got the request to update my tactile sketch

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I have been following this thread along with the tactile thread from @Mr Latte. What benefit does the t.racks dsp provide for the exciters?

I have finally received my seat and going to order the exciters soon(hopefully in stock soon as well). They are going to be my first step into my tactile setup and wanted to know the benefits of the dsp for them. I understand it for the sub 20hz for the buttkickers as I have learned the same thing over on AVSforum.
honestly i am not the DSP expert - i was just following the guidance out of the tactile threat - based on my basic knowledge and the settings i did you can optimize the EXC performance - meaning you prepare and serve the speaker with a better signal - and you can add rules to avoid destroying it. If you are looking for more details maybe @Mr Latte can add some lines
I have been following this thread along with the tactile thread from @Mr Latte. What benefit does the t.racks dsp provide for the exciters?

I have finally received my seat and going to order the exciters soon(hopefully in stock soon as well). They are going to be my first step into my tactile setup and wanted to know the benefits of the dsp for them. I understand it for the sub 20hz for the buttkickers as I have learned the same

Shall We Dig Deeper?
To clear up some confusion on this as I have seen in some threads people say you don't need DSP on the exciters. Or that its only benefical to large BK to boost low bass. Well, this can be true in that we don't necessarily "need it", but not correct when it comes to them not benefiting the user from having it even with exciters. Remember that things I recommend are based always on giving improved performance but also more user self-adjustability for the installation.

So firstly if using exciters and without DSP as they are like speakers and will be audible. We want to restrict their output to operate like transducers in reproducing only the bass frequencies. In our application used here, we do not want the sound but only the vibrational sensations to be generated.

Secondary Soundcard
I recommend with installations, to set aside a secondary soundcard to handle ALL the exciters. Keep them separated from other BK/TST units and place them on the primary Simhub card.

So when it comes to Simhub and mapping effects, it makes it easier if you want to adjust or apply an effect to the exciters. You then highlight that secondary soundcard and the routing screen for it will not now have to contain the layers being output for the BK/TST units, hopefully making it all less confusing. Likewise, if you are mapping effects for a BK/TST then they can be placed on the primary card and without the layers for the exciters.

Soundcard Output Tuning
Now then, additionally, Simhub has a basic "Crossover" feature within "Output Tuning"
So without DSP for the exciters, we can restrict the output here for each card, and it does not affect the BK/TST units on the primary card. Each card can have its own "Output Tuning" crossover or use none. You wouldn't want to restrict the BK unit with the crossover used on the exciters. This is also why it is best to place the exciters on their own soundcard, even if you are not using all the channels of the first/primary card.

Individual Unit Tuning
To protect the exciters we can have them operate from @30-200Hz which will help their lifespan in bypassing the lowest bass signals we may send to the larger BK and as mentioned at the start using them only within the typical bass frequency range of @ 200Hz-250Hz which is the limit of bass.

Exciters With DSP
Okay lets cover some aspects of why this is beneficial and recommended...

Firstly we can apply a crossover in the same way but have more control over the filtering of the crossover than Simhub offers. Additionally, we can use PEQ (Parametric EQ) and this lets us decrease/increase the dB energy (amplitude) of individual frequencies or a set group of frequencies. Please note, that benefits in tuning are not always about increasing bass output as certain units generate peaks with specific frequencies and often we may actually want to reduce this peak to then better tune other frequencies to be in alignment more to the output we prefer the unit to generate. I refer to this as altering the "Output Character", changing how the unit operates with various frequencies with no DSP to operating more to the users desired preferences with DSP.

Key Factors / Benefits?
While I try to recommend people stick to the same tried/tested hardware...
People will of course buy different soundcards, they will buy/use different amps to power the exciters. We all may have different seats and even varying seat material/compositions and these all factor in how the output of the exciter will be represented.

I also believe some people have variations in the felt conduction of tactile than others regards sensitivity and tolerances of what is an ideal output for all the frequencies. This is also noted based on the materials used with the cockpit/seat being vibrated. Speed or spread of the traveling vibrations and reverberations of different materials may also vary with different frequencies and based on how well the isolation (if any) for the seat/pedals may operate.

Additional Tolerances?
Another factor some have had is that a person with the same amp settings/volumes with identical units may feel more energy from one unit on one side than another. This may be down to slight operational differences in the soundcards output over its channels, it may be variances in the amplifier output or the individual exciter/transducer but I have helped plenty of people in that past that have experienced this to some degree and may I add not just limited to exciters.

Volume Balancing
We can tweak volume layers to individual units in Simhub but the user cannot gain any form of individual frequency control. Adjusting volumes will also increase the harmonics that your effects also(naturally) generate.

Inaccurate / Poor Advice Is Shared
Let's clarify something here, if you read on Simhub Discord or somewhere else that a user can EQ their tactile based on the Hz they apply for the effects (center value) and adjusting volumes, then this person does not know what they are talking about or has any idea of what the true output for tone generation regarding their effects is.

I would also highlight that the same unit but installed in a different placement or method to the seat/pedals can alter again how it is felt within the seat/pedals. The seat has much more body contact regions so likely more variations are possible here.

Installation Zones
So often with the exciters and multiple units being installed, units in the sides may come across of having varied sensations to units in the lower or upper back based on the body region they are being most applied to and that person's own conduction of the tactile generated.

With the DSP the user could actually apply different settings in the control of frequencies generated. To boost/cut the character output for units on the side differently to the to units on shoulders or lower back.

Not just limited to them having more or less volume being applied, or indeed the same DSP sent to all units/channels. So, it really depends how deep the user wants to experiment in obtaining more user preference in the operation of the tactile they feel. At least having the tools available makes it possible for the user to fine-tune the performance of the units, their output character and to reduce or indeed remove any unwanted reverberations.

Control & Personalisation
This is what the DSP enables and hope it helps clarify better how/why it is recommended. All my selected "beta testers" are advised to have the DSP functionality and I look forward to working with them to discover what settings and feedback come about with some experimentation with this. It will be good to determine if we discover preferences that vary even with the same hardware, I actually expect such as being able to personalise how your tactile feels, from research already done, is an important aspect to enjoying it more.

So based on my own experimentation and seeking to improve what we can achieve with tactile. This is why I recommend DSP to be considered and implemented.
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@Peter Winkler and @Mr Latte Thank you both so much for what you guys are doing. What you explained @Mr Latte does make sense as I have understood what was being said over this thread and your large tactile thread on this forum as well.

I can always understand needing it for more granular control of individual frequency responses and individual pieces of equipment. I am hoping by the end of the year to begin my dive into tactile depending on the current stock situation if the world.

I won't be as informative as you guys have been but I hope to put in just a little more information on how tactile works for me and how it feels to me.

Thank you again for what everyone is doing and I am happy to see what more developments happen in the future.
DIY - SC2 Extension

running my DDU requires a 60mm SC2 motorside extension - for further steerling wheel adjustment i run SC2 wheelside extensions. Using 100% infill PLA print or CNC POM. I like the clean optic without visible screws and bolts. Please find my DIY files enclosed for download




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M8 GTE tease

transforming my rig, my room, my cockpit into a BMW M8 GTE is still on my agenda. unfortunately the M8 steering wheel is really hard to get in good quality and really diffucult to build. let me tease the current status. some tasks are open - but i am ready to test and ready to have some fun

running again teensy with grayhill to have 100% immersion - even the bottom multiswitch is working togetter with the left (blue colored) grayhill - i set the mulitswitch to the desired position and change the function behind with the blue rotary.

i hope to present the final wheel in 4 weeks






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Hi Peter, what a fantastic rig you have :)! I also have the privilege of starting to work with @MrLatte, and I was wondering if you would be willing to provide me with some (8...) of the brackets you've used for the isolation of the pedal and seat tray (or could let me know a place where I could get these)? (I've ordered 6mm aluminium plates on which I'll mount the seat and pedals, but I'm still looking for a way to mount the isolation - your brackets seem perfect and flexible.). Can I also ask what you made or bought to connect the TSTs with 2 instead of the usual single screw?
M8 GTE tease

did some small updates and outdoor pictures :)

Beautiful work as always!
Are you using a thick piece of carbon fiber or aluminum for the main plate to attach the 3D printed parts?

Will you be sharing the 3D printed part files and parts list that went into the construction of this wheel at some point?
5mm carbon fibre - like the real one - front and rear connected to it

files i am not able nor allowed to share - there is no agreement with BMW planned
just doing it for myself :)
Trackdays 1

since a while i do xbow trackdays. A good friend of mine owns a xbow racing team and he won the national championship several times in the last years. He started to rent his cars and offers special track coaching with this crazy track beast.

This September i was again at Spielberg to get some laps on the beautyful Reb Bull Ring. I booked 2 stints, each 30min, during an official KTM trackday. We ran an optimized race version of the KTM XBOW - about 400 BHP.


What makes this trackday/coaching special. Not like other XBOW event teams, we race bumper to bumper behind my friend. Thanks to his experience he races the pace (laptime) based on your skills. After some laps (tyre at temp, brake at temp) you start get faster and faster. He offers to get closer to the "real" limit of this car - honestly my head and my brain stopped much earlier :).

This time i asked 3 good firends to join and we had the whole day pit nr12 for us. We felt like other racing teams, had our fun and a lot of action.


A picture on this bumper to bumper action.


Getting back to the organisation of those track days. KTM organises those days for event companies and racing teams. The whole day was split in 30min stins - KTM Experience stint (for Event companies) - followed by KTM Race stint (for Race Teams) - and again Experience, ....... As this was not my first trackday, KTM released me to the Race stint. Within this race stint some XBOW PRO are doing there training, KTM runs their GT2 test and some well known team test setups. So i had to take the challenge to get the nasty XBOW under controll and take care to Mr. Glock an Mr. van der Linde overtaking myself. Honestly its scary when you experience this the first time :).



Overall it was a great day. I improved my personal best significantly. I run the same laptime like i do within AC, after my last trackday i was still 2 seconds behind. I had the chance to run 60min together with GT3 and GT2 cars. I had also a terrible spin at T1 caused by a mistake. I was told several time, do not acc at apex. I did it hence i learnd how nasty the XBOW can be and how scary it feels if you park at T1, you have to restart the engine, and GT3 cars are crossing you.


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Trackdays 2

let me share my motivation for those trackdays. Beside the fact that each of you would like to get some race car experience i have some additional motivation behind those days.

improve my rig - I love my rig and i spent a long time to get most out of it. Motion, Seal Belt and Tactile enriches the level of immersion but its hard to challenge the effects against real race cars. Hence i try to do those trackdays twice a year to optimized my profiles (Direct Drive, Motion, Tactile). In addition i try to see new cars and especially new steeringwheels to brainstorm about new projects.

This time i took the following learning - i did not feel any vibration when it comes to tracking loss. For sure i got some vibration when i spun the car, but at the level of "normal" traction i did not feel any. So i started immediately to tune my tactile 4.0 profiles to get closer to my experiences. On this i am still experiencing with my SFX100 profiles to reproduce what i felt. Maybe this will lead to new upgrades :)


Finally i spent some time to spot the KTM GT2 cockpit. I do not like the design of the steering wheel, but i loved the haptic of the OMP310. Gave me the needed motivation to finish my long lasting GT4 project :).

telemetry data - our XBOW was equiped with Racelogic HW. This gave me the chance to learn based on my mistake but open additional work for me. Back home i spent some time to install Racelogic SW on my PC to read racing tele data and get sim tele data. Racelogic offers for 110EUR their tele SW for all available sims.

1) reading my ride

as i told you i had one spin at T1. My Coach told me that i did a huge mistake but at track i did not believe. He told me that i shall not accelerate at APEX as the XBOW will spin. I understood this guidance and tried to execute it. After the spin i thought i did not do any mistake - my brain told me that i did not acc at APEX. Hence i was a bit puzzled the whole day as i had not explaination for my hassle and honestly i did not believe what my coach told me.

02-10-2021 15-26-26.jpg

Let us review the data - **** 30% acc at APEX -> XBOW spins .....
so my Coach was right - still i do not know why i did it - i still have his guidance in my mind - DO NOT DO IT
but good to see why i spun :) i think i will not do it again

2) real vs sim
after doing the analysis i installed the racelogic SW available at steam. After doing some laps i used the common Racelogic SW to see if i can compare real data vs sim data. Honestly i was shocked. I did not believe into this. First of all you can compare the data (lap vs lap) and secondly both worlds are close to each other. Please see the following picture. There is also the chance to compare the live video vs a OBS video. CRAZY

02-10-2021 15-32-21.jpg

Together with this Racelogic Telemetry Data stuff the whole days lifted my simracing towards a next level. I hope i can bring further storries :) Let me close with some in car pictures

with some training and warm tyres i succeeded to overtake a GT4
the XBOW can be really fast

M6 GT3 - T. Glock overtaking me

AMG GT3 overtaking me - in my opinion the best V8 sound
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