
  1. 1

    1 post

    Hey! Your first post! Welcome to RaceDepartment. You are getting more trophies if you keep posting like this.
  2. 1

    1 video

    You have posted your first video in our dedidated video section. On your way to become the next Jimmy Broadbent or Simracing604.
  3. 1

    Happy birthday to you!

    Congratulations, it's your birthday today!
  4. 1

    1 comment

    Thank you for leaving a comment on one of our frontpage articles. Our writers love your comments.
  5. 5

    10 videos

    Famous YouTubers are not worried yet about your upcoming success, but they will be if you keep adding such awesome content.
  6. 5


    You love your comments being visible to millions of our users, don't you?
  7. 5

    5 posts

    Keep typing :)
  8. 10

    1 mod

    You have uploaded your first mod on
  9. 10

    10 posts

    Thank you for contributing 10 posts to RD
  10. 10

    100 videos

    Amazing. Keep up this pace and YouTube is yours!
  11. 10

    1 solution

    This is why we started a community back in the days. Helping your fellow simracers with solving questions. Thanks for offer THE solution to a question.
  12. 10


    You are becoming a regular face around here. Keep it up!
  13. 10

    1 review

    Thank you for leaving your first review on a game, product or another item on our frontpage review category.
  14. 10

    First anniversary

    You've been registered here for a year, congratulations!
  15. 25


    How many times do you F5 our frontpage per day?
  16. 25

    25 posts

    Thanks for your contributions
  17. 50

    5 mods

    You have been very active in the modding scene. Five mods uploaded on RD already!
  18. 50

    5 solutions

    You are on your way to become a problem solver
  19. 50


    You are crazy about videos and social media. You are a true influencer with 100 videos posted.
  20. 50


    Nuts, seems you are spending more time on /news than you do on /forums :)
  21. 50

    5 reviews

    You are a true reviewer. Thanks for helping the community choose!
  22. 50

    50 posts

    Now lets go for a 100 as well!
  23. 100

    10 mods

    People must know you by now. 10 mods uploaded on RD is way more than average. Amazing work.
  24. 100

    100 posts

    Well done! Your first 100 posts on RaceDepartment. On your way to become a community king
  25. 100

    10 solutions

    We can't thank you enough. You are a big help for many people around RD
  26. 100


    A hundred comments! Who would have thought that? Constructive comments count double!
  27. 100

    10 reviews

    Seems you really like to review stuff!
  28. 100

    Discord Connected

    A hundred points to connect your Discord account! Set it up here
  29. 100

    Tenth anniversary

    Wow, you have been a member of the RD community for more than 10 years! Yes, you are getting old but also mega awesome! Thanks for 10 years of support!
  30. 250

    250 posts

    You are geting up to speed here!
  31. 500

    500 posts

    You are making a name for yourself. You've been very active, keep it up!
  32. 1000

    Modding guru

    This is nuts! You have uploaded over 100 mods on RaceDepartment. You should apply as an artist in the sim racing industry! Seriously, you should!
  33. 1000

    1K posts

    A thousands forum posts. 1000!!
  34. 1000

    V.U.P. (Very Useful Person)

    Have you considered working as a customer service agent? Feel free to send your application to us after you have provided 100 solutions :)
  35. 1000


    You live on our frontpage :)
  36. 5000

    5K posts

    You've posted 5000 messages on our forums. You must be getting famous!
  37. 5000


    One more step to go :)
  38. 10000


    You have posted 10,000 posts on our forums. Spammer in this case is a reward. You are awesome!
  39. 10000

    Checkered flag

    This is the end. You have reached the finish. 10K frontpage comments.

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