Totally revamped, reworked physics, tweaked sounds and graphics, and making use of all AMS's new features, such as proper turbo implementation or flatspots, this new 1987 mod replaces the old 88 as a whole new mod. New cockpits, sounds a whole new physics makes this one of the most advanced mods in AMS1 to date.
Using real data, extensibly researched, tested and worked on, this mod is quite possibly the ultimate simulation of an indycar season, both on road courses, as well as ovals. You will be blown away by how a car changes through a stint, as well as the nuanses involved in wheeling a 700hp machine around a tight street circuit.
Using real data, extensibly researched, tested and worked on, this mod is quite possibly the ultimate simulation of an indycar season, both on road courses, as well as ovals. You will be blown away by how a car changes through a stint, as well as the nuanses involved in wheeling a 700hp machine around a tight street circuit.