Michael Masi Replaced after FIA review


Do you agree with the replacement of Michael Masi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 312 61.7%
  • No

    Votes: 194 38.3%

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Michael Masi has been replaced as Formula 1 race director after the Abu Dhabi controversy which saw Lewis Hamilton beaten on the last lap by Max Verstappen..

There’s been huge amounts of scrutiny of Masi's handling of the final laps of the race in Abu Dhabi which saw Max Verstappen claim a maiden world crown.

The race director failed to correctly apply the rules during a safety car period late in the race which influenced the outcome of the Championship.

FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem said: "I would like to inform you that a new race management team will be put in place starting in Barcelona for the test session.

"Niels Wittich and Eduardo Freitas will act alternatively as Race Director, assisted by Herbie Blash as permanent senior advisor.

A Virtual Race Control Room will also be created, while direct radio communications between teams and the race director will be removed.
About author
Damian Reed
PC geek, gamer, content creator, and passionate sim racer.
I live life a 1/4 mile at a time, it takes me ages to get anywhere!


And what we have now?
FIA is under one team, that' all. The value of the championship has dropped dramatically. I hope they will publish worthy material on this event with a full justification for their decision.
Just imagine: the final race in 2022. For example, Hamilton and Leclerc fight for the title.
What will race directors think? The fact that any decision is not in favor of Lewis = bullying = dismissal.
In my opinion, Michael should have been given a chance.
Otherwise, now we have a situation in which, in fact, the FIA admit their guilt and reduce the value of Max's title.
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I think it was under estimated how good that Charlie Whiting was as Race Director.
The approach to the job needs to be more like Edoardo Freitas from the WEC & ELMS.He just hands out penalties & reads out information.No conversation required.The back chat from the teams has ended in the bullcrap that happened in Abu Dhabi

Freitas might be a good replacement for Massi
There should be at least 2 m of GRASS between the road and the concrete run-off area's at every corner.
This will put 50% less pressure on any race director.
And put the kamikaze 'I respect no one' driving style back to F3.
I feel sorry for Masi, he's the sacrificial lamb to appease the baying mob. I voted no becuase he could have been a part of the new team.

Mercedes screwed up by not pitting Hamilton at the beginning of the last safety car. But changing the application of the rules after everyone made their strategic calls threw the race knowingly in one direction. If it was Masi's call, he's no sacrificial lamb. He took a gamble to create a motor race and failed. (Because pitting one car in second on new tyres against one with 35 lap old tyres is NO motor race. So dumb.)

If he'd left lapped cars between the two he could have gotten the spectacle and drama without throwing the title at one driver.
I think it was under estimated how good that Charlie Whiting was as Race Director.
Yet if social media was mainstream back in the 00's, #FireWhiting would've trended multiple times. Drive through penalties for being crashed into:

Or for running wide but being well ahead before that point:

Wrong calls that completely ruined a driver's race, and they were hardly isolated incidents.
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Poor Michael ....
Was it the right decision? Maybe not. Was it a bad decision? No ... we want to see racing, and this could have happened in any of the 20+ races, and the points there could have decided the championship.

I dont believe that kind of wheeling and dealing is a new thing. I just dont think the public can handle hearing it being broadcast live. So the biggest change is that they now no longer will broadcast this.

Also if Charlie Whiting was still with us, and had made a similar decision about what to do, noone would have dared question him ... he would have folded them into a barrel and rolled it down Radillon, and people would have applauded.
People acting as though this was rigged lol, there was massive inconsistency all year, with decisions going both ways, jeez we even had a decision earlier in the race that went Lewis' way and people were saying that Masi was a Merc lacky

Today a lot of Max fans who spent most of the 21 races before the finale calling for Masi's "maFIA" head will call this a move to placate Mercedes focusing only on the finale. And a lot of Mercedes fans will call this some kind of vindication, again only focusing on the finale. But it was a body of work from Masi throughout the whole season. He failed on two fronts; Consistency and decisiveness. He was too situational and always too slow. It isn't an easy job, but he inserted himself into the drama far too much last season by being those two things. Doesn't help that they opened Pandora's box by letting us listen in. Now when we don't hear things it is ALWAYS going to be a conspiracy one way or the other. Best of luck to the next dude!

Today a lot of Max fans who spent most of the 21 races before the finale calling for Masi's "maFIA" head will call this a move to placate Mercedes focusing only on the finale. And a lot of Mercedes fans will call this some kind of vindication, again only focusing on the finale. But it was a body of work from Masi throughout the whole season. He failed on two fronts; Consistency and decisiveness. He was too situational and always too slow. It isn't an easy job, but he inserted himself into the drama far too much last season by being those two things. Doesn't help that they opened Pandora's box by letting us listen in. Now when we don't hear things it is ALWAYS going to be a conspiracy one way or the other. Best of luck to the next dude!
exactly my friend
Masi was completely unfit for the role he played. Looks like any time he had the oppurtinity to do something wrong, he did.
I hope a big balls guy replaces him, a guy not scared by Wolff and Horner, talking them as an equal and not as an employee. Someone who applies the rules and not scared of the consequences (also because Masi got fired being completely harmful for the sport).
Not penalising Hamilton in a hard way at Silverstone was something horrific, giving points in Spa even worse, penalising Verstappen in Monza was absurd, they were side by side and Hamilton closed the way twice and, I underline, I have no simpathy for Verstappen
Letting Masi there for 2022 would have mean a very dangerous situation for the drivers.
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As F1 continues its inextricable swirling down......... Should have never "broadcast"............. Will anyone really want the job?
They should use this as a water shed.. To make rules, rules ..IE track limits (four tyres over the curb, ANY curb is a infringement) not as and when FIA think so... Now I've opened that can of worms ....I'm off:confused:
Yet if social media was mainstream back in the 00's, #FireWhiting would've trended multiple times. Drive through penalties for being crashed into:

Or for running wide but being well ahead before that point:

Wrong calls that completely ruined a driver's race, and they were hardly isolated incidents.
I agree with you about the sentiment of your post, but that second one is a penalty every day of the week.

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Damian Reed
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