F1 2021’s Two Concurrent Builds Cause Controversy

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A recent private build of F1 2021 has been given to select players of the game, separating esports racing from the public build.

A group of F1 2021’s top supporters has been left feeling alienated from the title. A video posted by a commentator for the Premier Sim Gaming League has caught the eye of many in the sim racing community, as the impassioned monologue expressed the frustrations associated with the potential division of the esports racing from league racing participants.

The basis of the controversy is a build of the F1 2021 game that was only released to a select group of players. The build supposedly changes the driving and tire physics of the game, which potentially creates two tiers of capabilities of the cars. One primary secondary effect of this split is that those with the updated build be more experienced with it when it becomes public, which will be a major factor in those already at the top levels of esports staying on top.

The frustration some in the community are feeling stems from not only some racers feeling that others may have an advantage on track, but also feelings that developer Codemasters had prioritized some players over others.

The corresponding lap time effects of the changes aren’t known, but at the esports level where tiny fractions of seconds count, any change has potentially large consequences for participants. In their public response statement, F1 2021 alluded to the changes being minor and intended to bring the game experience closer to what the real Formula One drivers have been achieving on track.

Codemasters’ response statement avoided directly addressing the root cause of the frustration, specifically the two tiers of physics. “... we made some minor tweaks to the handling model to remove an unrealistic element with low-speed cornering. The update provided to esports teams will be launched to all players as soon as the patch is optimized for the F1 2021 game.”

So, it seems those in need of a level playing field for the handling in F1 2021 will simply need to wait. Rather than promise any immediate action, Codemasters is relying on the patience of those affected. Hopefully the uproar within their player base is enough to motivate F1 2021 to publish the updates sooner.

Give us your thoughts in the comments below on this controversy. Are the changes to the handling model to bring F1 2021 closer to the real world something that should be reserved for the top competitors to test, or something that all players should have had access to right away?
About author
Mike Smith
I have been obsessed with sim racing and racing games since the 1980's. My first taste of live auto racing was in 1988, and I couldn't get enough ever since. Lead writer for RaceDepartment, and owner of SimRacing604 and its YouTube channel. Favourite sims include Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Automobilista 2, DiRT Rally 2 - On Twitter as @simracing604


They have updated physics and tyre models, but didn't release them with the base game? So... there's going to be 2 different games? Imagine having the same game with two different builds for different players, instead of building a racing sim that everyone can use. Idk... give the F1 license back to IMI, or somebody who knows what they're doing please.
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Meh, this happens a lot with a lot of games I play where you can enter a closed beta once invited. But they're niche so nobody ever complains

The solution to this would be that Codemasters/EA release this build as a public beta so that the hardcore fans can dip their toes in and give it a try.

However, I am not overly concerned that I'm not one of the selected few.
They have updated physics and tyre models, but didn't release them with the base game? So... there's going to be 2 different games? Imagine having the same game with two different builds for different players, instead of building a racing sim that everyone can use. Idk... give the F1 license back to IMI, or somebody who knows what they're doing please.
rFactor2 has twin development releases.(although at this moment only one) But anyone can access either the testing wing or the public release. Actually they have 3 avenues, an old out of date release for leagues that still use that older version. New features are added to the testing release and feedback is taken about stability, performance etc. Then those new features get rolled into the Public release. But users are free to switch between them at any time. The various online leagues (VEC & special events like the 24hr Virtual at Le Mans often get fixes or changes that are meant just for those events) But the twin lines of develpment remain open to anyone. Codies perhaps is trying to avoid the confusion of users not realizing two wings exist...yet that seems to have backfired on the. As far as Codies loosing the license.....not a chance as long as they keep mailing in the checks to F1.
rFactor2 has twin development releases.(although at this moment only one) But anyone can access either the testing wing or the public release. Actually they have 3 avenues, an old out of date release for leagues that still use that older version. New features are added to the testing release and feedback is taken about stability, performance etc. Then those new features get rolled into the Public release. But users are free to switch between them at any time. The various online leagues (VEC & special events like the 24hr Virtual at Le Mans often get fixes or changes that are meant just for those events) But the twin lines of develpment remain open to anyone. Codies perhaps is trying to avoid the confusion of users not realizing two wings exist...yet that seems to have backfired on the. As far as Codies loosing the license.....not a chance as long as they keep mailing in the checks to F1.
Hmm... so this issue is that they're making updates to the game, but only allowing certain players to be part of it for say feedback, and that ultimately they will release that updated one as the main game?
Imagine having the same game with two different builds for different players

rFactor2 has exactly that ! However you can't join a server with both versions , I mean to say that would be stupid...............oh wait :p
Goes without saying that access to this beta should be optional but open to everyone.
Giving it a to a handful of guys is asking for trouble.

Even if they give it to everyone Codemasters can still pay extra attention to the feedback of the pros who have direct line to them as opposed to what "latebraker69" says on twitter, there's no downsides to opening this... just a dumb decision.
This is what you get with esports. In the end, you get 2 tiers of customers where you always need to appeal to the pros which in the end, it sucked out the fun for the more general audience. In the meantime, games are being designed for this small amount of people not for the majority of the people who are playing them.

Look at how RTS genre ends up, it is a barren wasteland now because most players are gone from the genre because it is no longer fun with changes are made to appeal to the minority of pros. They should have focused on keeping the majority of players happy, not removed every single potential fun mechanic and keep the chore/unfun "macro" mechanics just to keep the minority happy.

Codemaster can always add an optional build for the general public to try the new physics which is strange that it is left out. Still, this is the beginning of the end of this genre as companies are more and more keen to focus on esports than average joe playing the game.
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A developer handing out a beta build to a select group of people to test? shock horror. I mean who would you rather have testing your game, the pros that try and squeeze the complete bollocks out of it or your average Joe who uses a driving line? yea.... I really don't think the people complaining are going to be competing with the pros anyway.
Well, that's not great. But on the upside, another point against the eSports side of things. Can we just all play a game because we enjoy it now
Don't get the fuzz about this......not a first where some people get access to special content before a larger audience.....
And people need to accept F1 game for what they are.....
its not a closed beta. Its the E-sports build, with the 2021 handling/downforce etc.
f1 2021 (current build) is currently using 2020 downforce/handling.
the e-sports handling build will become 2021's actual, soon..
why... because CodeFailures, thats why. A company that releases a new ver every year, same **** bugs that were in 2020, that were in 2019, and 2018 and 2017.... maybe CodeCopypasteMasters is a better company name.

to those who want "someone who knows what they are doing with sims" to take over, Kunos actually approached FOM, and got told it had to be a yearly (season) release, and Kunos said "**** that".

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Mike Smith
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