Nestled in the Ironbark Forests of Central Victoria, Australia, Ironbark Hills was originally constructed in the late 1960s by a wealthy local goldmining family. With the aim of building a fast and challenging circuit to attract the booming Formula 1 world championship.
Unfortunately Formula 1 never made it to the circuit for a championship race, with only a few exhibition races and laps being turned instead. As such the circuit fell into a state of abandonment for a period in the 1980s, until a dedicated group of local enthusiasts got the track and infrastructure back into an operating condition.
Since then the circuit has become a favourite club circuit for smaller national events, with it's challenging natural flow, and longer circuit length, it's a circuit that will test almost any car and driver.
*Ironbark Hills is a 100% fictional circuit.
Unfortunately Formula 1 never made it to the circuit for a championship race, with only a few exhibition races and laps being turned instead. As such the circuit fell into a state of abandonment for a period in the 1980s, until a dedicated group of local enthusiasts got the track and infrastructure back into an operating condition.
Since then the circuit has become a favourite club circuit for smaller national events, with it's challenging natural flow, and longer circuit length, it's a circuit that will test almost any car and driver.
*Ironbark Hills is a 100% fictional circuit.
hopefully one day will release an update.
Have a few things inthe pipeline, but other life jobs getting in the way...
Glad you enjoy the track nonetheless...