Race #09, GB: Post-Race Checks

Appeal deadline is Saturday, July 23rd @ 14:31 GMT.

Atze Kerkhof

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 24
Penalty: N/A

Bono Huis

Q1: Started from the back of the grid
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 25
Penalty: N/A

Blair Disley

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 25
Penalty: N/A

Jaakko Mikkonen

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 24
Penalty: N/A

Dimitri De Matos

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 25
Penalty: N/A

Dennis Hirrle

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A, didn't complete a lap
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 24
Penalty: N/A

Mikko Puumalainen

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 23
Penalty: N/A

Fredrik Nilsson

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 23
GPCOS: Late GPCOS comment
Penalty: Official Warning for Incident #4, Official Warning for late GPCOS comment

Marco Conti

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 24
Penalty: N/A

John-Eric Saxen

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 25
Penalty: N/A

Cyril Werdmuller

Q1: No files
Q2: No files
Log: No files
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 24
GPCOS: Late GPCOS comment
Penalty: Official Warning for late GPCOS comment, Back of the Grid & Disqualification for missing files

Lee Morris

Q1: Started from the back of the grid
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 23
Penalty: N/A

Allar Foht

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 17, 40
GPCOS: Late GPCOS comment
Penalty: Official Warning for late GPCOS comment

Raino Room

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 18, 44
Penalty: 0.5 Penalty points for Incident #6

Tony Heikkinen

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 23, 45
Penalty: N/A

Luka Peklaj

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 23, 41
Penalty: N/A

Giuseppe Marconi

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 25
Penalty: N/A

Morgan Morand

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A, didn't complete a lap
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 1, 18
Penalty: 0.5 Penalty Points for Incident #3 (2nd warning)

Jim Parisis

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: N/A
Penalty: N/A

David Greco

Q1: No files
Q2: No files
Log: No files
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: N/A
GPCOS: Late GPCOS comment (2nd time)
Penalty: 0.5 Penalty points for Incident #1, 0.5 Penalty points for late GPCOS comment, Back of the Grid & Disqualification for missing files

Patrick De Wit

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: N/A
Penalty: N/A

Ajibola Lawal

Q1: N/A
Q2: N/A
Log: No files, DNS
Launch Control: N/A
Pitstop: N/A
GPCOS: Late GPCOS comment
Penalty: No penalties since driver did not start


Driver(s) Involved: Jaakko Mikkonen, David Greco

Lap/Replay Time: 3:39

PM side said:
Protest Description: In turn 2 Greco turns in on Mikkonen, who was alongside him, causing Mikkonen damage and affecting his pace for rest of the race.

TR side said:
Protest Description: In turn 2 Mikkonen turns in on Greco, who was in front, causing Greco damage and affecting his pace in the following laps. Since it has happened repeatedly (Turkey with Nilsson, Bahrain with Greco... he never gives room and makes constant contacts), we expect harsher punishment.

Review: Greco runs wide in T1, causing him to lose momentum for the following short sprint before T2. Mikkonen goes to the outside of Greco for the next corner, with his front wing past the rear tires of Greco's car. Greco turns left to take a wider entry for the corner despite Mikkonen being there already. This causes contact between the two cars and Mikkonen to lose a lot of momentum, eliminating any possibility of passing Greco in to Stowe.

Verdict: 0.5 Penalty Points for David Greco

Driver(s) Involved: Morgan Morand/Marco Conti

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 1, Coming out of Stowe

Protest Description: Coming out of Stowe, Marco Conti drives into Morand, despite having sufficient room to exit the corner. Looking from Conti's car, he could see Morand was passing him, since in Stowe, Morand went on the inside and excited with greater speed, passing Conti going out of Stowe - Conti should have had more control and held his line.

The collision caused Morand to spin across the grass at high speed with reduced handling ability. Morand was awarded a "cut" penalty from the game and was forced to do a stop and go. This was a drastic consequence to his race. Aside from the incident with Conti, it would be nice if the administration would look at the cuts that are inforced by the game on the tracks and let the race administration handle these instead. Morand, looking to handle his car as best as possible without losing control and/or not wanting to re-enter the race at a unsafe high speed, took the chosen path with good intentions and was penalized by the limited A.I. that the game has for cuts. In this case it was not a cut and a driver simply handling his car after being forced off the track by another driver.

Review: Morand passes Conti in Stowe and the two are side by side at the exit heading for the next corner. Morand moves to the left a bit, presumably to get a better slipstream from the cars in front, Conti moves off the exit curb and has little more than the width of a tyre of space between him and the edge of the track when the two make contact, causing both drivers to go off track, with Morand getting an automated stop & go penalty from the game and Conti losing several positions while recovering back to the track. The contact between the two cars was very light and it was strange to see the cars behave as they did in the circumstance that occured. In the race director's view there was not much more Conti could've done considering the space he had, also the spin that Morand's car suffered was quite unusual for such a situation. Regarding ATR's request for ingame penalties to be removed, that can't be done since otherwise there would be nothing to stop drivers from taking jump starts, speeding in the pitlane etc.

Verdict: Racing Incident

Driver(s) Involved: Morgan Morand vs Jim Parisis

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 1 / 4:13

Protest Description: Morgan Morand after going out of the track, he cuts a lot of it through the grass gaining a lot of time and dangerously re-enters the track alongside Jim Parisis when he was passing by. Jim had to avoid him and had to let him go because Morgan immediately fighted hard for the position as if he had the right to. Also, Morgan stayed in front of Jim the rest of the lap despite the fact he gained that position by cutting the track.

Review: After receiving his stop & go penalty from the end result of the incident with Conti, Morand rejoins the track in Club side by side with Parisis, who was in front of him before the incident. Morand doesn't let Parisis pass, perhaps thinking that Parisis would get the position back when Morand came in to the pits to serve his penalty. However this is not Parisis' problem, Morand should've given the position back immediately.

Verdict: Official Warning to Morgan Morand, some form of penalty had to be given since Parisis was wronged, but because Morand already had the ingame stop & go, anything more than an official warning would've been too strict for a first time incident as this.

Driver(s) Involved: Bono Huis, Fredrik Nilsson

Lap/Replay Time: 9:29

Protest Description: Nilsson kept pushing Huis on the grass, while Huis was alongside him for the whole time. Since it has happened repeatedly (Turkey), we expect harsher punishment.

Review: Huis is following Nilsson closely on the straight before the 2nd to last corner. Nilsson makes a sharp move to the right, straightens the car and then starts moving towards the inside again while Huis' car is already alongside Nilsson. Nilsson moves over so much that Huis is partially on the grass. Nilsson then gives a bit more room before they start braking for the corner, which Huis takes advantage on and completes the overtaking manouver.

Verdict: Official Warning to Fredrik Nilsson, if Huis had not been able to complete the pass, then the penalty would've been harsher. Regarding the original protest written by PM, there were not any incidents reported regarding Nilsson in Turkey so the director sees no need for any harsher punishment.

Driver(s) Involved: Morand/Marconi

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 8, Arena Section

Protest Description: In the Arena section Marconi was being overtaken by Morand on the outside. Marconi simply made a mistake and did not carry enough speed to keep his position. Despite of that he was extremely late on the brake, and did not turn in a safe manner to avoid contact with Morand on the outside. The late braking caused the wheels on Marconi's car to lock, leaving skidmarks on the track, and he bumped into the side of Morand, damaging his car and in the end causing a spin.

Review: Morand and Marconi are side by side heading in to the corner, with Morand on the outside trying overtake Marconi. Both brake pretty evenly, the two cars have a relative big space between them during braking, so it will be difficult to know where the other driver is based on the vision in their mirrors. The incident is relatively similar to the Foht/Morand incident except that this happens in a low speed corner. Marconi is on the inside but carries too much speed to make a tight apex. Morand turns in to make a tight apex, which would leave just enough room for Marconi if he was prepared to take a tighter line. However he isn't, and the two make gentle contact. The contact causes Morand to have a slight oversteer moment, which after overcorrecting, causes him to go off track and spin on the less grippy surface.

Verdict: Racing Incident

Driver(s) Involved: Morgan Morand/Raino Room

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 30, Vale

ATR side said:
Protest Description: Room who just got passed by Morgan Morand at Stowe made a dive bomb into the side of Morand at the following corner Vale, causing damage.
If he didnt hit Morgan he would probaly have went off himself. Although the concept of tight racing action and wanting to continue the battle is respected, it is felt that Room did not have enough control which caused this direct t-bone maneuvre and the position should have just been given up.

GTO side said:
We agree and can naturally see that Raino did a very late move on Morand and made unnecessary contact, which he has been warned about internally. Straight after the move though, Raino held of the gas to yield the position to Morand due to Raino knowing he had made a bad attempt at a Kobayashi style overtake. We would like the director to take this into account that Raino knew full well that he had made a bad mistake and thus yielded the position sportingly.

Review: Room and Morand are heading for Vale. Morand is too far ahead of Room for Room to make a realistic outbraking move. Room brakes too late, ending in contact with Morand, causing some damage and time loss. Room waits to let Morand re-take the position after recovering back to the track.

Verdict: 0.5 Penalty Points for Raino Room, the penalty would've been harsher if the position had not been given back, so let this be a warning.

Driver(s) Involved: Morgan Morand/Allar Foht

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 36, Coming out of Copse

ATR side said:
Protest Description: Coming ouf of Copse very slow, Allar Foht was getting overtaken by Morgan Morand before Maggotts. Despite of that, he continues in a desperate fight in an already lost battle to overtake inside into the 2nd of Maggotts, and ended up colliding into the side of Morgan Morand. This event caused final damage to Morgan and forced him to leave the race.

With this being a tight set of corners it is nearly impossible to overtake in this scenario, especially when being the slower car. Even with that in mind, Morand did give Foht enough space if he were to want to try the risky maneuver but that unfortunately was still not enough for Foht's dangerous and desperate move to keep the position.

GTO side said:
In our view in this situation it’s a difficult one to judge due to the nature and speed of the corner, both drivers’s where fully committed into the corner with Allar holding the ideal racing line. Allar tried to hold the tight line as much as possible while keeping his racing line, with Morand on the outside which he had more room then Allar had on the inside. If you look at the incident from directly behind the driver’s it looks as if Allar turns into Morand and could of held a tighter line, but if you look from in front of both cars it looks as if Morand could of gone a bit wider to avoid the incident with Allar just trying to hold his line. So our only request is for the director to look at the incident from in front of both drivers’ as well as behind before deciding what penalty to apply.

Review: Morand and Foht are heading for Maggots, with Morand on the outside attempting an overtake. At the final approach to the corner, both cars take a very different entry line, with Morand taking an initially wide entry, but then sweeping towards the apex, leaving the bare minimum of room for Foht. Foht takes a very tight entry, lifting off the throttle as he hits the apex, however contact is made as Foht would've required more room considering his corner entry. As a result of the contact, Morand spins and loses a lot of time. It is the director's view that this incident was a miscommunication between the two drivers, with Foht thinking Morand would take a wider entry and leave him more space, while Morand thought Foht had seen what line he would take and would slow down more at the apex.

Verdict: Racing Incident

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