Beast Of The Green Hell 8K & 4K | 2023 24H Nürburgring

Beast Of The Green Hell 8K & 4K | 2023 24H Nürburgring 1.2

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Just a small Hotfix:

- Updated Previews
- Fixed Mercedes Star on the front (hopefully)

and just to clear up some things: The Banner, Clear Endu Lights, Mercedes Extension wont show up in standard previews. For the extensions and config stuff to show up in the previews youll need to make the previews via the CSP Preview feature.

Thanks for all the feedback everyone, really appreciate it :inlove:
- Added 4K Versions for both Standard and Dirty Skins
- Improvements to Dirty Skins (thanks to @MEDIIZA Designs)
- Reworked Banner Texture
- Endu Lights are now Clear instead of Yellow
- Small Fixes

Please report any bugs you encounter on this skin!

Enjoy : )

Edit: i forgot to update the previews for the skins sorry for that​

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