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F1 2012 Realism Enhancer 1.3

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  • Fixed Qualification times & Out Of Sight bug.
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As some people are having issues with straight line speed of the AI, I have 2 versions now.

Hard AI - the AI is fast in a straight line
Easy AI - the AI isn't that fast in a straight line.
  • Decreased drag on all tracks (higher acceleration)
  • Drag for AI cars is the same ==> AI cars won't be faster on the straights
  • Increased difference between difficulties (it's not just a few tenths like it was on v1.0)
  • Fixed Shanghai T1 & Suzuka T2
  • Lowered AI lock up chance. They won't run wide when they're under pressure that much. (They still may make a mistake under pressure)
  • Increased KERS failure chance by 20%. (As I had it downed by half, it was almost impossible to get a KERS fail.)

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