Pleased with my first two races with Presto GP :) Made a couple of stupid mistakes in Race 1 but the second race was pretty much perfect.

Could not complete a single lap without a mistake. Almost every lap I carried too much speed (or maybe the tires were too cold) into T1 which caused big oversteer. My best lap was 1:13:6 something, which was half a second slower than my laps in practice. I had expected to be able to set a high 1:12 so I was really dissappointed. But P7 on the grid was not that bad.

Managed to move up one place in the start. Actually I did a really good start but had to lift because there was nowhere to overtake before T1. Clean first laps and after a couple of laps I was running 5th or 4th. The car in front of me seemed to be struggling with the tires so I felt that I was faster - but made a stupid mistake in the braking for T3.. Braked late and the car in front of me braked early. I think I would have made the corner but in this case I had to lock up to avoid a crash. I think I touched him gently, hopefully he didn't even notice it. But I spun and fell down to 8th place. Then I had a great battle with Steve for many laps. So difficult to overtake here, because it's impossible to follow through those sweeping corners towards the end of the lap.. Eventually I overtook him and then another guy I can't remember. Finished 6th. Disappointed about the mistake I did, otherwise it could have been a 4th place or even podium.

Started from 11th and had a few really good laps. A few cars were involved in incidents but most of them I managed to overtake. I was running 2nd most of the time during my first stint. I don't even know who led the race - but I had Artyom close behind me. IIRC correctly I managed to overtake him while he was fighting with another driver. But he was on my tail whole first stint, maybe 2-3 seconds behind. Towards the end of the stint I felt that I was stronger, but then he went for his pitstop on lap 22 or 23. I decided to pit next lap. I haven't practice pitstops much, I think it wasn't perfect. However, when I came out again I had Artyom right in front of me. He soon pulled a gap that he kept rest of the race. Sometimes I felt like I was closing in, but could only do 2-3 good laps and then loosing time again. On the final lap he had an accident in T1 and I was breathing down his neck until finish line. Would have been a boring way to win for me, so I'm glad he could take his well deserved victory. And I'm really pleased with my 2nd place. And I'm glad I was not involved in any accidents.

Thanks everyone. See you at Silverstone :)
qualifying - 3rd :)

happy with that as peter and martin were a bit faster than me here.

race 1 - 3rd :)

couldve been so much better if i hadnt spun out while catching martin, had got into drs range and was catching him for a few laps then disaster and brought it home in p3. the fight ahead looked good :)

race 2 - 6th :geek:

starting from the back in 3rd last i knew this would be eventfull and it certainly was, caught up in a t1 incident, then the incident with kyran and i was at the back of the field for a good few laps until i managed to settle down and put in good laps, managed to get upto 4th at one point which i was very pleased about but again inconsistancy showed its head and i spun and brought it home in p6. EDIT: actually i kept 4th until the last turn on the last lap where i ran out of fuel, i coasted towards the line but was passed by 2 cars :D

great first event guys, plenty turned up, plenty action and plenty of respectful driving, the overall safety level will get better as we go on ive no doubt, grats to the podium in both races :)

see you all at the next race :)
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Qualifying: 5th :thumbsup:
Set a PB and with my very limited practice I was more than pleased, even if Arytom bumped me to row three right at the end. :p

Sprint: 4th :thumbsup:
Got a pretty nice launch and managed to get past Peter. I defended as much as I could, however he was much faster than me today. I stayed in range but dropped back rapidly after losing DRS. Drove consistent laps with about an 8 second buffer in front and behind. Would've been interesting with Rikard if he didn't lock up and spin early on, but that's racing and I'll take it! (Not third! Suck it curse! ;))

Feature: DNF :poop:
Had a lightning start, took the outside line into turn 1, but unfortunately got caught up in a chain reaction. A little tap spun me around and then a few bumps from the unlucky few unable to avoid. Started slicing through the field behind David and was making amazing progress until I misjudged the braking with DRS enabled. Piled into the back of David, waited for him to get going again and continued on. Car was damaged but drivable, I figured I'd serve a manual drive-through but decided to park it. I felt too rotten to continue. :( Stuck around to watch the remainder of the race, it was uplifting to see David recover so strongly. :D

As already outlined, I'll be missing round 2 and round 3, so I shall see you all at Spa. :cool:
First of all let me say thank you to all involved in setting up this event & the forthcoming ones, job very well done imo, the practice starts I thought really helped peeps (certainly me anyway) to relax a bit better before the real start took place.

Qualifying went well for me, higher than I expected in 9th (I think)

Race 1: Good clean start, no problems, at one stage I was up into sixth with Steve just behind, then Rikard got past Steve & with only about 3 laps to go he was closing in on me quickly, second to last lap Rikard got past but me with a clean move but Stephen was up ahead and going into the final turn Rikard got delayed which allowed me to attack again, unfortunately as I pulled out from behind Stephen I clipped his right rear (not seen the replay yet), irrespective what...sorry to Stephen for the contact, anyways, I was out of the race.

Race Two: Start was good, good first lap...2nd lap I botched it into T1 and span...stone last. Plodded on and soon settled down into a pace I was comfortable with. Don't recall having many close consistent battles as such but I do recall when I was chasing April I got badly delayed when Stephen, who was a lap down, rejoined the track straight in front of me on the entry to T5... I'm just assuming he did not see me at all at that point and well...I lost a massive amount of time. About two laps to go I gained a spot and was gently closing in again on April but ran out of laps to mount any serious challenge.

Overall a wonderful nights excitement for me, very enjoyable.

Q 114.3 I was happy enough with that

R1 Start went a lot better than the practice starts, and I was behind my mate Bret. I was trying extra hard to teach Bret a lesson, but it was not to be! Hats off Bret, you was a bit faster than me. Then I see Rikard drop some places and he is right behind me. I've raced this guy plenty of times in historics before, and tbh, I rarely give up places too softly but with this guy the speed difference is big and I often think it is only costing me valuable time trying to hold them off. But it was not so easy for Rikard this time, I was very surprised and assumed he had minor damage! If not then that's amazing. I was more interested in catching Bret up than keeping Rikard behind but he was not sailing past as normal so I just went for it. It lasted quite some laps then I got busted in T1. I set my sights back on Bret, I was in 8th with a few laps to go, and disco! Pfff.

Problem was my end not with server, bad timing for some internet gremlins :( Got it sorted just when race 2 was on lap 2, so I missed it.

Bit bummed to be running quite good and not finish either race due to discos, it is what it is. Still enjoyed the time I had running.

Hats off Bret and Rikard, and of course David, see you at the next race :)
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Overall went alright, however I failed to get a perfect lap down. But I was quite happy with P10.

Race 1
The start was not very good for me, I got away slow and also the inside line seems to be slower at the start, as to the pack in front is slowing down more to leave space for the outside line. After T1 I lost 3 positions and after T2 I was even down to P15.
Lap 2 was better, I overtook April Dillon in T1, Francisco Valle Gonzale got a better exit from behind me tho and went past me on the straight to T2, there however it came to an incident between Anton Valle, Martin Oconner and Francisco Valle Gonzale and I could sneak past all three of them.
From there on I got closer to Valerio Vinassa lap by lap and managed to catch him in T2 in lap 15. By then a few people had crashed infront of us and I was down to P8. In the last lap Bret Metcalf crashed which gave me P7, which I am quite happy with after that bad first lap.

Race 2
Starting from P10 again, I tried to pull to the left this time, which did not really work well. Besides my attempt I had a slow getaway again and lost one position at the start of T1. T1 had a nasty chain reaction incident infront of me, I got pushed out of the track and once again, faced myself quite a few positions down from where I had started. This time tho, only down to P13.
A lot of stuff was going on in the first few laps, was good racing. I made a mistake at T2 in Lap 14 trying get past April Dillon who was running in P7, and also having pressure from behind from Peter Decker. Typical T2 mistake, too early on the gas made me spun out into the barrier and I lost my front wing. On my way to the box it came to an very unfortunate accident tho. At the approach to T4 I saw people behind me and tried to move out of the way to the outside line, however Francisco Valle Gonzale wanted to pass me on that line, carrying way more speed and I was very limited in my turning radius and he crashed out behind me. (Writing incident report after this)
Valerio Vinassa also boxed infront of me, and I left the pit in P13 on lap 15.
Knowing that I had to do 27 laps with that set of tires, and not knowing how well they would hold up I tried to not be too aggressive, which resulted in loosing concentration and generally being slower then necessary... After little pushing by lap 26 I got closer to Bret Metcalf who was P11. But I couldnt catch him, also my concentration was fading and I wasnt sure if tires can pop in rFactor, the hud showed that they where almost used up. (Can they pop when overdriven?)
I settled for P12 and ended up in P11 in the end because Martin Floeck had a crash.

Overall it was great fun, nice racing especially a few times with Valerio, it seemed we had a similar pace on this track. Race 2 tho, was not perfect, but overall great fun.
Thanks for organizing this league!
Q a bit far from my pb

R1 a big mountain of fun I meet a lot of guys along race like Cosimo,Anton and some other so we have did good chases and battles and at 3 laps to go Melichar pass me, I tried to defend myself but no more rubber on rims:D.

R2 for this race I thought Vale stay conservative on tyres, one pit is ok for race but like always everything go for another street. I found a bit crowded first laps :D and also really fun but in lap 12 the strategy is gone ( incident described in report section ), forced pit with repair and tyres, long time at pit ,I tried a push a bit when I leave box but big gap front me so another pit and managed for finish race and trying to make some fast laps.

Congratulations Winners and All us:thumbsup:

PS I am very very happy 2nice races and nice peoples around;) a pleasure racing I see respect and skill oooh is good:D at next time guys
Managed to lower my PB by 1 sec, reaching 1:14.2 in the last 2-3 minutes of the session. Great job for me, even though that only gave me P11. Thanks to Martin MOOOOSCHT for a fantastic setup!

Practice Starts
That was very useful, and I got through them very well.

Race 1
Started carefully, didn't need to win in the first couple of corners. Lost a position to Steve, and I was racing fairly ok, keeping up with the group and keeping distance from the followers. Sadly at Lap 4 there was some crazy warping that caused a bad crash of mine and Artyom's car.
I had damage but no broken wing, so I decided to continue, now in P13.

Made another couple of minor mistakes touching curbs a bit too much and losing time.
Ended up in P11. Meh.

Race 2
This is where I had my most fun! Didn't make any mistakes, and didn't have any warps or such.
I found that (strangely) I could keep up with many fast drivers! Long story short, I filled my tank with 94L and tried to drive consistently around 1:16, 1:17 and made no stops. That's how I like it! I managed my tyres quite well.

It was a challenge at the very end, but I managed a P5 which makes me very happy, even though I gained a couple of positions just because Martin I believe crashed and David was short on fuel at the last lap :)

I could have brought home a sensational P4, but Anton was breathing down my neck and he immediately took the opportunity to overtake me at the very last (milli)second. I wanted to keep speed through the last corner, and got too much in the inside curb, losing the speed I wanted to conserve. Anton was ready to take this opportunity. Well done!

Overall, I enjoyed my first official PrestoGP event. Thanks to all.
Bring on Silverstone!
Q, R1 and 35 of the 42 laps of R2 where ultimate entertaining for me :D

Till the end of Q I wasn`t able to put a hotlap because in every try I came in traffic.
The clock stands around 2min left when I started the out lap for the last try.
I putted all my eggs in one basket for the hotlap.
Finally I crossed the finish line with some thousandth lead on P1 :)

Started well, then I was hunted by David T. who came closer and closer till L10, where he drop`s back.
At his place Peter D. showed up, fast like a rocket, and overtook me in L11 :thumbsup:
After a good battle with Peter I was able to get back (my) P1 and could keep it till end :D

Started also well and then I was able to catch up some positions till L6.
Then I was out of the traffic.
Strategy was to pit late to have good tires at the end.
The strategy seems to work, because I was able to close up fast to Peter.
But then in L35 I lost the rear in the last turn, crashed into the barriers,
with losing front wing and damaged the suspension, so I had to drive to pit slowly the hole lap :poop:
After pitting the suspension was not repaired so the car was difficult to drive.
Then in L40 a unlucky crash, as I mentioned in the incident thread ... so DNF :(

Great event :thumbsup:
Grats to all :thumbsup:
Thx to PrestoGP team :thumbsup:
Didn't have time to do qually
R1 as I didn't do many laps practice I used R1 as a practice session tbh.didnt go well so forget that lol.
R2 got ok start and got past into the lead lol.
Concentrated hard to keep a good lap time and found myself pulling a gap lol.had to pass a back marker before my pit and lost about 2 seconds doing that at the end of lap 22 I made my pit and lost control at pit entry ahhhhhnooooooo.then for whatever reason my pit was about 30 seconds?i was in 1st gear but the car wouldn't move until I went into 2nd gear very odds Do I lost a lot of time and positions got stranded get back into the low 15s.on lap 33 I cought Upto casimo,lost some time getting past and David was catching behind past lap35 and back into low 15s again.then lap 38 I lost the car on the exit curb of the last turn and collected David.very sorry for that daveAfter this the car was terable to drive jeeeeez then lap 42 David made a mistake at T2 and I got past into P3 and that's where I finished
I tried to overtake you one or two laps earlier, but i had a mistake in fisrt corner...
when i crossed the finish line i cant belive the result... before last corner im p6 and them I finished 4th.
Foto finish ;)

Managed to lower my PB by 1 sec, reaching 1:14.2 in the last 2-3 minutes of the session. Great job for me, even though that only gave me P11. Thanks to Martin MOOOOSCHT for a fantastic setup!

Practice Starts
That was very useful, and I got through them very well.

Race 1
Started carefully, didn't need to win in the first couple of corners. Lost a position to Steve, and I was racing fairly ok, keeping up with the group and keeping distance from the followers. Sadly at Lap 4 there was some crazy warping that caused a bad crash of mine and Artyom's car.
I had damage but no broken wing, so I decided to continue, now in P13.

Made another couple of minor mistakes touching curbs a bit too much and losing time.
Ended up in P11. Meh.

Race 2
This is where I had my most fun! Didn't make any mistakes, and didn't have any warps or such.
I found that (strangely) I could keep up with many fast drivers! Long story short, I filled my tank with 94L and tried to drive consistently around 1:16, 1:17 and made no stops. That's how I like it! I managed my tyres quite well.

It was a challenge at the very end, but I managed a P5 which makes me very happy, even though I gained a couple of positions just because Martin I believe crashed and David was short on fuel at the last lap :)

I could have brought home a sensational P4, but Anton was breathing down my neck and he immediately took the opportunity to overtake me at the very last (milli)second. I wanted to keep speed through the last corner, and got too much in the inside curb, losing the speed I wanted to conserve. Anton was ready to take this opportunity. Well done!

Overall, I enjoyed my first official PrestoGP event. Thanks to all.
Bring on Silverstone!
Sorry for the late report!

Q 2nd
Had a good qualy feel which paid off. Seems the feel for fr3.5 has come back quicker than I thought :)

R1 2nd
O'boy that race was fun. During the practice starts I managed some good getaways from the inside with lower traction, able to follow and even get the lead once I think. But in real start I fumbled and went first too low on revs, then too high. Managed to cover off attacks in T1 and directly set off to progressively close the gap to David T. and Martin F. in front. I made cautious moves to try to find the limit to not burn the tyres and got a good pace! Eventually I almost had DRS contact, then David spun and Martin was passed some lap(s) later too. I was in the lead! Theeeen the tyres got worn and mistakes were made. Martin fought back and got real good pace in the last laps. David too but luckily for me, the laps were up and I secured the starting position.

R2 3rd until last lap, then 8th
The second race was fantastic! Until the exact start of the last lap. Lap 1 there were some wrestling in T1 of course, which I think we will handle better onwards, but other than that I had super great fun battling my way from the back of the grid. Fair and not too tight fighting all over from what I remember. Of course things can always get better, but I think and sense that we all have a good attitude already with this many new drivers in mind, especially. :thumbsup:
Unfortunately, in the penultimate lap, Martin who had some real bad luck compared to the win in R1, I understand broke the steering in last turn and couldn't avoid spinning on finish line, where I came, with tired eyes and slow reaction speed, so I rammed into him. I thought I was stuck, that engine died and wheels fell off, but after some ppl had already passed I realised I only lost front wing, grr. Anyway, made my last lap and probably would have got 8th place anyway. Was gutted at that time and just left, sorry for that.

Grats to all participants! Thanks to all that prepare before the race to make these evenings so rewarding! Looking forward to next race more than in a long time! :)
My report is latest, sorry :)
I can't remember such much fun from a race! Everything was exciting - first season race, cool fights, profits and losses ;) very emotional for me. Maybe because I won feature race :)
But the sprint was a horror. My mistakes killed good qualy (4) and start, so p10 on finish was a gift.
The main event was a really hard battle with Rikard for all 50 mins! We had the same pace, and I picked up my luck in pit-stop as only one way to gain a position. And we somehow passed other guys and finished so close. Concentration was the key, the hard key:) Fantastic race!
I'm happy to lead these two weeks before British GP :)
Thanx to organizers and participants!
Appreciate you guys for sharing setups! I'm not good in tuning, and don't have much time for testing, so this helps a lot. Martin's was great here:)

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