Rookie Drivers


Driver of the #73 Team OGMRZ Holden V8SC
I got the game 24hrs ago and have just completed my fourth race at Charlotte in the Mazda. In these 4 races many crashes happened that shouldnt have. The first race, I got a stop go for jumping the start (my own reaction at the cars jumping due to lag). After serving the penalty, I caught up to a lap car within half a lap but whilst trying to lap this car, I got taken out due to him weaving off the racing line causing me to crash. After getting towed back to pits, I came out after 2 minutes and 45 seconds of repairing my badly damaged car only to come out behind the same car who nearly wrecked me again at the same corner doing exactly the same thing. I thought that by having the pay-by-the-month feature would allow for better racing from drivers who can actually hold a line. Honestly this is worse than the crap that happens on F1 2013
Some of the drivers in my split were b and c class drivers and a couple of them were as bad as the rookies
well, guess why they were doing a rookie race, rather than doing the more demanding car/track combos further down the line ... just a hint. the a-d just tells you how they progressed safetywise, it tells you naught about their ability on track. If you are fed up, stop racing for real, start from pits (by missing the start time) and ootle around twenty secs behind the last player on the lead lap. That will get you safely up the ladder to A (which is how many have done it) but you will never learn how to play in a packed field. I did this to escape rookie and D-class and then started to play for real. Not ashamed of it either.
Today I had my first two iRacing races. I was using the Street Stock around USA International and did not qualify for either.

The first race I went from 15th to 4th and there were cars everywhere with royally upset people in chat. Half the grid either DQed or ragequit within the first half of the race!
The second was extremely tame. There was still a couple people who had problems but almost the entire grid finished IIRC. After the first race I was blown away by how the second turned out.

Hopefully tomorrow I can get into some more races like the second one. :p
Today I had my first two iRacing races. I was using the Street Stock around USA International and did not qualify for either.

The first race I went from 15th to 4th and there were cars everywhere with royally upset people in chat. Half the grid either DQed or ragequit within the first half of the race!
The second was extremely tame. There was still a couple people who had problems but almost the entire grid finished IIRC. After the first race I was blown away by how the second turned out.

Hopefully tomorrow I can get into some more races like the second one. :p

I can take an educated guess why this happened. Everyone who joins iRacing starts with a iRating of 1350. So in the first race you were with a bunch of other racers who had also just started iRacing recently. Many of them probably knew very little about getting safely around the track and ended up crashing themselves and each other.

Since you had a good finish, your iRating went up even though you didn't see it. Rookies iRatings are hidden so they don't focus on them. Having a higher iRating put you into a higher split for the second race. Those drivers probably knew how to handle the car better and were more concerned with clean racing. That explains the better experience overall.
@Troy Eddy , In my first two races there is a little star beside the split #2(presuming this means I was in split 2) and both have a strength of field of 1311 and 1327 respectively. Perhaps I just got lucky?
I just completed a race in split 1 and a strength of field of 1565. Did not get caught up in any chaos, not bad. I do not want to jinx it, but I can race like this for the time being. Fingers crossed!

Granted, my average lap is still a second off pace. :p

As a side note, if I started in split 2 & SoF of 1311..... what would split #5 have been like? :confused:
you do NOT want to know ...
due to having been disconnected a couple of times last season in oval races hosted on the US servers (which cost me around 100 iR each time), my iRating has dropped pretty low. I am now a good boy and always qualify, this nicely sorts the slightly more dedicated from the utterly casual in lower grids and I've had some splendid fun so far this season.
My experience as a rookie driver there was:

All my races I've raced in the Mazda Cup. All races I started all in first place, save one that I started in sixth, possibly because I was the least experienced driver in terms of ranking in the field, since I'm not a bad driver at all.

I can say this: All the races I've done up to acquiring my class D license, at least I've seen about 3-4 incidents, one of them usually being a grave incident, due to the driver stupidity or total lack of racecraft. Some of those I see live as it happens close to me, or through the video replay that I save.

Since I play AC and some other sims aside doing go karting, I have a notion of car management and race management, so I manage to avoid major incidents, the things that I do normally is car spin because I simply can't handle the loss of control or leave the car track because I wasn't able to maintain a good racing line.

Now that I got a D Class, I want to focus on full Endurance/Sprint GT and Open Wheel Driving. Then afterwards I'll try Oval Racing.

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