UPDATE: November 4, 2014
Completely reworked the whole thing.
New automatic exposure for a more dynamic look, more brightness,
different colouring, better heat haze, better glare, nicer godrays.
UPDATE: October 25, 2014
Smoothed out the Depth Of Field effect.
Blur transitions are softer and the car stays in focus longer.
UPDATE: October 21, 2014
Fixed the ugly "blob" effect on bright highlights.
All right, thanks to v1.0's new effects, I started to fiddle around with the YEBIS filter again.
This is my new PP filter I currently use and hope some of you like it.
I more or less removed the star effect from the glare and made the lens flare more subtle,
there are also many tweaks regarding tonemapping, contrast, godrays etc.
It took me a while to get there, but I'm pleased right now.
The pictures below were done with these SweetFX settings:
To install, place the file into X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\cfg\filters
The game automatically makes a copy into X:\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\filters,
so if you want to delete it, you have to erase it from both folders.
To select it, simply choose it between the other PP sets. No original files will be overwritten.