RDHGP S6 - Round 1 - Mosport Park - 100km - 11th Nov 2010

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
RaceDepartment Historic Grand Prix Season 6 is Go - Welcome to 1972

Welcome to Season 6 of the RaceDepartment Historic Grand Prix (RDHGP), covering the Autumn / Winter session of 2010/2011. After last season’s (successful) breaking of the “mod car” vehicle availability, this coming season also navigates into previously uncharted waters. This season we are running a class not included in GT Legends by default - the GTC-72 class. Comprising of the cars that were not really on a par with the fastest in GTC-76, and some high quality mod cars deliberately made to compete in this class, we may have come across the closest set of vehicles (in performance terms) that we’ve ever been able to assemble for an RDHGP season. Additionally, we race on the African continent for the first time in RDHGP, and also visit Japan and Sweden for their first RDHGP events. Our final “first” is actually a repeat oddly enough, as we return for the first time to a track we have used in RDHGP previously - since I’ve been running at least.

I hope that the testing event we held recently is a genuine indicator of the closeness we will experience throughout the season. The individual cars showed their (relative) strengths and weaknesses over the 2 test events, but the overall pace was pretty well matched across all the cars. I’m hopeful of it being a classic season, with multiple drivers challenging for the title and battles right the way through the field.

The season opener takes us to North America, specifically to Bowmanville, Ontario in Canada and the legendary Mosport Park.

Circuit Notes
Located about 10 miles North of Lake Ontario, Mosport (pronounced “Moe-sport”) was Canada’s second purpose built road racing circuit, after Westwood Park in British Columbia. Designed and built in the late 1950’s, it’s first major race was held in 1961, the Player’s 200 sports car event, won by Stirling Moss in a Lotus 19. At Moss’s suggestion, the proposed hairpin was expanded into two discrete corners, to challenge the drivers more and to increase the excitement for the spectators. The two corners are collectively named “Moss” in his honour. Mosport held the Canadian F1 Grand prix for 10 years, from 1967-1977, the Can-Am series every year of it’s history from 1966 except 1968, as well as events in the American Le Mans Series, The World Sportscar Championship, Formula 5000 and the Nascar Canadian Tyre Series.

Unlike so many legendary and historically significant motor racing venues, Mosport’s track layout has remained almost completely unchanged from its original form. With 10 turns in a just over 4km length, Mosport is one of the higher speed circuits we are running during our season, but don’t think that it’s simple or toothless, as it uses some impressive gradients to add degrees of difficulty to it’s generally high speed corners.

Mosport starts on a fairly short straight, short enough that some of the lower placed qualifiers may actually be lined up around the final corner. T1R is an absolute monster of a corner to start the League season on, diving away down and right, the inside being both obscured and guarded by the pit wall. The first lap will mean this is extra crowded through here, so caution will be required to not ruin several peoples races straight out of the gate. Accelerating out of T1 downhill, you reach a good speed before coming to T2L – Clayton. Clayton is highly crested and blind on approach because of the gradient, turning down, away and left just as the car crests and is at its lightest and most skittish.

Once settled out of T2L, it’s full acceleration towards T3R - Quebec. This is the most classic corner on the front half of the circuit, high speed, but not too heavily graded. A flatout burst of acceleration out of Quebec before the straight drops away steeply into the relatively shallow radiused T4L, but the radius is not the real issue here as, at exit, the track suddenly switches to a steep uphill section and into the heavy braking zone for T5R – Moss 1. A lot of cars will be slithering through Moss 1 on the limits of adhesion, trying to make the corner and get the car settled before the even tighter T6R – Moss 2. A very tight 90 degree right, trying to straighten the corner by running across the inside is fraught with dangers, as the inside kerb is very steep and will throw cars off it, unsettling them and spinning them, generally leaving them stranded in the middle of the circuit.

Out of T6R, it’s flat out acceleration through the slight uphill curve of T7L, and onto the long, double crested Andretti Straightaway. The higher powered cars will be able to stretch their legs here, with the more manoueverable cars hopefully getting close enough for a tow, before getting settled for T8R & T9L – The Esses. A couple of decreasing radius turns that need the car to be stable whilst changing directions at still fairly high speed before T10R – Whites.

The pitlane starts just before Whites, meaning that the pitlane can give the impression of a shallower turn than it actually is, especially when the pit wall suddenly starts on the apex. In addition, there is no positive camber on Whites, so cars coming in too hot will slide off the outside of the corner and into the waiting traps, and walls. Too much acceleration will conversely throw the rear of the car around, and shove the nose into the pit wall on the inside.

Get this corner right and it’s a dash for the S/F line and another lap of Mosport Park.


The Race Director has some notes for drivers.

Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately. Report people deliberately and excessively cutting.

T1R – Especially on Lap 1. Be aware of people as you turn in here, it has the possibility to cause huge problems if drivers don’t respect each other. I am really tempted to put a “no-pass” rule in place for this corner on Lap1, but I will give the benefit of the doubt to you all. Do not make me regret my decision. Be aware, however, that any incidents caused by reckless or over aggressive driving in Turn 1 during the first lap will be dealt with severely, probably with a “no quali” penalty for Round 2.

T2L – Clayton. As mentioned in the Circuit Notes, this is heavily graded, and it is very easy to slide off the outside here. On the outside of the corner is a tyre barrier, but it is all too easy to go into the end of this barrier and completely kill your engine.

T5R & T6R – Moss. This complex is approached under heavy braking after the high speed T4L, so you will need to be aware of the differences in braking distances and relative manoueverability of the cars around you as you go into T5R. Conversely, be aware of cars trying to take too much inside kerb through T6R, as the kerbs are very steep and can unsettle the accelerating car into a spin, right on the racing line.

T10R – Whites. Drivers missing this to the outside must be aware of traffic as they try to rejoin. Selfishness and overeagerness here could well ruin more than one person’s race, so exercise prudence through this section.

All points on the track – General Items
No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the race.
No Chat during the Quali or Race except by Race Control for information.
The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties
As it’s Round 1 of a new season, everyone comes into it with a completely clean slate.

Giorgio Migazzi has missed the vehicle choice deadline for Round 1 and so will not be permitted to take part in Round 1. It will become No-show infraction if he misses the race without allocating his status correctly.

As a change from last season, 2 consecutive no-shows will mean removal from the League.

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System
Points are scored down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.
The Distribution is as follows for 100km events :
P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
Sorry Predrag, I didn't tell you not to quit because you said you were angry and that there is a "small gap" between going on and quitting. Had you said that you WERE quitting, I'm sure many of us, including myself, would ask you to think about it.

So...Think about it, remember that the anger will eventually wear off and you might regret quitting afterwards.

Guys, if you are angry and disappointed with round 1, please remember that there are 7 more to go. It's easy to continue when it's all good and glory, the challenge lies in holding on when things are going tough.
Predrag - I've got to say, I didn't read your post as a "I'm going to quit" post, and I definitely don't want you to quit.

As I said in my review, that was a difficult opening round, all things considered.

You'll be fine - see you next round :good:
What a lucky man I am, really delighted with that 3rd place and no contacts at all, almost none.
Yes Bob, you're right I did feel a tiny little tap but I share my two pence being responsible too. Thought you were still behind me when chosen my regular race line but you were already beside my rear bumper with your very nose. So here's my sorry to you as I gave both Gary and Andreas room to pass me cleanly, even flashed them through.
Back to luck, gained position 3 right at the start(started P7 or 8th?) as everyone slept away, just kidding. Manual-wheel-button-clutch is all I can say. The whole rest of the race I drove my a** off as I knew I couldn't stand lap times of the Panthies and 911s. Only advantage was the back straight preconditioned you carry enough speed out of that tightest section towards 911. Don't mention the Panthera n Vette. Tbh can't imagine not one track that suits the beemer. It's not too fast on straights and rather slow in corners but it's reliable, so it shares it's destiny with the escorts, capris n 914s being more average, no big pros n cons.
I can share my setup btw if anyone wants to check, for me it's a "one set fits all" but don't know how to upload.

Concerning stutters and lags I for one decided to not have TS during races as it needs some connection capacities.

I'ld like to appeal again to all of us to put us in others place when in case of different abilities of cars like different braking zones main goal should be avoid any contact, be sensible. AfaIr not only Corvette and Panthie are weak at braking, Escort, 914, little Capri are delicate also in default GTL. Most disappointing is taking others out and being taken out of race. Reading above posts too many paints changed cars for my taste.

Towards lapping I can recommend keep racing line at any time for the being lapped car and maybe just lift throttle a bit, the lapping car will find a way around. No need to brake somewhere unexpected or move aside. That way there will be no misunderstanding. Done that in multiple car class seasons and it worked.

Thanks to all you fellow racers and authors
Predrag, obviously we don't know each other but I can share in your distress. I am relatively new to sim racing and I have the same fear of ruining someone's race. However, I'm going for it and you should too. Don't quit unless the strain is over the top and unreasonable. This is a game, that offers real excitement but in the end no one gets hurt. I am confident that the majority of combatants in this league will understand if you mess up once and a while, because we all do. This is my first league event and I hope at the end of the season that I will be glad that I stuck it out and so should you.
PS.. Let's not fool ourselves... there will be also some regretable instances but that's the payoff for having so much fun.
Well that didn't go as planed.

Q: went well posting my fastest time of the night but as has been mentioned, the middle of the grid was very tight only being seperated by 10ths & 100ths of a second.

Race; the start as Neil mentioned was a bit robust & being a very tight grid formation & the briefing stating be careful going into T1, I thought was maybe a little bit over the top. So I settled in taking care to avoid any incidents and especially the car infront which by now was Tom. Had to take care going into the moss chicane as the car ahead was a little slower than I had anticiapated which allowed Thommo to sneak through. Lap 2 is where it went wrong, following Thommo into the moss chicane I noticed an incident up ahead so braked a little earlier than normal but upon entry into the chicane I got a big wallop in the rear which put me on a head-on collision with the stranded porsche in the middle of the track which after braking trying to avoid it had no option but to hit it head on loosing some parts in the process. After this I had another couple of incidents coming out of the moss chicane where I would be on a slightly different line to the car in front which looked to be over shooting the exit only to find them pulling back in which caused slight contact resulting in them loosing the back end, sorry guys. After this my race was just about follow my leader with little chance of getting by the car in front but at the same time trying to hold off the car behind. This went on for the remainder of the race, behind Steve & in front of Neil, great racing there guys, with Dmytro in front of Steve it was a 4 car train but as Steve has said, Dmytro got unlucky and came accross a ghost car in the moss chicane, which made him go off track but even after this Steve kept it tight so nothing I could do to get by. As we came to the last corner of the race I backed off to cruze over the line not realising that Jay had now caught us up, didn't know this until I watched the replay, so this probably caught him by surprise as he came round the same corner & tagged my rear-end sending me into a spin which resulted in me crossing the line backwards, sorry about that Jay not your fault at all mate.

Thanks to Mr T for putting this all together and for putting up with all the problems this track has brought him. Grts to Lenno on winning the race, wd to the rest of the podium and thanks to all the guys for racing.
How do you deal with these issues?

Here is my advice.
Firstly, you certainly wont improve or learn to deal with these things by quitting, you need to continue on and get more practice at driving in close company with other drivers. The more you experience this sort of racing, the better you learn to get used to it. You also get more confident which helps to judge what other drivers are doing.

The best way to get the needed experience and confidence, is to drive regularly with the GTL Racing Club. The guys are great in Racing Club Events, very helpful, and tolerant if you make a few mistakes. You may not feel so much pressure in Club Events either, which also helps to build confidence.
Practicing against the AI in the game is not very helpful. The AI react very differently to real on-line drivers, and you may just learn bad habits. Club Racing will teach you much more than AI practicing.

You need to relax and just enjoy driving the cars more, after all, it's just a game. If you have a bad race (and everybody has them), just take a day or so to review your replay, try to learn from the mistake, and look forward to more fun in the next race. :wink:
After these posts I must add one important thing - I'm in simracing for over 5 years or so (maybe 6), and I can't believe that after so many online races, leauges, simulations, mistakes, I can't find myself to drive better and more consistent. [The Twilight Zone theme]
One thing is for sure - you remember me from several very good races and battles we had, so I will stop whining about my driving, it's so lame. :D

To finish this sad story :D - c ya all in GTL soon.
Sorry to here ,that I give so much trouble with lagging ,we had a big thunderstorm an heavy lightning, even my TV go off( internet via cable) sorry again guys,I retired in lap 19 an watch the race from the pit I think in lap 21/22 my connection failed complete al the cars on track frozen.

So not a lucky race for me, in Quali did a pb 1.31.109 thanks to Bob H his setup but it give me only p24.

Start the race easy ,long way to go but T2 already the first problems , Kris had to brake hard I try to go to the right bud tap him anyway,going of on the grass an rejoin on p25.
Then Moss,Carlos off an Jack an me side by side on the strait an slipped trough,with Kris an Senad close in front.

Lap 2 Moss again some guys in trouble,Tom Jay an Predrag with a heavy damaged car, on the S/F Senad had a moment p19 after lap 2.

Jay go off in T2 hit the tyre wall an Kris of after Moss an Senad close behind me.
After a few laps David of after Moss but fast on my tail again I go a bit on the grass in the long right hander David give me a tap (my fault David) off in the gravel , back from p17 to p22 damm.

Start all over again with my first big mishap in T2 hit the tyrewall lost splitter but still on p22 lap 5/6? I think came across Bob M on my way to Jack again but Bob back on my after 2 laps an than Jack just in front of me ( must had a prob.) could not cats him making small mistakes.

Passing Kris, an Gary going by solid in first position ,half way the race now an passing Jack on the strait, but again that T2: one wheel on the white line spun off lost place on Jack an the Car a bit out of shape now lost speed lap times dropping.

I must lagging heavy now, lost 2 places on the strait without seeing a car passed me ?

In lap 19 after T2 saw Nigel coming going to the left side slips on the grass coming back on track still on the left side short before T3 an Nigel hit me slightly (don't think he saw me) going off hit the fence killed the engine in a big smoke,hit escape back to the pit.

Watching the race from there saw Tom making a great jump in T2 over the fence could not escape from there an retired.

In lap 21/22 all the cars on track froze on there place connection complete of now,retired from
the game.

Not a big success,but big fun racing Jack an Senad, hope the problem was the bad whether :mad:

Grats Gary an podium,Thanks Stuart fore making it all happen an see you all on Anderstorp
Sorry to here ,that I give so much trouble with lagging ,we had a big thunderstorm an heavy lightning, even my TV go off( internet via cable) sorry again guys,I retired in lap 19 an watch the race from the pit I think in lap 21/22 my connection failed complete al the cars on track frozen.

np m8 it was obviously out of your control, i did have a few heart in the mouth moments but i was not in any close racing so took it easy :)

In lap 19 after T2 saw Nigel coming going to the left side slips on the grass coming back on track still on the left side short before T3 an Nigel hit me slightly (don't think he saw me) going off hit the fence killed the engine in a big smoke,hit escape back to the pit.

sorry m8, i guess you must have just appeared near me. i tried to avoid your ghost image but soem times it just apperead from nowhere and i did drive through a few with my hlaf eyes closed lol

My race was ok considering how ****ty i felt after a realy bad day on thurday with my cluster headaches & was supprised to get as high as 11th in quali. sat behind Andreas on the grid my plan was try and stick with him, but after a few laps i was falling back. but was slowly catching Amir but paincked when i saw Bob pinting the wrong way and ran of track which allowed Stu & Krzysztof to close the gap. so then i was spending to much time watching my mirrors and making silly mistakes & after a few laps Krzysztof was snapping at my heels, i new if i could just stay in front through sector 1 it would be hard for him to pass me but with still plenty of laps to go it was only a matter of time before i messed up, i just went a tad to wide at the end of sector 1 and took the scenic route to the Moss turns. after a few laps i got my head back together and running in 8th i was just a matter of keeping it on the track and counting the laps off.

Grats to Lenno Andreas & Ralf, & huge thanks to Stu for all his hard work. cya at rouns 2 ding ding :D
As we came to the last corner of the race I backed off to cruze over the line not realising that Jay had now caught us up, didn't know this until I watched the replay, so this probably caught him by surprise as he came round the same corner & tagged my rear-end sending me into a spin which resulted in me crossing the line backwards, sorry about that Jay not your fault at all mate.

Noprobs Bob, i was catching your group up over the last few laps and could see you were all having good fun. So on the last lap i thought you might not of realized i was catching up so fast, and as i went into the last corner i was going for the short drag to the line but didn't know you had slowed and clipped the back of you. I wasnt sure if it was my fault or it was the small amount of lag id been getting through out the race. I did try to slow before the line to let you back pass but it was to late.......:redface:
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