Hot Lap Racing Shows Switch Gameplay

Image: Zero Games Studios / Vision Réelle
The first gameplay showcase of Hot Lap Racing is here, showing various captures from the Nintendo Switch version two months ahead of its July 16 launch date.

With Hot Lap Racing, a more casual racing title is lining up on the grid on July 16. The game by Zero Games Studios, Vision Réelle and publisher Maximum Entertainment features racing cars from numerous eras, and some unique ones as well. Similarly, the real-world tracks confirmed for the game are not the usual suspects thus far.

The game is going to lean more towards the arcade side of simcade, judging by the first clips of gameplay that publisher Maximum Entertainment released. However, it does feature detailed cockpit views for its cars, something that is rarely found in Switch racing games due to the console's hardware limitations, especially compared to the likes of PlayStation and Xbox (never mind PC).

From what is shown, it seems like the cars' cornering abilities seem a bit excessive, although this might be exaggerated by the camera movement. However, comparing the Peugeot 9X8 shown at the start of the video at the Salzburgring and the Brabham BT24 at Jarama, it seems like their handling models are indeed quite different, with the Brabham actually four-wheel drifting a bit, as 1960s Grand Prix cars usually did.

"Spirit of old TOCA and GRID games"​

Make no mistake: Hot Lap Racing is not aiming to be a simulation. It does try to be accessible and fun to both beginners and racing game experts, though. According to a comment by Zero Games Studios CEO Pierre-Luc Vettier (@Pehel) on our announcement article, "we tried to make something in the spirit of old TOCA and GRID games."

From what is shown, this seems like a fitting comparison. In the gameplay video, Vettier and Zero Games Studios Racing Creative Director Jonathan Marole also give more insight into the process of creating Hot Lap Racing. Vettier continued in his comment: "The game will not be perfect. Our overall budget for the whole game is more or less budget for coffee and paper of some big racing names I saw in the comments. But we really put everything we had into it and all our passion to make something fun, accessible but also that could satisfy more picky players who wants some challenge on the go."

Hot Lap Racing is going to launch not only on Nintendo Switch, but also on PC via Steam, where you can wishlist the game already.

Would you consider picking up Hot Lap Racing? Let us know on Twitter @OverTake_gg or in the comments below!
About author
Yannik Haustein
Lifelong motorsport enthusiast and sim racing aficionado, walking racing history encyclopedia.

Sim racing editor, streamer and one half of the SimRacing Buddies podcast (warning, German!).

Heel & Toe Gang 4 life :D


The presentation really reminds me of Race driver 3, which is positive, I am surprisingly interested. The race driver / grid inspiration is not very helpful though as I think the 2 series are really different, Race driver 3 was the best evolution of its series, with simplified but still realistic physics while, apart Grid Autosport which was closer to RD3, the Grid games are fully arcade.

in this video the racing lines are not smooth at all. It mayvbe caused by controlling the cars with a switch controller. But the cars behaviour has something of Race driver 3 classic cars with the default setups in simulation difficulty. 17 tracks is not a lot but they are budget limited and 50 layouts should do the job.

I am not convinced but surpriaingly interested. I'll wait for the reviews.

"The game is going to lean more towards the arcade side of simcade" :D .
I love most kinds of racing games, except this one, not enough arcade or not enough sim. Like Forza Motorsport for example (or on real tracks on GRID), if I drive a car having a somewhat realistic behavior on real tracks, it just feels bland and I just feel I could do the same with 10 times the fun on any proper sim.
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Oh! Thank you Overtake for the article !
You can't imagine how much motivation it gives to a small team when you have such coverage.
Also, we try to answer as much questions as we can from racing players, so don't hesitate to ask here and I will try to give as much informations as I can about the game.
Looking good so far! I know this forum can seem like a tough crowd but as someone currently playing through TOCA 3 (never played it before so I wanted to see what the fuss was about), I look forward to this, especially now that I see it has cockpit view.

Let's hope it has decent wheel support too. Probably too much to ask...but what about VR?

Grid Legends was plagued by terrible bugs with little communication and slow progress from the devs. A VR version was released for the Quest but it wasn't really the same game and VR support never made it to the PC version.

That specific niche (simcade w/cockpit view+wheel support+VR) is wide open. It's really too bad, as that's what you'd want to fire up for "normal" people when they want to try the simrig. There are several games that would be great candidates (New Star GP, Formula Retro Racing, Grid series), as many of these indie racers have graphics engines that would be perfect for VR (performance-wise) but they are always missing something.

Combine all the above and you'll have created a great "gateway" racing game and will inspire other devs to do the same. Eventually, some of this player base will migrate toward sims and we'll eventually see the numbers grow in our favorite titles...
Looking good so far! I know this forum can seem like a tough crowd but as someone currently playing through TOCA 3 (never played it before so I wanted to see what the fuss was about), I look forward to this, especially now that I see it has cockpit view.

Let's hope it has decent wheel support too. Probably too much to ask...but what about VR?

Grid Legends was plagued by terrible bugs with little communication and slow progress from the devs. A VR version was released for the Quest but it wasn't really the same game and VR support never made it to the PC version.

That specific niche (simcade w/cockpit view+wheel support+VR) is wide open. It's really too bad, as that's what you'd want to fire up for "normal" people when they want to try the simrig. There are several games that would be great candidates (New Star GP, Formula Retro Racing, Grid series), as many of these indie racers have graphics engines that would be perfect for VR (performance-wise) but they are always missing something.

Combine all the above and you'll have created a great "gateway" racing game and will inspire other devs to do the same. Eventually, some of this player base will migrate toward sims and we'll eventually see the numbers grow in our favorite titles...
Wheel support will come later in update, but not at launch as we don't want to rush it and we want something working well, which takes time.
But no VR planned at the moment as it requires human ressources we don't have to do it good enough.

And yes, we had in mind during development that the game could be a gateway for younger or casual audience to have a first taste of racing games with real racing cars without complexity of simulation games. Also we have 4 players split-screen (even on PC), so it was important to put a "family" spirit in which you could have a more experienced racing player having fun with friends/kids by enabling driving aids.
I am aware that you are a small team and it takes time and money to do it, but will the game come to Xbox and PlayStation in the future?
I am aware that you are a small team and it takes time and money to do it, but will the game come to Xbox and PlayStation in the future?
That's something we are currently discussing internally. It's a bit beyond our current budget at the moment but we're trying to find a solution about this.
Oh! Thank you Overtake for the article !
You can't imagine how much motivation it gives to a small team when you have such coverage.
Also, we try to answer as much questions as we can from racing players, so don't hesitate to ask here and I will try to give as much informations as I can about the game.

Questions I have some :

Will it be possible to change few basic parameters in cars setups? Like in the Race Driver games. I remember antiroll bars and suspensions stiffness were the most car behaviour changing in those games. Very useful to adapt the cars to any driving style.

Will there be 2 handling modes available (or deactivatabld aids)? An easy one and a more realistic one, à la Race Driver 3 (I haven't been playing those games for many years but Grid's handling is probably Race Driver 3's easy handling mode, even essier if I remember well, I really didn't like it).

If the game doesn't support wheels at lajnch, I may suggest to test the game with xbox controllers with a wheel and check if enough vibrations are sent to the wheel. By this way it is not possible to get any FFB for sure, but at least informative vibrations (curbs...) dors something. Combined with some autocenterkng the wheel, it really makes a difference and make the game enjoyable with a wheel without official support. Just check vibrations are sufficiently communicated to wheels.

Lastly, good luck with the project!
I know this forum can seem like a tough crowd but as someone currently playing through TOCA 3 (never played it before so I wanted to see what the fuss was about), I look forward to this, especially now that I see it has cockpit view.

Grid Legends was plagued by terrible bugs with little communication and slow progress from the devs.
it's a bit offtopic, but how Race Driver 3 compares to Grid Legends? In the career mode, you are forged to use the arcade handling. Have you tried the simulation mode?

@Pehel : if the game does well, are there plans to expand it? With dirt content for example, or oval content?
Questions I have some :

Will it be possible to change few basic parameters in cars setups? Like in the Race Driver games. I remember antiroll bars and suspensions stiffness were the most car behaviour changing in those games. Very useful to adapt the cars to any driving style.

Will there be 2 handling modes available (or deactivatabld aids)? An easy one and a more realistic one, à la Race Driver 3 (I haven't been playing those games for many years but Grid's handling is probably Race Driver 3's easy handling mode, even essier if I remember well, I really didn't like it).

If the game doesn't support wheels at lajnch, I may suggest to test the game with xbox controllers with a wheel and check if enough vibrations are sent to the wheel. By this way it is not possible to get any FFB for sure, but at least informative vibrations (curbs...) dors something. Combined with some autocenterkng the wheel, it really makes a difference and make the game enjoyable with a wheel without official support. Just check vibrations are sufficiently communicated to wheels.

Lastly, good luck with the project!
Hello !

Car setups will not make the cut in final game. Honestly even if our engine allowed this, we just decided to not include this because it was too expensive for us in terms of time to have it working well with satisfying settings.
But there will be deactivable aids, and you can even turn it on/off with just one button while racing. (also switch to automatic/manual transmission with a button at any moment of a race).

We're working on wheel at the moment and that will be one of our focus for next weeks/months. I will check with team if your idea could be incorporated.

About your last message, we already have a plan for more free content (cars, tracks and championships) and I think there are few cool exclusive things I can't reveal among all of this. But their release will be conditionned to initial sales of the game, hoping it has enough players to continue to work on it.

But no dirt tracks and rally. We had some rally until Alpha version of the game and it was working well. But we prefered to put all our efforts in circuit racing and cars as we feared to have not enough content for rally (because of very limited budget) which would have make it a bit boring.
Looks perfect, idc about setups, wheels, none of that. But maybe you should make the chase camera not move to the car's side in corners
We're working on wheel at the moment and that will be one of our focus for next weeks/months. I will check with team if your idea could be incorporated.
Thanks for your answers. The xbox controller emulator being an outside solution, the only thkng to check is the vibrations enough powerful to translate to a wheel. I don' it works but some gamrs don't emit any vibration with this emulation and others do. As an example Flatout 4 does that very well. If you are not used to this tool, read all the instructions on the website, some minor steps seem not.important.but they all are. And firstly you have to set your wheel rotation angle between 200 and 360 degrees (360 should be the best angle, start with it and lower it if needed). Put some autocentring FFB and in the tool, put some antideadzone (between 5 and 20%, it depends on the game). This is to get the best of the tool but you don't need to do all the work, players will do it themselves, the most important is toncheck the vibrations are communicated to.the wheel.
About your last message, we already have a plan for more free content (cars, tracks and championships) and I think there are few cool exclusive things I can't reveal among all of this. But their release will be conditionned to initial sales of the game, hoping it has enough players to continue to work on it.
But no dirt tracks and rally.
Mqybe next time if the sales are there, I hope beyond.your expectations.

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Yannik Haustein
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2 min read
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