and carrying more speed round some of these turns. On the penultimate turn of the final lap I suddenly found myself in a gap going round the outside of Avi as he went quite slowly and took a tight line round the corner - only partly intentional, but it resulted in me sneaking past to reclaim second place.

Le Mas Du Clos - Done a couple of short events here in Evo but I've always made mistakes somewhere in the deceptive corners. I personally found the elite was nicer here than either the mini or rads, although rads was quite a while ago now. I was on medium gears here - don't know what anyone else was using.
Another race where I was just a tenth off of pole. Not quite such a convincing start though. Somehow while starting my normal procedure got confused and I ended up upshifting into second on the 'Go'. Not a disaster, but leading into the slow left hander with a deceptive downhill braking point I made the old 'looking behind instead of breaking' mistake. One of my favourites. Avoided everyone else but rejoined last. Eventually made it up past Avi for 3rd place.
Well that shows me up for the idiot I am :D - it was weird the consistency of the gaps waxing and waning, though, and I didn't think the lines were that different, but they must have been.

Doesn't really matter either way, it was a blinding race :good:
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