Pantera GTS VS 1972 911S @ Hilltop Club Circuit - Tuesday June 8th 2010

Carlos Diaz

Happily driving a "girly" car


Servername: RD GTL Racing Club
Class: Pantera GTS (Panty with 399HP) VS 1972 911S (Download HERE)
Track: Hilltop Club (Download HERE)
Start Time: 19:00 GMT
Practice: 20 min
Qualification: 10 min (1 timed lap only)
Race: 2 x 18 laps
Note1: Click here to read the password and golden rules!
Note2: The car you will be driving in Race 1 will be listed next to your name in the sign-ups. Please make sure you know what car you are driving in Race 1.

My Setups:


  • CDSlowPanty.svm
    2.4 KB · Views: 294
I had a moment of confusion, ( happens a lot actually) this morning when I re-read the thread and thought I was testing all last night will the wrong Pantera, anyway its OK...I did use the correct one after all. Had a chance to play with the 911 this a.m. and found my lap times are identical to Panty, so from my point of view, it should be a good match Carlos.
Really fun event.

R1: Loved driving the Pantera and gained pole and an easy win after Hora lost it halfway through lap one.

R2: Struggled with the 911 at first, but managed to get a little more comfortable with it late on. Gained pole after a mistake by Hora. In the race Hora went off at the same spot as R1, and I was cruising around in the lead until disaster. First I cocked up the exit of the fast section and had a badly damaged car but still held a nice lead and then one of my automated programs started up (don't usually race Tuesdays) and the game minimised. I heard a crunch and when the game restored, the car was dead. So a double win denied :(

Thanks Carlos.
Great set of races as always carlos.

Race one was a total disaster for me. I liked the 911 and was able to drive it fairly fast but all of that was useless to me after I made a total arse of the start. I got a great getaway, timed it to perfection. I moved right to take a central line and hoped to get some places, alas I managed to snath 2nd and spun the rears. This tipped my sideways and I smacked Gary resulting in him spinning off (really sorry again). After he'd recovered we were both at the back and miles behind. I tried to keep up with Gary and get back though the pack. Had some nice moments and some good overtakes but after half way the tyres were rotten and I ended up losing it in teh fast esses by the pits and hit the ambulance/medical centre place. Car was totalled........

In Stark Contrast to Race 1, Race 2 was a dream. I seemed to really connect with the Panty and got an immense start, I think I gained 5 places going into t1? I was 4th behind a trio of 911's. I decided that I didn't have the pace to keep up so just attempted to have a clean race and bring it home. I was briefly 3rd i think after Horatiu went off on L1, he tried to battle past me in the fast uphill section buy side-by-side wasn't going to work there and he went off again.

I was truly amazed a few laps from the end when he shot past me in the same section as if I was standing still. Especially with the damage he had sustained. I was even more impressed to see he's faught his way back to win. So congrats for that excellent drive.

I was happy just to bring it home 4th without any major calamities. Thanks again Carlos, excellent evening!
Awesome event, it's been a long time since I raced GTL and picking it up with 2 cars that I've not driven before was challenging at first. The Pantera was more of a handful for me, the massive amounts of understeer and snap oversteer were a little much to get used to from the get go. But I've always loved cars with character and the Pantera has a lot of it. Oh and this was my RD debut :).

Race 1: I managed to find some pace and put myself in P2 in qualifying but after a great start off the line I decided it would be too 'easy' to stay on the road so I went for a little stroll in the grass. I ended up dead last and had a lot of work ahead of me so I started pushing hard. After a few laps I was back up into 7th with half the race to go with the podium in sight, so I battled my way to 3rd by the end of it just a second behind 2nd place.

Race 2: Well if this wasn't deja vu I don't know what is. Another great start got me from P2 to P1, Ryan was sticking close to me through the in field so I knew he was going to have a run at me on the back straight, I decided I didn't want to make our lives difficult because of the tricky braking zone so I let him have the inside, but the Porsche having its own bit of character the rear end slid out ever so slightly and clipped the grass. After that I had a few more excursions into a tree and some more into the bushes, I didn't dare look at my front end and just hoped it wasn't enough to slow me. Again I ended up in last position with a lot of work to do. This time though, I wasn't going to settle for 3rd. I started making my way up the field with the entire race ahead of me. The Porsche was VERY fast int he corners and I made every effort to keep my speed up. In the corners the Panteras in front of me didn't stand a chance and I made short work of most, while some I had to work for. In the end sadly I saw Ryan disconnect as I passed his car on the back straight, and it ended up being a battle of the porsches up front. I ended up taking P1 after a hard fought race with a bruised 911.

I had an awesome time in my Debut here, I've really missed GTL and I'm very glad to see such a great number of you participating in these events.

Congrats to all who came, maybe next time Ryan and I can have a battle without me getting the jitters on the first lap.
Great set of races as always carlos.

Race one was a total disaster for me. I liked the 911 and was able to drive it fairly fast but all of that was useless to me after I made a total arse of the start. I got a great getaway, timed it to perfection. I moved right to take a central line and hoped to get some places, alas I managed to snath 2nd and spun the rears. This tipped my sideways and I smacked Gary resulting in him spinning off (really sorry again). After he'd recovered we were both at the back and miles behind. I tried to keep up with Gary and get back though the pack. Had some nice moments and some good overtakes but after half way the tyres were rotten and I ended up losing it in teh fast esses by the pits and hit the ambulance/medical centre place. Car was totalled........

In Stark Contrast to Race 1, Race 2 was a dream. I seemed to really connect with the Panty and got an immense start, I think I gained 5 places going into t1? I was 4th behind a trio of 911's. I decided that I didn't have the pace to keep up so just attempted to have a clean race and bring it home. I was briefly 3rd i think after Horatiu went off on L1, he tried to battle past me in the fast uphill section buy side-by-side wasn't going to work there and he went off again.

I was truly amazed a few laps from the end when he shot past me in the same section as if I was standing still. Especially with the damage he had sustained. I was even more impressed to see he's faught his way back to win. So congrats for that excellent drive.

I was happy just to bring it home 4th without any major calamities. Thanks again Carlos, excellent evening!

Ahhh Tom that was you in the Twisties. Yeah I tried to give you lots of room there I know how much of a handful the Pantera is, but in my generosity I want into the grass and well a nice tree was there to greet me.

Was great racing with you though!
Ahhh Tom that was you in the Twisties. Yeah I tried to give you lots of room there I know how much of a handful the Pantera is, but in my generosity I want into the grass and well a nice tree was there to greet me.

Was great racing with you though!

Indeed it was me. I knew you were faster through that section and I tried to cling on but it is too tight through there to do a lot. It's a shame you went off as it was shaping up for a nice battle. Although, given how fast you were later on I guess it would have been a battle i'd lose.
The boy Diaz pulls another top combo out of his back pocket :good:

Was slightly quicker in the 911 than the Pantera, but the 911 (as was mentioned on TS by a couple of us) seemed to need much more careful attention than the Panty.

Race 1 in the 911 - tried my best to keep things neat & tidy and mostly succeeded - Carlos and then Steve were my targets for most of the race (apart from a brief Haba interlude as Horatiu recovered from his early turmoil with Ryan). Oddly enough the 911 for me seemed to get slightly better balanced as the fronts got a bit of wear on them, so I was able to be pretty consistent at my pace, but that was a fraction slower than the gaggle of DelTomato drivers in front of me. The "S" is a far more enjoyable drive than it's default big brother RSR, imo.

Race 2 in the Pantera - In the first lap or two, had a bit of a stinker with Lenno - he got a good run on me out of the left hander going down the hill towards the pits, and had the inside line, but as he cut in front of me to take his line through the corner, he encountered a much slower 911, and we had to do some rather more vigorous braking than was expected. The Panty, even though - like the 911S - it's more accommodating that it's default bigger brother, doesn't react well to sharp inputs like that. Unfort, we bumped, side to side, and not a huge impact at all, but it impaled him on the end of the pit wall. Sorry again, mate :frown: . After waiting for G., I managed to crack on, closing on a very smooth looking Jack, who jumped out of the way even though it was for position. I know you fear being a roadblock Jack, but if you're in a position on merit, don't be so polite for your own good that you compromise your race too much, mate :good:

Ended up chasing down Tom, and closed from 10sec down to about 4sec on no less than 3 separate occasions ( 1st time I touched the grass, gap went back up to 10 sec, 2nd time I came across slow traffic in the twisty bends section and had to back right off to avoid a smack, gap went back up to 9 sec, 3rd time I got it down to about 2 sec and promptly ran out of laps :D)

Thanks for another belting event, Carlos :good:

It's probably no secret that we're looking at a GTC72 League for Season6 of the RDHGP - indeed Carlos's recent events may have even given the more Nancy Drew of you a clue of what cars we're looking at.

Based on these recent events, the GTC72 Full Field events we ran and the testing Carlos & I've been doing, it could end up being one of the closest groups of vehicles we've ever had.
Ended up chasing down Tom, and closed from 10sec down to about 4sec on no less than 3 separate occasions ( 1st time I touched the grass, gap went back up to 10 sec, 2nd time I came across slow traffic in the twisty bends section and had to back right off to avoid a smack, gap went back up to 9 sec, 3rd time I got it down to about 2 sec and promptly ran out of laps :D)

I was blissfully unaware of your struggle, I looke dback occaisionally adn saw you but I figured you were just holding a gap, not yo-yoing around lol. Unlucky for you, I'd have liked a nice battle in the Panty, the race was a litlte quiet for me.
Please no worrries Tom and Stu,raced you both plenty enough now to know how we all rolls innit,clearly just one of those nights where whatever place i was in at certain given times,panned out to being the wrong place at the wrong time,did enjoy the 911 a bit,but the Pantera was rotten,never "got it" at all.

Thank You Carlos & RD
I really liked this track/car combo Carlos, as I said in previous post, for me they where pretty evenly matched. Although it is a fairly short track, it seem to drive like a longer one and its simple layout is highlighted by all kinds of interesting corners and features with several good overtaking areas. :star:

Race 1, Started mid-pack managed to keep the Panty on track for the first couple of laps moving up as others ran into trouble. Then I had my first off at the hairpin and when I puled back on Gary and Horatiu where right there and nudged by me at the start of lap 3 or 4.

After that I had and interesting time holding off Tom for a few laps, eventually he passed me, but by now his tires where going and I could see the his Porsche was not happy. I was able to keep pace with him and re-pass around lap10, finished 8th.

Race 2...Had another good start from mid pack and had a front row seat for Gary's pit wall smack.( ouch) Then, got caught gawking and narrowly avoided hitting Stu as he was moving off the line to wait... Next lap saw Horatiu's Porsche careening through the trees, now up to 5th.
I think I need to post a giant sign over my screen in flashing lights that says stay focused and drive. Instead, I slid:sleep: off at the pit wall right-hander and gave Jack 5th!...I took up the chase, but Jack was in good form and I was not able to get by before being overtaken by Stu, Carlos, and Hans who just tipped and spun me at the hairpin ( thanks for waiting Hans )

In the end attrition gave me 7th...this is a very cool track:cool: Carlos, would definitely like to see it again.Thanks for putting together another entertaining event and Congrats to Ryan and Horatiu on their wins, and also Bob on the double podium!:beer:
Great evening again ,Carlos surprising us every time with a good track-car combo:good:

How ever never did race with both of them,if I get a free choice not take a Porsche ( a bid to tricky for me) bud in ofline practice I had good fun with the 911S al do I realised there is a small line between right or wrong ,one wheel on the grass is enough to sent you off;
an that was what happens in race 1 ; after a good start from p7 was between the "big boys" in t1 even get Steven with his Pantera ( not for long) after 5 -6 laps hit the grass get off avoid some trees but there was a control tower in my way an he wont step a side so hit him an the guy on top not even looking at me or say sorry ,so suspension off big smoke end of race,watch the race from the pit at they end Jack with a heavy burning Porsche on his way to the finish with big clouds of smoke over the track :cloudy:.

Pantera race 2 , Had a tricky start from p10 a Porche in front want go from his place so go a round him scarring some guys behind me but nothing bad happens I think get through the first laps with Philip in front try to get him but tipped him so both off Sorry Philip an after that making to many slip offs to get back fin. on p8 .

Thanks Carlos an fellow racers for a nice race evening, Grats to Ryan an Haba
As usual, I just finished reading the posts, scanning for my name, and to see if I caused any

Race 1: The 911 for me was a nightmare to control and I went off the track too many times to even have a chance of an improved performance, but 2/3 of the way through the race , the car began to behave a lot better and my pace improved. Almost caught up to Andy, but touched the grass again and well .....:wink:.
Race 2: I used Carlos's setup for the panty and for some reason the car felt and handled great for me ... no surprises in steering or braking. Maybe I just like panties :confused:.

As usual a great way to spend time. Thanks to all for the advice for setups.. Carlos/Stu/Bob/Steve and Andy"s humor.
Hans, your race1 report is funny as hell, thanks for the laugh!

Jack, I think you have a "thing for panties" lol.

I'm sorry I've been taking so long to post the race reports and for making them short guys. But lately I am very pressed for time and the little time I find I spend it either testing for the next event or testing for next season with Stu.

As Stu said in his post, we are trying our best to give you a line up of cars that are very close for next season.

BTW Hans, the 911 that wouldn't move at the start was me. I turned my car off by mistake and it took me a while before I figured out how to turn it back on lol. I have to remember where I map the ignition buttons to hehe.

Sorry, I'm not home right now and my memory sucks so I can't tell you where I qualied and finished the races. But I can tell you that Mr. Haba is fast as hell lol! Welcome aboard and hope you stick around. :thumb:

I'm glad you guys liked the track.

Thanks to everyone for showing up and making it fun

And to Thommo for helping with the server side of things.

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