2022 Formula One Spanish Grand Prix

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F1 returns to action this week for the Spanish Grand Prix, with Red Bull and Ferrari fighting a tightly contested battle and multiple teams bringing significant upgrade packages.

A modified Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya is the site of the 2022 Spanish Grand Prix for Formula 1. The title battle for both drivers and constructors is still a close fight, with Ferrari narrowly holding onto a lead in the constructor's championship, and Max Verstappen inching ever closer to Charles Leclerc in the drivers standings.

Much of the buzz surrounding this week's race concerns upgrades from mid-pack teams. Aston Martin arrived to Catalunya with a car that bears more than a passing resemblance to the Red Bull. Mercedes is also turning heads, as their upgraded cars look to be more on pace with Ferrari and Red Bull than we've seen so far this year.

The action this weekend will be the first time for most fans to see the track's newest form. The difficult and slow La Caixa corner at turn 10 has been rounded, which will allow the cars to carry a little more speed while still retaining the intent of the circuit overall.

Leclerc's 19-point advantage over Verstappen could be considered a safe lead in some circumstances, but given the inconsistency of the Red Bull in the first few races and coming off of two consecutive Verstappen wins at Imola and Miami, that lead seems far from safe.

Ferrari's lead in the constructor's championship has likewise been threatened, as a tough outing for Ferrari at Imola saw Leclerc and Sainz manage to finish only 6th and 20th, respectively. However, the pair claimed two of the three podium positions in Miami to help retain the championship lead.

What are your predictions for this weekend? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter @RaceDepartment!
About author
Mike Smith
I have been obsessed with sim racing and racing games since the 1980's. My first taste of live auto racing was in 1988, and I couldn't get enough ever since. Lead writer for RaceDepartment, and owner of SimRacing604 and its YouTube channel. Favourite sims include Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Automobilista 2, DiRT Rally 2 - On Twitter as @simracing604


But his "I'm in last, so we should just quit" early on was so whiny and shameful and insulting to the guys who have to fight at the back of the pack every weekend. The GOAT? Not with that attitude.

Sure, conversely Max is never whiny on the radio. :thumbsup:
Same for all other world champions in history, no doubt.

Yeah, Max did it before as well. At least once a couple seasons back. Alonso is also not known for getting frustrated, lol.

So yeah, given not all radio traffic is broadcasted, I assume it is a lot more common.

Also, a winners mentality is not
- not having the thought or communicating said frustration -
it's overcoming it.
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Found some about Mercedes..
.. both drivers were told to lift and coast entering corners in the final two laps, as they were overheating because of a water leak on the power-units of both cars. :thumbsup:
- Great drive by Hamilton. But his "I'm in last, so we should just quit" early on was so whiny and shameful and insulting to the guys who have to fight at the back of the pack every weekend. The GOAT? Not with that attitude.
Drivers say lots of things in frustration...today Max also said stuff that could be judged just as harshly. The fact is both Max and Lewis charged on regardless and got P1 and P5 respectively.

What bothers me with so many F1 discussions about Max and Lewis...is that Max is solely judged based on his racing technique (as he should, F1 is about racing), the vast majority of people don't have a problem with him as a person (I sure don't, he seems cool enough)...whereas a lot of people don't like Lewis as a person for a variety of fair and unfair reasons, and his racing technique is judged with bias because of their feelings towards him as a person. (ever notice anything positive said about Lewis is prefaced with "I'm not a fan, but..."?)

Today Max whinged multiple times this race about his team not being able to fix the DRS, but he carried on, got the win and the whining is forgotten.

Lewis whinged once about his position and the car damage, but he carried on and got P5 from the back, with a possible P4 if not for pulling back due to cooling issues in the end...yet all you remember is he's "whiny and shameful and insulting"...see the double standard yet?

Senna complained. Lauda complained. Alonso complained. Prost complained. All great drivers complain! Because they know what they're capable of...it's adrenaline, expectations and of course ego and machismo...but it is what it is.
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Agreed.. BP, nice of you..
The Show Must Go On™
Monaco next weekend, already..

Latest BBC :
No time to dwaddle, however, as we all need to prepare and refocus for the Monaco Grand Prix next weekend.
We'll be back for first practice on Friday, 27 May at 12:30 BST. :thumbsup:
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Sure, conversely Max is never whiny on the radio. :thumbsup:
Same for all other world champions in history, no doubt.

I see a big difference between a driver getting frustrated with his team or car, and a driver saying they aren't doing well so they just want to quit.

Ultimately Lewis didn't quit, which is why I say he made a great drive and deserves DotD. I respect the hell out of him as a driver. That radio message just left a very sour taste in my mouth.
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Drivers say lots of things in frustration...today Max also said stuff that could be judged just as harshly. The fact is both Max and Lewis charged on regardless and got P1 and P5 respectively.

What bothers me with so many F1 discussions about Max and Lewis...is that Max is solely judged based on his racing technique (as he should, F1 is about racing), the vast majority of people don't have a problem with him as a person (I sure don't, he seems cool enough)...whereas a lot of people don't like Lewis as a person for a variety of fair and unfair reasons, and his racing technique is judged with bias because of their feelings towards him as a person. (ever notice anything positive said about Lewis is prefaced with "I'm not a fan, but..."?)

Today Max whinged multiple times this race about his team not being able to fix the DRS, but he carried on, got the win and the whining is forgotten.

Lewis whinged once about his position and the car damage, but he carried on and got P5 from the back, with a possible P4 if not for pulling back due to cooling issues in the end...yet all you remember is he's "whiny and shameful and insulting"...see the double standard yet?

Senna complained. Lauda complained. Alonso complained. Prost complained. All great drivers complain! Because they know what they're capable of...it's adrenaline, expectations and of course ego and machismo...but it is what it is.
Well i think the difference is because Max doesnt go around trying to be this all inspiring personality outside of the car, with all those "wait untill you see me this year", "still i rise", and "i never give up" mantras around him, and trying to pass this image of the mature seasoned champion, only for it all to crumble inside the car whenever his radio is on.
Drivers say lots of things in frustration...today Max also said stuff that could be judged just as harshly. The fact is both Max and Lewis charged on regardless and got P1 and P5 respectively.

What bothers me with so many F1 discussions about Max and Lewis...is that Max is solely judged based on his racing technique (as he should, F1 is about racing), the vast majority of people don't have a problem with him as a person (I sure don't, he seems cool enough)...whereas a lot of people don't like Lewis as a person for a variety of fair and unfair reasons, and his racing technique is judged with bias because of their feelings towards him as a person. (ever notice anything positive said about Lewis is prefaced with "I'm not a fan, but..."?)

Today Max whinged multiple times this race about his team not being able to fix the DRS, but he carried on, got the win and the whining is forgotten.

Lewis whinged once about his position and the car damage, but he carried on and got P5 from the back, with a possible P4 if not for pulling back due to cooling issues in the end...yet all you remember is he's "whiny and shameful and insulting"...see the double standard yet?

Senna complained. Lauda complained. Alonso complained. Prost complained. All great drivers complain! Because they know what they're capable of...it's adrenaline, expectations and of course ego and machismo...but it is what it is.

Fair enough. I'll admit I find Lewis, as a person, is pretty unlikeable. I try to overlook that, but am not always successful.
Well i think the difference is because Max doesnt go around trying to be this all inspiring personality outside of the car, with all those "wait untill you see me this year", "still i rise", and "i never give up" mantras around him, and trying to pass this image of the mature seasoned champion, only for it all to crumble inside the car whenever his radio is on.
You've just proven my point.

Max could be equally judged the same way. He says he's cool and collected and he isn't phased by drivers or whatever...but he has also said pretty crazy stuff on radio...not to mention his attitude on the podium in Saudi Arabia...but he's not judged on that...Max is always remembered for his insane speed in the car, not for those moments. I don't hold them against him, because again, F1 (hell, racing in general) is intense and your emotions may get the better of you from time to time.

Lewis has done some amazing things in the car, but all many of you remember is what he said in this interview, what message of defiance he said on that shirt, what he complained about on the radio...and thus his achievements in the car mean less to you because his emotional outbursts resonate more in your mind than the driving...that is unfair bias towards him. Apply the same standards to all drivers or else it's simply bias...let's be real.
That was certainly one of the more interesting Spanish GP's in recent history. I can definitely feel for Charles who hardly set a foot wrong all weekend. It's incredibly frustrating to lose a win through a failure, Max suffered a very similar fate in Baku last year. But the great drivers put it behind them and I am assured he will bring his A game to Monaco after the heart break of last year. Merc has definitely made a significant step forward this week. It's going to be interesting to see how the dynamic between Lewis and Russel develops as the car approaches race winning pace. I think George has shown terrific race craft again today in his hard but fair defense of the quicker red bulls today. Another great drive out of Checo today, I can understand how he may feel a bit hard done. If Max didn't have the DRS issues that split the RB strategy I think they would have let him take the win, but the way it fell Max's tire delta was just too much to ignore and running the cars together in this heat would be a bit silly. Lastly special shout out to Lando who managed to pull out a P8 despite dealing with flue like symptoms the last few days.
You've just proven my point.

Max could be equally judged the same way. He says he's cool and collected and he isn't phased by drivers or whatever...but he has also said pretty crazy stuff on radio...not to mention his attitude on the podium in Saudi Arabia...but he's not judged on that...Max is always remembered for his insane speed in the car, not for those moments. I don't hold them against him, because again, F1 (hell, racing in general) is intense and your emotions may get the better of you from time to time.

Lewis has done some amazing things in the car, but all many of you remember is what he said in this interview, what message of defiance he said on that shirt, what he complained about on the radio...and thus his achievements in the car mean less to you because his emotional outbursts resonate more in your mind than the driving...that is unfair bias towards him. Apply the same standards to all drivers or else it's simply bias...let's be real.
I dont think you even read what i said.

Lewis persona out of the car make him being judged, because he claims or at least tries to pass an image of himself that crumbles whenever he opens his mouth on the radio.

Max doesnt go around trying to pass an image of himself that is any different of what he does in the heat of the moment. He never claimed to be some inspiring personality, he never said he was "making zoom calls to motivate the team", he never created a cult of personality around him. He is a fast, ruthless competitive guy in and out of the car. So whenever he whines and complains, people are not surprised, since that is consistent with what he is, and how he portrays himself.

So in this sense, its not a matter of judging Lewis by his driving, rather than his persona, it's people being shocked at the difference, or just upset by the latent hipocrisy of claiming all these things about yourself, and then behaving totally different when it trully matters, and all eyes are upon you.
I dont think you even read what i said.

Lewis persona out of the car make him being judged, because he claims or at least tries to pass an image of himself that crumbles whenever he opens his mouth on the radio.

Max doesnt go around trying to pass an image of himself that is any different of what he does in the heat of the moment. He never claimed to be some inspiring personality, he never said he was "making zoom calls to motivate the team", he never created a cult of personality around him. He is a fast, ruthless competitive guy in and out of the car. So whenever he whines and complains, people are not surprised, since that is consistent with what he is, and how he portrays himself.

So in this sense, its not a matter of judging Lewis by his driving, rather than his persona, it's people being shocked at the difference, or just upset by the latent hipocrisy of claiming all these things about yourself, and then behaving totally different when it trully matters, and all eyes are upon you.
First off, I did read what you said...multiple times.

Lewis Hamilton has claimed to be many things, but perfect is not one of them. I don't agree with everything Hamilton says, but I don't hold that against him when I judge his performance on track, I judge all drivers based on what they do on track, not who I perceive them to be as a person, because I don't actually know them as a person. This is the point I've been trying to make: because it's "Louise/Lulu/Mrs. Hamilton/the mighty Lewis" or whatever people want to insult him with, everything done on track is judged through the lens of this strong bias against him...and thus it's mostly unfair assessments. Today was another example: Hamilton and Magnussen collide today and many here and on other forums were quick to say Hamilton deliberately did it (or they wouldn't be surprised if it was deliberate)...it was a combo of KMag pulling in tight + Ham understeering, judged a racing incident by the stewards. It is what it is.
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First off, I did read what you said...multiple times.

Lewis Hamilton has claimed to be many things, but perfect is not one of them. I don't agree with everything Hamilton says, but I don't hold that against him when I judge his performance on track, I judge all drivers based on what they do on track, not who I perceive them to be as a person, because I don't actually know them as a person. This is the point I've been trying to make: because it's "Louise/Lulu/Mrs. Hamilton/the mighty Lewis" or whatever people want to insult him with, everything done on track is judged through the lens of this strong bias against him...and thus it's mostly unfair assessments. Today was another example: Hamilton and Magnussen collide today and many here and on other forums were quick to say Hamilton deliberately did it (or they wouldn't be surprised if it was deliberate)...it was a combo of KMag pulling in tight + Ham understeering, judged a racing incident by the stewards. It is what it is
...I put myself in the 50 50 thing with Kmag today. Lewis drifted wide. He has a history of drifting wide whenever someone is on the outside of him. This is judging it purely by his own driving history and track antics.
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It's unfortunate that even this year when Lewis and Max are not currently locked in a bitter title fight that soo many forum threads devolve into these character comparisons and attacks on each. I wish we could just have practical discussions about the cars and the race action and leave it at that. In my opinion we saw two similarities between the two today. They both showed some emotion in a very intense sport and they both showed some grittiness in getting the best result after some in race adversity. Can we just leave it at that and discuss some of the other interesting points from the race?
...I put myself in the 50 50 thing with Kmag today. Lewis drifted wide. He has a history of drifting wide whenever someone is on the outside of him. This is judging it purely by his own driving history and track antics.
I tried to check this accident on the default TV stream angle.
And my conclusion was it was pretty "smart" driven by Lewis - because without getting into the telemetry data (steer angle) its impossible to exactly find a smoking gun.
But I more or less fully understand that Magnussen does suspect/suggest its intentional.
Hehe but just like me I dont think Magnussen is completely un-biased. :roflmao:

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: But smart driving by Lewis - just like a real ex-champion :whistling:
Great race, sucks for leclerc, but levels it out a little.

Surprised for Max to go off, regardless of the wind being an influencing factor.

Perez whilst being frustrated, does have the same car so hey maybe drop the same performance as Max consistently. In sure that will change the internal #1 driver bias.

Lastly, let's ditch DRS - gimic and should not be the deciding factor in a race. Schumacher was again robbed points due to it.

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Mike Smith
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