Content, Improvements, Favourites: iRacing Hosts User Survey

OverTake Cadillac iRacing.jpg
Image credit: (livery by Sophie Aeronwen)
iRacing members can now partake in a survey where they can express their qualms with the service - and also request what cars and tracks they want to see added in the future.

If you are a member of iRacing, you can perhaps help influence the direction that the sim is going - similar to how players could recently have their say regarding EA Sports WRC. All you have to do is open up the survey that you may find in your inbox, or alternatively by clicking here.

The survey takes very little time, and it will ask you about what type of cars and series you prefer to race and what is important to you when choosing how to spend your time on the sim.

iRacing Survey Car Type.jpg

In order, the questions included are:
  • How would you best describe your interest in sim racing/motorsport?
  • How did you learn about iRacing?
  • What type(s) of car(s) do you prefer to drive?
  • What are your biggest frustrations with iRacing?
    (Including price, progression, incident monitoring)
  • What would you like to see improved in iRacing?
    (Including physics, frame rate, content bundles and introducing a driving school)
  • What do you value most about iRacing?
    (Including quality of online competition system, content release frequency and licence class/ladder system)
  • On average, how much time do you spend playing iRacing each week?
  • What limits the amount of time you spend in iRacing?
  • What do you race most often?
    (Including official series with either fixed or open setup, AI racing or hosted sessions/leagues)
  • If you participate in iRacing series, what is most important to you when choosing a race event?
    (Including schedule, race length and number of other drivers in the session)
  • What is more important to you?
    (Car, track or series structure and popularity)
Additional questions include what country you live in, current subscription length and if you intend on renewing it, and what other sims you play. Perhaps most interestingly to many, possible car and track additions are also part of the survey.

NASCAR Garage 56 car.jpg

This is your chance to give feedback to iRacing as to which content you want added in the future! Image:

One noteworthy takeaway from the questions is the addition of a Racing School. Many like to think that iRacing is home to already seasoned racers who know everything about racecraft, but the truth is that most iRacers have encountered a GTP driver who has no traffic management skills.

There is also many an F4 driver who just divebombs at every corner, or an oval racer who does not know how to stick to their line. So the addition of tutorials for all rookie drivers to partake in would be a very welcome addition. Perhaps locking certain series behind particular tutorials to incentivise better driving?

Of course, there are also other issues with iRacing that the community are eager to express. Whether they can be raised in the survey or not, iRacing are definitely trying get feedback from the community.

What do you plan on communicating to iRacing via their survey? Let us know on Twitter @OverTake_gg or in the comments down below.
About author
Luca [OT]
Biggest sim racing esports fan in the world.


Interesting that they release this now. Question to iracers: are you guys noticing a slight dip in activity?
They need an option to race with ai without paying over 100 yearly. NH5 and NR2003 is good, but iracing seems more easier to use. The price has turned me down from buying it.
They need an option to race with ai without paying over 100 yearly. NH5 and NR2003 is good, but iracing seems more easier to use. The price has turned me down from buying it.
Actually I do think there should be an option for those who intend to only play the upcoming career mode to pay less for the subscription.
They need an option to race with ai without paying over 100 yearly. NH5 and NR2003 is good, but iracing seems more easier to use. The price has turned me down from buying it.
Well, survey is for current users... but to entertain your comment, the issue is here that even racing AI, its not done locally, but through servers
Interesting that they release this now. Question to iracers: are you guys noticing a slight dip in activity?
I personally havent during my typical EST evening sessions. The shorter Rookie and D splits are always packed.
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Well, survey is for current users... but to entertain your comment, the issue is here that even racing AI, its not done locally, but through servers
My account is inactive and I was sent the survey via mail.
I found it lame and unhelpful that the "biggest concern" section was just a curated single choice selection and not the free form format it obviously should've been. Especially when all the things that are clearly still wrong with the service were conspicuously not listed. Not even a cursory "other" as a semi-courtesy.
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While personally have let my sub in iRacing run out I'm finding over the last 15 years the 'strict' format of Sim Racing is not as desirable as it once was, only my personal preference:)....liking more variety within a Sim now suits my needs more , more excitement, more real world consequences, more cost friendly and as 'Flavor of the Month' so to speak, I have found it in B????:inlove:....again only a personal opinion.;)

Addressing some of the feedback Questions.

- My interest used to be serious when subbed to iRacing, but now still serious / variety within Sim / casual now.

- Types of cars for me have changed and after 15 years of driving most of the mainstream genre of cars, gravitating towards the quality look-a-like made up vehicle Mods.

- Frustrations at the time of being a member...when I wanted to race there was not a lot to choose from, time zone issues....and was excited when AI was introduced but not as many cars and tracks to choose from at that point....not sure what it is like now after not subbing for many years.

Maybe times are changing, feeling fidgety, tired of the same old format:)...only my 2 cents and preferences:D
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The bushiness model for iRacing evolves around the subscription so this will not change, the price point can be an topic itself for sure. AI for example need both server time and development so it will most likely never be an free feature.

There was some good suggestion in the survey, for example car-packs at an discounted rate. Now I have one car in the series I drive mostly because of cost, large discount on more of the same or 3 for 1 would be great.

Some answers/option should have been multiple answer or on a scale 1 to 3, would give more fair picture.

Most annoying feature of iRacing is the legacy Safety rating system, touch the grass, 1X, avoid the crash, 2X, look angry at the other car 4X, to hot into the corner at no gain, no crash, 4X and so on. Slow-down penalty on-track, well that is not how it's done in real life racing. After this the do-not-drive-over-the-limit behavior of the tyres.

Otherwise the online competition and races are overall great, damage model is detailed (crashes might need some less flying cars). Using VR performance great (the best) and tracks, cars, rain looks fine.

After jumping on rF2 again with the new competition released there is a god example how a safety rating can be applied, track limits are evaluated by the system and do not always result in a penalty. And if you abuse the track limits this result in drive-thru or stop-and-go, not an slow-down on-track.

Depending how rF2 and LMU (if VR happens) and iRacing evolves I might not extend my subscription even if I already "invested" a bunch of money into the service. It should mostly be for fun and currently it's not always that due to some features that needs improvement.

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Luca Munro
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2 min read
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