More Teasing in iRacing Development Update

Just a day after teasing the circuit of Jerez on their Twitter account, iRacing came out with more juicy informations in an open letter to the community. The publication is quite lengthy and goes into extensive details about physics, so we'll focus on key points here.

First, they claim the dev team has been expanded, with some of the new hires coming from the competition: several people previously working at Slightly Mad Studios and a high level engineer from " a different sim" are mentioned.

The team is apparently working on a "full review and full refresh" of dirt oval racing in the game, with dynamic track surface, tyre model and car tuning tools all being worked on. Public release of these improvements could happen in March but the studio sets June as the more realistic expectation. Of course, those improvements should have some influence over the other types of dirt racing in the game. In a similar way, a dedicated team is apparently working on improvements for paved surface oval racing, although the changes shouldn't be as drastic on that side of things.

Rain is also being talked about and is regarded as a "massive project" requiring a tremendous amount of work, and the team is too shy about that to provide with a target release date so far.

The letter goes on into very technical details about tyre model simulation, before switching the focus to planned content - and there's a lot of it apparently. Currently under development tracks include Algarve, Aragon, Jerez, Misano, Pukekohe, and Lédenon. Zandvoort is also being updated, as the team scanned the track a week ago. Deals have also been signed with other "great international tracks", but these names are being kept secret for the moment being. The sim is also still working in collaboration with NASCAR, with a team being on their way to capture data from a dirt oval and a short paved oval in California.

The full development update statement is available on the next page.
Next page: iRacing Dev Update
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Global motorsports enjoyer, long time simracer, Gran Turismo veteran, I've been driving alongside top drivers since the dawn of online pro leagues on Gran Turismo, and qualified for the only cancelled FIA GTC World Tour. I've left aside competitive driving in 2020 to dedicate myself to IGTL, a simracing organisation hosting high quality events for pro racers and customers, to create with friends the kind of events we wished we could have had. We strive to provide the best events for drivers and the best content for viewers, and want to help the simracing scene grow and shine further in the global esports scene.


There are already releases with each season during the year and additional updates in between.

They add new features like the crash model, AI, new cars, new tracks, track scan updates, rain is coming, etc.. etc..

The whole concept of another version is flawed. It's always evolving.
So my other suggestion, that you maybe missed in my previous post? Is then still valid.

They can do everything that they could to improve their current engine graphic wise: I gave a lot of examples of the possibilities(skybox, shaders, textures+mapping, AO, 3d trees etc.). It is possible, but they must invest in it.

The cars look good enough, that's not the issue. They could and should improve everything else.

The only thing that they did was changing the yellowish tint to a more realistic blueish tint. That alone already made a huge change, but it was not enough. They should evolve the graphics more too.
I hope that the graphics etc get better in the future but I am also aware that at least for me, 3080 and G2 I manage to hit 90 all the time and the same cant be said for sims that have 'better' graphics.

I see new people come to iracing all the time and tbh, what I see that draws them is the racing and not the graphics.

As I say, it would be nice for better graphics but as a racing simulator I think they got a good grasp on the racing aspect. I have talked about this with a number of people and the racing always wins over graphics. If it didnt you would see AMS2 hosting 17,000 people for special events.

Let the graphics improve but don't let the priorities change from one of a racing simulator to a pretty simulator. Of course I am not saying this is mutually exclusive but I am happy where their priorities are for now when they deliver a good platform for racing.
It is a critical point that they must focus on the meat of racing first! That has to win over everything else.

I was actually surprised when they added AI racing, but it appears to have become the best or very close to it in short order. So they didn't just pay it lip service they did it right!

Also we don't know everything they have under development right now, and it's possible they could drop a new graphics engine on us at some point, but it won't be iRacing 2.0. It will be launched with a season update. Likely they will give it much fanfare, but that is how they do things. Sometimes we get what we were expecting and sometimes they surprise us with some extra cool things.

But @metalnwood made another very critical point about performance. If you are all about the racing, you ABSOLUTELY do not want to drive racers away because their computer isn't powerful enough to let them race. You want to be inclusive to grow the number of people who can race.

There is no way that I want iRacing to focus on a racing experience that only a few people with the highest end systems can enjoy. They have to find a way to make iRacing perform well for the masses first in order to be all about racing and then they can add eye candy as they have time.
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Our teams have been reinforced [...]. For example, one high level engineer joined us with years of experience working on both the consumer and pro version of a different sim.
That is referring to rFactor, right?
What was the use of buying that small german studio that had its own graphics engine (oronte games or something like that) which iRacing acquired last year?

In terms of cars.
Apparently iracing BMW M hybrid is only 200K verts. That is these days very low poly. You would see that kind of poly count on mobile game.

So for iRacing to go to newer engine would require insane amount of work to upgrade everything to better standards.

To me the most comical thing that iRacing just ignoring or won't update is the skybox / cloud textures....they are just laughable / looks like cartoon.

We know that there is clearly limits to poly count considering they took forever for long beach to release from tech demo.
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i am a member and i also have more than $800 in cars I cannot use offline unless i pay the monthly hostage fee..

Not a bother though, nowadays I just fire it up to see whats new after a release, hop in a car, wait for the inevitable passenger slide to happen, crack the sh!ts and ALT-F4 back out.

Lets hope the new devs that have joined the team now can fix this hot mess of a sim.
Im sorry but as much as I think iRacing is great this whole, monthly fee on top of the fees for addons is just out of control. Its why I wont be going back anytime soon. There are much better ways of doing things out there. Ill stick with a 20 year old game (nr2k3) and other sims before jumping back into this.
Seems odd they are probably the richest sim developers but it's not the most developed sim.
You can have a lot of criticisms of iRacing but calling it undeveloped is absolutely a wild one. No other sim has asphalt oval, dirt oval, road course, and rallycross/short course off-road racing. Iracing has far more tracks than any other modern sim comes with and they are all laser-scanned. It supports night racing and multi-class. It's AI, though not on every car and track, is miles ahead of basically any other competitor, which means that it's ironically one of the best sims for offline AI racing.

The money is clearly being spent. Every other modern sim is a half-broken mess. AC and AC are awful for anything but casual online racing, PC2 has broken physics on half its cars and bad AI, RF2 is completely broken everywhere, it's embarrassing how godawful the vast majority of sims are outside of online racing. I find myself playing old sims like GPL and Nr2003 so much because everything modern is a "perpetual science project" (as Austin Ogonoski described it) that's left half-broken and maybe has mods to plug a few of the holes (but not really). Unfortunately iRacing funds itself with an incredibly expensive subscription and DLC. No real winners here. Modern simracing is an absolute mess. Even the fun simcades of yesteryear like Gran Turismo or Forza are incredibly wonky half-finished messes these days.

I miss Papyrus. They gave way more of a damn than any modern sim dev ever did, has, or will.
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You can have a lot of criticisms of iRacing but calling it undeveloped is absolutely a wild one. No other sim has asphalt oval, dirt oval, road course, and rallycross/short course off-road racing. Iracing has far more tracks than any other modern sim comes with and they are all laser-scanned. It supports night racing and multi-class. It's AI, though not on every car and track, is miles ahead of basically any other competitor, which means that it's ironically one of the best sims for offline AI racing.

The money is clearly being spent. Every other modern sim is a half-broken mess. AC and AC are awful for anything but casual online racing, PC2 has broken physics on half its cars and bad AI, RF2 is completely broken everywhere, it's embarrassing how godawful the vast majority of sims are outside of online racing. I find myself playing old sims like GPL and Nr2003 so much because everything modern is a "perpetual science project" (as Austin Ogonoski described it) that's left half-broken and maybe has mods to plug a few of the holes (but not really). Unfortunately iRacing funds itself with an incredibly expensive subscription and DLC. No real winners here. Modern simracing is an absolute mess. Even the fun simcades of yesteryear like Gran Turismo or Forza are incredibly wonky half-finished messes these days.

I miss Papyrus. They gave way more of a damn than any modern sim dev ever did, has, or will.
You can have a lot of criticisms of iRacing but calling it undeveloped is absolutely a wild one. No other sim has asphalt oval, dirt oval, road course, and rallycross/short course off-road racing. Iracing has far more tracks than any other modern sim comes with and they are all laser-scanned. It supports night racing and multi-class. It's AI, though not on every car and track, is miles ahead of basically any other competitor, which means that it's ironically one of the best sims for offline AI racing.

I miss Papyrus. They gave way more of a damn than any modern sim dev ever did, has, or w
You can have a lot of criticisms of iRacing but calling it undeveloped is absolutely a wild one. No other sim has asphalt oval, dirt oval, road course, and rallycross/short course off-road racing. Iracing has far more tracks than any other modern sim comes with and they are all laser-scanned. It supports night racing and multi-class. It's AI, though not on every car and track, is miles ahead of basically any other competitor, which means that it's ironically one of the best sims for offline AI racing.

The money is clearly being spent. Every other modern sim is a half-broken mess. AC and AC are awful for anything but casual online racing, PC2 has broken physics on half its cars and bad AI, RF2 is completely broken everywhere, it's embarrassing how godawful the vast majority of sims are outside of online racing. I find myself playing old sims like GPL and Nr2003 so much because everything modern is a "perpetual science project" (as Austin Ogonoski described it) that's left half-broken and maybe has mods to plug a few of the holes (but not really). Unfortunately iRacing funds itself with an incredibly expensive subscription and DLC. No real winners here. Modern simracing is an absolute mess. Even the fun simcades of yesteryear like Gran Turismo or Forza are incredibly wonky half-finished messes these days.

I miss Papyrus. They gave way more of a damn than any modern sim dev ever did, has, or will.
How is ACC awful when it has better GT3 league racing than iRacing can offer?
You can have a lot of criticisms of iRacing but calling it undeveloped is absolutely a wild one. No other sim has asphalt oval, dirt oval, road course, and rallycross/short course off-road racing. Iracing has far more tracks than any other modern sim comes with and they are all laser-scanned. It supports night racing and multi-class. It's AI, though not on every car and track, is miles ahead of basically any other competitor, which means that it's ironically one of the best sims for offline AI racing.

The money is clearly being spent. Every other modern sim is a half-broken mess. AC and AC are awful for anything but casual online racing, PC2 has broken physics on half its cars and bad AI, RF2 is completely broken everywhere, it's embarrassing how godawful the vast majority of sims are outside of online racing. I find myself playing old sims like GPL and Nr2003 so much because everything modern is a "perpetual science project" (as Austin Ogonoski described it) that's left half-broken and maybe has mods to plug a few of the holes (but not really). Unfortunately iRacing funds itself with an incredibly expensive subscription and DLC. No real winners here. Modern simracing is an absolute mess. Even the fun simcades of yesteryear like Gran Turismo or Forza are incredibly wonky half-finished messes these days.

I miss Papyrus. They gave way more of a damn than any modern sim dev ever did, has, or will.
How’s ACC awful when it offers better GT3 racing than iRacing tho?
i honestly find it sad what kind of words are used to describe the best sims we currently have. "a mess" "undeveloped" "awful".
i have also my fair share of problems with each sim but i would NEVER disrespect it and the developers that pour out their best by calling the sim 'names'.
one can have a lot of points to improve a sim, but basically smashing the table and swiping everything about it from the table is childish at best.
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Im sorry but as much as I think iRacing is great this whole, monthly fee on top of the fees for addons is just out of control. Its why I wont be going back anytime soon. There are much better ways of doing things out there. Ill stick with a 20 year old game (nr2k3) and other sims before jumping back into this.
i got the 2 year subscription, and I dont mind the sim, the tracks and cars look great, the game is sythetically easy enough to get my novice mates hopping in the rig and playing, kind of like PCars2 in that respect.. but for the price, I expected more, i got the 2 year subscription special but honestly, i think it will be unistalled before then to make space for good games. fingers cross Rennsport ever actually releases, and AC2 soon!

Until then it lives in my arcade section for mates and kids.


You can have a lot of criticisms of iRacing but calling it undeveloped is absolutely a wild one. .
I didn't say it was undeveloped. It's just seems to me, without rain it seems others may be further ahead.

Anyway, a lot of sim racing is subjective anyway. I personally love the current feel of Raceroom ffb over AMS2 but technically AMS2 is ahead of Raceroom even though I think AMS2's ffb is a bit 'rubber band' if that makes any sense. Likewise, some will swear Iracing is nearer real life and others won't.

It's 2023. I'm just surprised rain isn't on iracing.
I sometimes don't know what to think about Iracing.

I am a member since 2014 and raced regularly until 2018 (with an Irating in the low 3ks but I figured I don't really belong there speedwise) but life came in the way and I didn't like to spend time there every weekend (and it is time consuming if you want to take it seriously).

So, when they introduced AI it was great that I could still use the content I purchased.

They really do add a lot to their service and care about their product.

However personally I'm missing much more classic content (Group C, 90s early 2000s tintops like DTM or GT1s, 90s Indycar and/or F1) to keep me interested. Also you cannot deny that their engine is ancient and it looks dated. What bothers me more however is their FFB which imo lacks some information which I get for example when using AC or AMS2.

So…what's left is an excellent online infrastructure with a great rating system (not perfect but it works) but other areas leave something to be desired. I'm wondering if they still think in 2030 that the engine and ffb they're using is sufficient?
Ill stick with a 20 year old game (nr2k3) and other sims before jumping back into this.
Its probably old news for you but if you start good old nr2k3 up from time to time you HAVE TO check the GTP mod out.
Among other things because all the free tracks created for nr2k3 and this mod.:thumbsup:

gtp mod Redline.jpg
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i honestly find it sad what kind of words are used to describe the best sims we currently have. "a mess" "undeveloped" "awful".
i have also my fair share of problems with each sim but i would NEVER disrespect it and the developers that pour out their best by calling the sim 'names'.
one can have a lot of points to improve a sim, but basically smashing the table and swiping everything about it from the table is childish at best.
If devs dont want people to think this, they should at least try to match games done 20 years ago.
My problem with iRacing is mostly that is feels flat and boring compared to other sims, in the FFB/driving experience. The graphics are bad as well, but the cars look nice enough and the tracks as well, as long as you don't glance up and look at the trees that look they were made by a 6 year old. Someone in another forum said "you go to iRacing for the racing, and other sims for the driving" and this summed it up perfectly for me. I also can't stand the overly sensitive damage model, which together with the absolutely lethal grass, makes it overly punishing for close racing. Oh and the netcode, while amazing in some regards, is also pretty wonky is others. For driving experience I'd rate it very mediocre and after only a year of sim racing I'm kind of done with it. I'd prefer to spend my limited time on RF2/AMS2 and find some nice leagues or use LFM.
I think you are more or less spot on on this.
But the problem is that its the regaining part of grip/slide that is the difficult part to calculate for a tire model.
Almost all the commercial tire models are able to calculate a quite realistic behaviour up to the point where the tires loose contact with tarmac.
Its more or less only this crucial regaining part where iRacings tire model is a complete looser compared to almost all other tire models.
Because after all these years it does become more and more obvious that it must be because of some basic fault in the whole construction of iRacings and Kaemmers tire model that they have been unable to solve the problem.

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: This is the reason I personally dont believe iRacing will be able to fix this problem by some iterative tweaking their existing tire model. I think the english term for this is called Blind Alley. :whistling:
Maybe, but we've seen absoloute game changing surprises over recent years with Sim Devs digging write down into the heart of their sims and fixing things we thought were burried so deep they'd never change, Kunos did it waith ACC, RF2 is just about to do something even S397 themselves said in the past was burried too deep to change, so I've got faith!

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Alexandre Tonini
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