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ACSkinDisabler 1.1

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Awesome! Is it possible to add "save profile" for hidden skins and a "Restore All" button, so you can load and restore in one click? great tool as it is anyways, thanks!
And to think that until today I used to do all this stuff manually... I feel so silly... and so grateful for this amazing little app.
great tool
Just plain easy and great.
fANTASTIC TOOL!!! Saves a whole lot of moving files to set things up thanks a lot .
Yes! Finally i don't have to move away the naked skins from the race cars. Very useful, thank you so much for this!
It's nice but it's missing one major feature IMO: the possibility to select multiple skins at the same time in the list before clicking the disable/restore button, instead of having to click twice for each.
Thankx mate for the constructive rewiev.
I have follwed your request and implemented this function in Version 1.1
Very useful, earlier i had to move some files to the backup folder, now it's easier to manage skins. Thanks.
The skin can be checked easily, and it's very easy.
Super!! Much appreciated; thank you!
Excellent one, thank you.
Very usefull tool, Thank you!!
very usefull

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