Thrustmaster 3-in1 wheel settings

I have just bought GSC but am unable to work out how to set up my racing wheel. When I go into Controls I cannot seem to get any custom changes done e.g. right pedal is brake and left pedal is accelerator where i want to change it to the other way round. I have no problem customizing in F1 2011 nor Need for Speed.
Can anyone help me or advise if my wheel is incompatible with GSC ? Anyone else use Thrustmaster Ferrrari GT 3-in-1 racing wheel and could help.
Many thanks
Well I reinstalled the game upto V170. Still no joy. Does anyone use the same wheel that could send me their ini file which I guess would be in USERDATA / Controller folder of their game. Highlighting by clicking and pressing either a pedal or key on keyboard has no effect whatsoever for me. It says press Enter to over-ride or Escape to try again. If I press enter for Accelerator for example it will change but then shows Brake as "empty". It also sticks on SpeedLimiter, if I highlight Speedlimiter by clicking and press for example the TAB button on the keyboard i.e. choosing TAB as the new setting, nothing happens.
If I cannot get the controls to work with the wheel I have, then the game is not payable for me and I have wasted £20.
I use a PC by the way.
Can anyone help???
It says press Enter to over-ride or Escape to try again. If I press enter for Accelerator for example it will change but then shows Brake as "empty".
If the brake pedal was previously assigned to the accelerator pedal it is normal that "Brake" shows empty because you "overrode". You will then need to select "Brake" and then press the brake pedal.
I am assuming that the Thrustmaster has seperate axes for the brake and accelerator.

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