McLaren "Stealth Mode" Livery | Team package

McLaren "Stealth Mode" Livery | Team package 1.3

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Good work Ty
Thanks to you, my vehicle has a beautiful appearance. I appreciate your beautiful workmanship.
Working with the McLaren chassis is a pain in the a** so good job and f*ck them idiots who gave you 1 star because they don't get it.
Lovely ! Thx for your work :)
Ignore those who are picky and are unable to read your disclaimer, this is a really great effort with the base McLaren model and something I'll likely use from Season 2 onwards on my career mode. Great job and keep up the good work!
It's the most you can do with the constraints of the mapping of the car model. Thanks for your effort.
It's so frustrating that EA doesn't care to add these one off liveries to the actual teams in the game...
Thanks for understanding mate. It's a real shame that modding is becoming more and more limited.
suits are half way ok. livery is way off the original
It is the best I have been able to do, the mapping of this year's models only allows me to modify some things
why would you add an orange strip on the back of the car when it was never there? suits look good but the scheme is way off. somone else posted this car ;ast week and its way better than this one
Because the one who posted the car did so with the FOM model, I wanted to keep the original model to vary a little. If it doesn't convince you, you can always try to do it yourself :)
Love it!

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